Chapter 20: A Nightmare • Not real right?

Meanwhile in another AU...

A skeleton was snoozing in his bed. But
His breathing staggered as he opened his eyesockets and he looked up looking around. Sweat running off of his head.

"J-Just a Nightmare. It's not real." He muttered. "Hey Sans what's wrong?" There was Frisk. They were actually here just to take care of him. They both were friends.

"I had a Nightmare. Don't worry about it." Said Classic as he then sat up and looked out in the window. Still Night outside.

"And aren't you supposed to be sleeping around now?." Classic asked. "Well I was tired and I wanted to take a walk." Said Frisk. "Well if you were going to talk. You should've told me first. Tori is going to beat the heck out of me if you were lost."

Frisk smiled. "I won't get Lost."

"But you seem to have something on your mind. Can you tell me about it? Your Nightmare?" Classic made a dead pan expression as he shrugged it off. "Nah. Just a Nightmare. Plus what got you caring about me kid?"

Frisk sweatdropped. 'But I am here to take care of you.'

"Anyways. You should head off to sleep. It's unhealthy for you to be up around this hour." Classic pointed out as Frisk face palmed. "You always stay up late. It's 4:00 am."

"Well I'm old. And your just a kid. Now go sleep. End of discussion." Frisk sighed. "Ok but if you have any problems. You can tell me." Frisk walked out of the room and closed the door.

Classic looked up as he felt like he was slowly losing his mind. "What's happening? I'm experiencing those nightmares again. Why? Why? Why..."

Classic was having a breakdown. He breathed slowly. Everything was fine. It wasn't like the last genocide run. Things changed. Frisk wasn't who they were back while ago.

"Everything's gonna be ok. It wouldn't happen. Frisk promised they wouldn't do it again." Said Classic. "I had nothing to worry about."

Classic sighed again breathing in slowly.

"I think you'll say otherwise." His eyepupils darted to see a drippy skeleton with tentacles as his blue pupil shined in the dark.

His pupils widen as he then felt a slice on his chest.

"Such a shame." Nightmare sighed.


A huge thud Alerted Frisk as they turned around to the mysterious noise. "Sans?" Frisk ran upstairs and and ran to the door as they opened the door knob revealing...


Frisk's eyes widen. "S-Sans?" They walked into the room as he slowly fade to Dust. Frisk's eyes narrowed. Who did this? An anomaly. "I thought I was the only one who could...''

"Well you had it wrong." Frisk felt their skin crawl as they didn't want to look back on what waited for them.

"Good Night."



Cross felt his soul pound for some unknown reason. This feeling. "Hey C-Cross are you ok?" Sci asked. "I...I don't know."


"It's just that..." Cross trailed off. "Just what?"


"I... just have this bad feeling." Said Cross.


"For some reason...


"I have a bad feeling. About this."
