Chapter Twelve

"Are you ready for the ultrasound?" Bucky sings, smiling from ear to ear. 

        "Yes! I still can't believe we're gonna be parents!" I squealed, Bucky helped me up and we walked to Dr.Banner's office. 

        "Trin, Bucky, come in." Banner motioned for me to sit down in the exam table. He put the gel over my stomach and pressed the exam tool to the area with the gel on it. We looked at the screen to see not one, but two babies. 

        "Twins?" Bucky choked out. 

        "Twins." I chimed in. 

        "It appears to be a boy and a girl." Dr.Banner adds, squinting at the screen. "Have you picked out any names?"

        "Rain, for a girl." I answered.

        "And Gale for a boy." Bucky adds. We left the office and went back to our room, I was exhausted, being pregnant was tiring. For the next nine months I worked on controlling and using my powers even better, and heard a lot of pregnancy jokes from Tony.

        "Jesus Trinidad it looks like you swallowed a planet!" Tony gasps dramatically. 

        "I'm nine months pregnant and due any day." I argued. A few hours later I was sitting out in the living room looking out the window when I suddenly felt a burst of pain. 

        "Ok, babies' are coming, it's showtime!" I yelled, Bucky practically launched himself down the stairs and helped me up, Steve, Nat, Tony, Clint, Bruce, and Pepper all ran out from their rooms. Steve and Nat drove Bucky and I to the hospital and the others took separate cars. We rushed into the hospital and a nurse came out with a wheelchair and rushed Bucky and I into an elevator. We got into one of the nursery rooms, while everyone else sat in the waiting room. After an hour of me screaming and Bucky nearly passing out the babies were delivered. Bucky went downstairs and got everyone upstairs. 

        "Why were there were News teams downstairs?" Bucky asks. 

        "They found out Trinidad was going into labor." Steve answers.         

        "So I'm famous now?" I laugh, I held Gale in my arms and Bucky took Rain and held her. Bucky handed Rain over to Pepper and she squealed in delight, holding her in her arms while Tony and Bruce stood over her. Nat, Steve, and Clint took turns holding Gale.
