Prologue twenty

Shizuoka exited the the office and headed toward ace and deuce and grim when her head started to pound and a image flashed through her mind it was that of cardia hugging someone while crying but just as fast as it appeared it was gone

"What was that...?" Was all she could whisper out holding her head

"What's is wrong with my head lately I blacked out before at the house next I was at the mine" she shook her head deciding not to think more into this because that is nothing but trouble and she already has enough grey hair's looking after the others, three voices suddenly snapped her out of her thinking

"Guess where school mates now grim" deuce said to grim

"Oh your finished with your talk shizuoka?" Ace asked and Shizuoka nods

"Shizu" was all shizuoka said and the ace deuce duo looked confused grim had flown over to shizu and fell asleep on her shoulder

"You can call me shizu if you want I honestly don't care" at this point shizu wanted her bed and nothing more the two smiled

"Okay shizu we should head back to our dorm " deuce said but ace had another idea

"Anyway I haven't forgotten how you almost wept when he said you where expelled catch you later demon" ace said walking away with deuce, shizu blinked 'demon' that's one she's not heard before

"Those two are made for each other" was all she said rolling her eyes at the duo and heading back to ramshackle with grim asleep on her shoulder

"Come on you squirrel" she said and like that Shizuoka headed back to ramshackle



Yuri and lilia were floating around the dorm underneath the moonlight bathing in each other's company after many many years apart

"Heheh I don't remember the last time I felt this sane" yuri chuckled and lilia did as well

"I know how you feel my darling" he suddenly hugged her again not want to let go even for a second and yuri laughed with him

"I can't wait to meet silver and malleus the last time I saw him was when he was a egg ohh you should say hi to the others" lilia smiled then his face darkened yuri tilted her head

"Lilia?" Was all she said and he hugged her more tightly and hid his face from her

"I'll meet them in my own time I'm pretty sure you guys are still getting used to this time" yuri nods, knowing that there's something more but choosing not to delve into it right now

"True sakura turned on this weird box which blurred out noise and she's ran all the way into the forest scared" we both started laughing so hard

"Haaaa I wish as I could stay but I've got to get back to the others" lilia reluctantly let go and says

"Okay but I will come find you tomorrow" yuri chuckled and said

"I'll be waiting then" they slowly parted before yuri stopped and brings her hand to his cheek lilia grabs her hand and they lean in, eyes closing and there face's drawing near and


"WHAT THE HELL ALL THIS HAPPENED IN ONE DAY?!?!?!?!" Sakura voice carries through the whole dorm after shizuoka finished telling her story funny enough not waking up nanami or makoto hell even cardia, komi putting a finger to her lips shushing her

"Yep and if you don't mind me I'm go to bed" just like that Shizuoka walked up the stairs with grim still asleep on her shoulder to her room and passing out asleep leaving sakura and komi looking at each other and sakura sighed

"Okay I'm going to put on a mask and go to bed night" komi chuckled at sakura then turns to makoto and taps her, makoto opens one eye and komi points to nanami and she nods

"Thank makoto" komi said and makoto nods picking up nanami and taking her to her room and komi looks down at cardia and picks her up and brings her to her room and komi goes back to the lounge and waits for yuri with a cup of tea and a nice book humming a tune then the door opens

"You took your time sweet-" komi didn't have time to finish that sentence as she look up and saw a shadow, one of her past her heart beat quickened and her breathing shallowed she blinks again and it's gone

"Wha- but?" She whispered to herself confused then sat back down on the chair then she definitely hears the door open and click she looked up and saw yuri there with a some what someber expression

"I'm back little flame" yuri does a peace pose and komi nods talking a sip of her tea yuri begins to fly past komi when she calls out

"Say hi to lilia for me next time you see him" she recognises that face on yuri she only ever had it after meeting up with lilia and considering he's a fae she's guessed he's still alive

"I will I willl~" yuri sings out and goes to her room komi takes one last sip of her tea goes to lock the door and goes to bed

"Next time I'll get you shizu chan~" the figure walks away from the dorm

"And she says hi little ko" the figure smiled
