
I am Peter Mulan, 18 years old. I live in district 42 within Wall Maria. When I was 12 I had a terrible accident, just like any other main character that will actually turn out to be rich and famous or end up with someone (SHIP!). Back to my accident, I was climbing a 1000 feet ladder. Luckily, I only fell from the 13th step and broke my spine plus fractured a few bones. Secretly, I am a mutant with super healing abilities and the skills to wield weapons and kill walkers. When I was 17 I got selected for the annual Hammer Games, not knowing that I was a mutant. In the arena, I was in for a shock. There were so many skilled and strong participants like me. I saw The Avengers, Justice League, Spiderman, Robocop, The Fantastic Four, Hell boy, and the X-men with Mystique. So I hid in the Dark Forest, following a yellow path. Travelling the yellow path, I found Emerald City. Emerald City was said to have a lot of gold guarded by the vicious dragon, Smaug. An evil witch was trying to slay Smaug but fell dead, killed by none other than Hansel and Gretel. I heard a canon fire to signal the death of the participant witch. Luckily, the cannonball hit Smaug, causing his death. I escaped the Hammer Games by grabbing as much gold as I could and buying a ticket to The Titanic.  But faith played a bad joke on me, The Titanic sank. I survived and escaped alone in a boat with a tiger and supplies for me to survive. We made it to shore, only to be welcomed by dozens of walkers that craved to feast on us. We had no choice but to fight. The tiger and I close. He was like my own cat…oh wait, he is a cat. Until one night, when we thought it was safe, it was definitely not. How wrong could I get? In the barn, where we were in hiding, a hoard of zombies ambushed us. Leo, the tiger, insisted to be left behind. I tried to fight as Leo distracted the zombies, but I couldn’t bring myself to leave him behind. I saw the walkers tear his flesh completely. I realized the sacrifice he made, and I couldn’t let his death go to waste. On that day I swore that no walker would ever walk the face of Earth, not for long. I will kill them with my mutant abilities in an instant.

I swear, Leo. I swear.


Debut (LOL) story of our newest member: Leo'sOscar. *Applause* So proud of you. 

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