f i f t y

Ashley's pov

Thankfully i managed to sleep through the night without having to take care of Sofie. I don't deserve Calum, honestly. He made sure i stayed to rest and he would take care of Sofie. Watching Calum taking care of Sofie is the cutest thing i have ever seen. The way he holds her closely and whispers to her is too cute. He's such a good daddy.

I heard faint cries come through the baby monitor. I got up quietly and made my way to her nursery and stood in the door frame. "Shhh baby girl. We have to let mommy sleep. And we can't wake her just yet, we have to set up Christmas breakfast for her." Calum whispers as he rocks her carefully in his arms. I smiled.

"Sofie Baby, shh." He whispers again, softly rubbing his finger on her cheek. I walked in and wrapped my arms around his waist, kissing his back softly. "We woke mommy up." Calum chuckles to Sofie.

"Why aren't you resting, baby?" Calum says turning to face me with a now quiet Sofie in his arms.

I giggled. "It's Christmas." I smiled like a little kid.

He laughs as he presses his lips to my forehead. I take Sofie from his arms and smile down at my beautiful baby girl. She was finally here. We had a baby of our own. I still couldn't believe that she was here already.

Calum and i headed downstairs and we saw all of friends already sitting quietly in the living room. I exchanged a look to Calum before we smiled. "What's this about?" I asked quietly.

"We didn't want to miss Sofie's first Christmas!" Michael says jumping up to take Sofie from my arms.

I giggle as Calum and i sit down next to the tree. There were so many presents here for Sofie. Off to the side, Andy was snapping pictures of everything that was going on. I leaned back to kiss Calum. "Happy Christmas Santa baby." I winked to Calum.

Sofie started to cry which made Michael freak out. Chloe immediately jumped up and took Sofie from his arms. Lately, Chloe has been getting baby fever. So at every chance there was, Chloe would take Sofie from someone's arms. It wouldn't be too long now until she has a kid of her own with Luke.

When Sofie started to cry again, i got up and took her from Chloes arms. I went up to her nursery and changed her diaper and fed her. I stayed put for a while. My first Christmas as a mother. Her first Christmas. This was all too cute for me.

Before the others got worried, i went back down with Sofie. I saw they sorting out the gifs and i smiled when i sat down next to Calum again. I put Sofie on my lap and held onto her little hands.

"Alright Sofie, you can open the first gif." Michael says quietly, pushing a present towards me for her.

I smiled as i let Calum open Michael's gif to her. He got her a rattle set and some princess plush toys. I awhed. Michael was another one who was suddenly catching baby fever too. The way he cares for Sofie and always wants to hold her is super adorable.

Later that night after almost everyone left, Calum and i sat on the couch with Michael and Audrea across from us. Michael refused to leave, he wanted to put Sofie down to bed. It wasn't gonna be much longer since we usually put her down to bed at around 7pm.

Calum had took Michael up to Sofie's nursery. Calum doesn't trust Michael as much as i do with Sofie. I think it has to do with Michael being too loud and rough with small things. But with Sofie, he's a literal kitten with her. I turned the baby monitor up to hear what was going on. Audrea and i sat quietly.

"Calum i got this." Michael says. "I can put her to bed, trust me."

I could hear Calum sigh. "Fine but I'll be listening and if she cries your done." Within seconds Calum joins us on the couch as we listen together.

"So Sofie. It's Uncle Mikey. You know, you are the most beautiful, tiniest human I've ever seen. You look just like your mommy. And you got your daddies noes. Hopefully you don't grow up to be like your daddy, he was mean to me in school. I hope you won't be mean to people." Michael says chuckling which makes the three of us giggle at what he's rambling on about.

"Aunt Aud and i love you lots. And when you get older, we can take you out for ice cream while your mommy and daddy work on getting you a sister or brother." Michael says which makes Calum mumble under his breath. "I have a serious question for you. I need some advice. I hope you can give it to me."

I smile to Calum as i lean over to kiss his cheek. I smile over at aud whose awhing at her boyfriend. At this time, i knew i was in the right spot. I have a husband who loved me when i dont know how to love myself. I have a new baby girl who i love with all of me. My family is the most perfect thing. I have my friends whose been supporting me through everything, and I've helped them just as much. Everything seemed so perfect, and i hope it stayed that way.

Michael speaks up again. "Do you think i should propose?"
