NRC in demon slayer!?

(Pic is not mine!)

Grim pov.

While I was in class I keeped thinking about y/n and how much I wanted to be in her world. I know her world is dangerous but I prefer to be there than be here......besides that I remember Crowley saying that something is gonna to happen at 11:00 am mmmmm...... I wonder what's is gonna to happen. Right now the time is 10:55 am....why I got a feeling that is about y/n?.......

~In TaishΓ΅ era~

Y/n pov.

I was in a mission with Iguro-san but I can't resist that..... HE IS SO CUTEEEE~ wait I can't have another senpai that impossible but maybe he can be the one....
Some minutes passed and there was no any sign of a demon until we heard screamings..
W-wait did I just heard magic? It can't be them they are in NRC well I have to stop thinking about that I have to save persons. Me and Iguro went to the sreaming and used our breathing styles.
"Love breathing - First Form: Shivers of First Love.
"Serpent breathing- Second Form: Venom Fangs of the Narrow Head.
With our breathing forms we killed the demons.
"Thank you very muc-Y/N!?" Someone said.
When I turned around I saw EVERYBODY FROM NRC EVEN THE STAFFS!? How did they get here but Crowley wasn't there strange....
"How did you guyd get here" I said.
"We don't know" Trey says.
"Umm g-guys can I te-tell you something" R/n said with her fake voice.
"Sure r/n, give us a minute y/n" Kalim says.
"D-do you g-guys remember what she did" r/n says.
"Oh yeah we remember don't worry r/n we will not talk to her" Ace says.
"So you guys want to stay with me?" I say with a fake smile.
"No after you did to r/n we will never" Deuce says.
"Well good luck with the demons, c'moon Grim, Ortho, Idia, Rook and Iguro to our place" I say.
"Wait why Rook?" Grim says.
"He believed on me, do you remember he is a spy" I say.
"Ohhhh that makes sense" Grim says.
"Wait Mitsuri what is happening?" Iguro say.
"Don't worry Iguro-san they are just friends" I say with a fake smile.
No one pov.

"Ummm...guys I think we should go to y/n" Ace says.
"Why do we have to go with her" Jamil says.
"Im sure you puppies don't want to be here around monsters" Crewel says.
"Mmmm let's just follow them" r/n says
"Good idea r/n" Epel says.
R/n and NRC started to follow y/n.
"Yay we are with nee-san" Ortho says.
"Wait nee-san?" Iguro says confused.
"It's just a nickname" Y/n says.
"S-so where are we going?" Idia says.
"To my place" y/n says with a cute fake smile.
"Are you sure your place don't have demons?" Grim says.
"Im sure that mon chΓ©ry knows that her place don't have demons" Rook says.

~At Demon slayer corps headquarters~

"And here we are" y/n say.
"Ohhh your place is pretty nee-san" Ortho says.
"Thanks Ortho" y/n says.
"Well I have to go y/n bye" Iguro says.
"Bye Iguro-san" y/n say.
"So where are we sleeping" Grim says.
"Well at my dorm" y/n say.
"Hi y/n" Shinobu says.
"Hi Shinobu- chan" y/n says.
"Ara-Ara~ who are these people?" Shinobu says.
"There are my friends from NRC they got teleported here for no reason" Y/n says.
"Oh, are the people from the back are also your friends?" Shinobu says.
"Uh?, which people" y/n says while turning back to see almost all NRC.
"Why are you guys here?" Y/n says .
"Ummm we don't have a place to stay" Ace says.
"Well you can't stay with us" Grim says.
"Uhh!? Why not?" Ace say.
"Because when y/n offered you guys say no" Grim say.
"Well you guys can stay" y/n says.
"Really!? Thank you but we will not forgave you of what you did to r/n" Deuce says.
"Yeah I don't care just not talk to me"
y/n says.
"Umm sory for interrupting but y/n you have a mission with Uzui" Shinobu say.

"Really what type of mission" y/n say.

Well you have to go at Entertainment District arc if you want to know more information go to uzui" Shinobu says while leaving.
"Nee-san can I go with you" Ortho says.
"Ummm I don't know Ortho its dangerous" Y/n says.
"Pleaseeee nee-san" Ortho says with puppy eyes.
"Let me see if the mission isn't that dangerous" y/n say.
"Can I go with you too?" Grim says.
"Ummm let me check what type of mission is" y/n says.
"Hi y/n" Tanjiro says.
"Oh hi Tanjiro-kun" y/n say.
"Are you ready about the mission" Tanjiro says.
"Oh yeah about that what type of mission it is" Y/n says.
"Oh you have be a orinion and we have to discover who is the demon" Tanjiro says.
"Wait are you going" Y/n says.
"Well yeah I have to pretend to be a girl, well I have to go bye y/n chan" Tanjiro says while leaving.
"Well if you want to go you have to pretend to be a girl" y/n says.
"Mmm ok" Ortho says.
"O-ORTHO you can't go there without me" Idia says.
"Can we go oni-chan pleasee" Ortho say.
"O-ok just because you want to" Idia says.
"Hey what about us!?" Kalim says.
"You guys gonna to stay here" y/n says with a serius face.
"Mmmm ok" Kalim says.
"Um y-y/n can I g-go" r/n says.
"No" Y/n says.
"Hey y/n don't be mean to her" Riddle says with a angry face.
"Yeah yeah whatever" y/n says.
"Well c'mon guys let's go to the mission" y/n says while leaving with Ortho, Idia, Grim and Rook.
"Lets follow her" Ace says.
"A-are y-you sure" r/n says.
"Yeah lets go" Deuce says.

After 2 days I finally post ^^ sorry if this isn't soo good but I try my best. Next chapter is gonna to be NRC in Entertainment Direct arc. See ya in the next chapter.

(Pic not mine!)
