💖School Clubs💖

Blossom: *awkwardly returns after almost a month of inactivity??* HII!! I've missed you all! Schoolwork has not been kind to me these past few weeks. P.S., I updated the first few chapters with the new characters.

Scenario: What new clubs have sprung up at Night Raven College since the people of Teyvat arrived? And what do their members have to say about their clubs?

The Dance Club

Barbara: "It's so much more fun dancing with friends! Nilou, Ayaka, and Eula are so graceful and elegant. I hope to learn from them. I guess I still have a long way to go, but I won't give up!"

Ayaka: "When you step forward, hold the fan like this, almost like you're holding a sword. Be swift in your movements, and leave no room for doubt! Yes, like that! E-eh? What's that? The Traveler is watching? KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA—"

Nilou: "Each of us is like a petal in a beautiful lotus flower. Individually, we play a part in the performance. When we all dance at the same time, we're sure to make a big splash!"

Eula: "Hmph. You dare to say that I dance well? Empty compliments to gain my trust, no doubt. Mark my words, vengeance will be mine!"

Amber: "H-huh? Why'd I join the Dance Club? Well... I wasn't really sure at first, but Eula seemed really excited about it, so I thought... why not? Look, Baron Bunny likes dancing too! Oh no—ah—"

Collei: "Now that my Eleazar is gone, I can do so much more stuff! Although I'm still not great at balancing..."

The "Dead Inside" Club

Qiqi: "Where am I?"

Xiao: "Why did Qiqi and that annoying ginger have to be here? Mortals... I can't understand them."

Rosaria: "'Join a club,' they said. 'It'll be fun,' they said. Well, here I am. Where's the fun to be had? It's just like church, except with less praying."

Childe: "Hmm... which members of this club could I take out easily? Rosaria, Kokomi, and Layla, definitely. I'm not familiar with that woman with purple flowers in her hair, but I'm sure I could beat her as well. As for Qiqi... I don't fight kids."

Kokomi: "Oh, hi there! Childe and I were just discussing the best ways to win a battle. For instance, if you just starve out the enemy for a few months, or kill one or two of them to lower morale—hm? You look a little worried."

Raiden Shogun: "Fantasy... can only survive with an underlying reality."

Katheryne: "Ad astra abyssosque! Ad astra abyssosque! Ad astra—[ERROR] [REBOOTING]."

Layla: "Zzzzzzzz..."

The Mora Club

Ningguang: "I'm thinking of building another Jade Chamber for holding all my assets. What would we call it, though? Jade Chamber II doesn't sound quite right."

Zhongli: "Ah, yes, Mora... named after Morax, the Lord of Geo. I'm certain that if Morax were here, he would be happy to see that his invention has merited the creation of a club."

Childe: "Where does the Northland Bank get its funds from? I don't worry about trivial matters like that—Pantalone deals with the boring stuff."

Dori: "Wanna succeed in school? I happen to have Canned Knowledge containing all you'll ever need to know about every professor's assignments and tests... for the right price, of course!"

Ayato: "Traveler, what a rare occasion, to have you join us today. I hope—ah, just a moment. Yes, Yelan, what is it? Another assassination attempt in Scarabia? Just dispatch Rosaria. She'll know what to do."

Diluc: "Have you seen Kaeya lately? ...I see, so he's doing well. That's... ahem. Tell him he still owes me for the Dandelion Wine."

Mona: "Behold, I foresee that the next person to give me a generous donation of Mora will be blessed by the Anemo Archon!"

The History Club

Venti: "Wanna hear the tale of Lesser Lord Kusanali? Long ago, she sacrificed all her power to save the land of Sumeru, and her form turned into a child's. If you give me enough time, I can make a song—what? 'Greater Lord Rukkhadevata?' Who's that? Traveler, are you making up a song?"

Zhongli: "I met Lesser Lord Kusanali a long time ago. Strange... she looked so different back then. 'Greater Lord Rukkhadevata?' I'm sorry, I can't recall that name, yet something about it seems familiar."

Nahida: "Let's not talk about... whoever this is anymore. For some reason, talking about it makes me feel sad."

Malleus: "I suppose it's my turn to tell a story. Hmm... why don't I tell the story of how I met Miss Dragoness?"

Ganyu: "N-no! Anything but that!"

Xiao: "Then you'd prefer the time you rolled down the hill as a child?"

Lilia: "Hehehe. How mischievous, today's youth. I must admit, I'm curious about this 'rolling down the hill,' but if Miss Dragoness doesn't want to discuss it, we can leave the past in the past."

Ei: "The past... it seems like just yesterday that it happened."

Miko: "Don't tell me you're getting all sentimental too, Ei! Why, I have dozens of stories I could tell them about you!"

Raiden Shogun: "NOW, you shall—"

The Literature Club

Zhongli: "'Khaenri'ah?' I'm afraid there's no country in this world by that name. I've never heard of it. Perhaps it didn't make the cut into the textbooks."

Ei: "Here—I made Tricolor Dango for today's meeting. Huh? I-I didn't make them just for you. You shouldn't make snap judgements like that!"

Nahida: "Traveler... you really left Venti hanging this morning, you know?"

You gently open the door. "Venti—"

Blossom: Thanks for reading! Scaramouche chapter is next, when I get to it :)
