CH:3~The forest


~~~If your against animals being killed The Prince goes hunting though they don't catch any animals,this is a warning so don't take it seriously because it's a scene I wanted to make and plus this is just a book I made sure no animals got killed as I love animals and he even gives up on hunting animals over events that happened keep reading to find out more...~~~

"CINDERELLA,CINDERELLA,CINDERELLA,COME HERE,Oh there you are did you make the Picnic?"Step Mother questioned.

"Yes Step Mother I have also I spent most of the night and most of the morning doing my chores and now I am done.I also finished doing my daily chores."

"Fine since you are done you may come with us.After all we kneed someone to serve us.We are leaving now go get the basket."Cinderella then walked to the kitchen and grabbed the  basket.As she walked out the front door she saw the carriage moving away.She strolled through the country side towards the Palace forest.Once she arrived she followed the dirt road to find her Step Mother and Step Sisters wondering around.She started laying down the Picnic as the Sisters started bickering about the Prince.After everyone ate there food Anastasia decided she wanted to take a stroll.

~~~(Anastasia POV)~~~

"Mum I am gonna walk around see I could see the Prince.Be back in a hour"Anastasia set of into the woods.After a hour it started raining down really hard Anastasia started trying to re-trace her foot steps.Though she ended up more lost.After a while she ended up in high grass.She heard some hunting trumpets.She realised the Prince must be close by and ran towards the sound whilst moving the tall grass roughly side to side after a while she heard a shout and looked up.

~~~(Prince POV)~~~

Hunting was about to begin and he was preparing his horse when some hunters dogs spotted a fox.The hunting trumpets was sounded and his best friend yelled at him to chase the fox.He quickly jumped on his horse and raced after the fox in the tall grass.They both lost track of the fox but as they stopped they saw grass nearby shuffling roughly side to side coming closer to them.

"Wow that's a big patch of grass that's shuffling side to side it's coming closer.Its big enough to be a bear.Lets kill it imagine bringing a bear home.Your dad would go wild."His best friend muttered so the 'bear' couldn't be spooked.They both got a arrow and put it against their bows preparing to shoot.They heard a yell as someone jumped in front stopping them from shooting.

~~~(Cinderella POV)~~~

After a while Anastasia still didn't come back and it has been over a hour.Cinderella decided to go out looking for her since she might have been lost.Hurrying along Cinderella wondered around before she heard some hunting trumpets nearby through some tall grass.Knowing Anastasia would go toward the trumpets if she was close enough to hear them.She climbed  a tall hill nearby to see better.When she got to the top she saw her half sister Anastasia running weaving her way through the tall grass.Cinderella then saw the direction Anastasia was going and saw the Prince and someone else talking and looking in Anastasia's direction.They both raised their Bows and arrows in Anastasia's direction.In horror Cinderella realised what was going on.Quickly she ran stumbling and yelling at top of her voice.

"HEY STOP THATS MY HALF SISTER.STOP!"She yelled jumping in front of the bow to stop them shooting.Just in time as Anastasia just got out the tall grass stopping there would-have-mistake. Anastasia seemed to realise she would have been shot if not for Cinderella and started crying in shock.And Cinderella went to comfort her.

~~~(No ones POV)~~~

"Shhh it's fine Anastasia,your safe now I would never let anyone shoot you ok?Your safe now.And also don't wonder around alone.I don't want you to get hurt."Cinderella comforted as the Prince and his best friend stood holding there horses leads in shock.Shock because they could have killed Anastasia and also because Cinderella risked her life at jumping in front of them.

"Are you both ok?Cinderella firstly are YOU MAD?We could have shot you?"Worriedly said the Prince at the shock how he nearly killed Cinderella.

"What would you have done if you were in my position?Watch her get shot?I could never watch a person get shot even if I don't like them.She is my Step Sister.Are you feeling ok Anastasia?Also you didn't even say sorry for nearly shooting your fiancé.And why do you hunt?To kill just for entertainment?Is that even enough for you?Lets go Anastasia"Cinderella angrily said dragging Anastasia along in a huff.Still crying Anastasia followed.As the boys stood there in shock still and in guilty thinking at what Cinderella said as they strutted away.When Cinderella got back to the picnic sight Anastasia was still sobbing.Cinderella didn't blame her after the close call if Cinderella wasn't there in time they would have killed her.As soon as Drizella and Step Mother saw Anastasia they screamed out and ran to her and that made Anastasia start crying even more.They brought her to sit on the picnic rug on the floor.She started explaining about what happened as Cinderella stood there.As they decided to go back.This time her Step Mother let her in the carriage as Cinderella told her side of the story.Once home Cinderella did her night chores and went to bed.

~~~(Prince charming POV)~~~

As soon as Cinderella and Anastasia was gone he felt guilty.He was amazed how Cinderella jumped in front and how she could have been shot.Her words made him re-think a lot of things. Like how she said about animal hunting,she was right.Was it enough?Probably not.He vowed he wouldn't ever go hunting again.And he realised something.He was more concerned for Cinderella even though he nearly shot her half sister/fiancé.He felt guilty.He was gonna have to talk to his dad.Once he got home and had dinner he went to his dad's room and told him what happened with Cinderella and his fiancé.

"Son,you chose a spectacular woman"The King said whilst chuckling.

"Yeah,well what should I do about Cinderella?Firstly she made me not want to go hunting again because of her words so I won't Secondly her sister is still my fiancé because after the incident I couldn't just go 'oh yeah I don't like you,we are not getting married,I love your sister,bye"

"Hmm first if you don't want to hunt it's fine I won't force you also maybe tomorrow go to there house and tell Anastasia it's over then day after tomorrow do something special for Cinderella.Something that you know she will love.Because she is mad at you,then perhaps ask to marry her?"

"That's good idea but how?What should I do?"

"That's for you to do.It will be better if you think about it."

"Ok thanks dad bye."He said whilst walking out.Most of that night he dreamed about how he should propose till he had a perfect dream with a even more perfect idea...



Hi I am back with another part hope you enjoyed took most of my day lol but it's worth it.Hope you had a great day.And as always please drop a comment bellow if you have a idea for any future books Disney or or other kind of books bellow.Also one the next scene what do you think would happen.Do you think Anastasia will accept this or will she be fine with it?

Word count...1217

Hope you have a great day.

