Special Chapter Three: Merry Christmas

*(Y/N)'s POV*

Tomorrow is going to be Christmas Eve, meaning that the boys and I will be spending the entire day together. We were planning to have a sleep over at Seungkwan's house since we would be opening our presents at midnight.

I was on a hunt to get presents for the boys, so far I've gotten a present for the performance and vocal team. All that was left was the hip hop unit.
"I guess I can get a pair of shoes for Vernon, a hat for S.Coups, a jumper for Mingyu, and a coat for Wonwoo." I nodded in satisfaction of my plan, and began my hunt.

"All done, I should take this to the car before I do some shopping for myself." I tell myself.

I make my way to my car, open the automatic trunk, and place all the bags inside.
"Late minute Christmas shopping I see." A voice says out of no where.
"Minghao!" I cheer when I turn around to see my best friend.
"Having trouble?"
"No I got it." I shut my trunk.
"What are you doing here?" I ask.
"Same as you. Christmas shopping." He shrugs.
"Let's walk around."

Minghao lead me inside the mall.
"So what did you get for Soonyoung hyung?" Minghao asked.
"It's a surprise." I smirk.
"Oh, come on. You can tell me!" He whines.
"All right, but you can't tell anyone, not the guys, not Soonyoung, not even your pillow!"
"I swear on my life." He says.
"I'm pregnant."

Minghao froze. Was this some type of freeze frame or mannequin challenge?
"Hello? Minghao?" I wave my hand in front of his eyes causing him to blink back to reality.
"That's amazing, (Y/N)! Hyung will love it so much!"
"I hope he doesn't get too overwhelmed." I say nervously.
"Nonsense! He loves you, and he will most definitely love your future baby too."

I smile at Minghao.
"I hope you're right."
"I'm always right." He winks.
"Oh! Shut up!"


That same night, I began wrapping the presents starting with Soonyoung's so he wouldn't see it when he gets home.

"I'm home!" I hear my husband call out from the front door.
"I'm in the living room!" I call back.

"Ouuu is this my present?" Soonyoung asks picking up one of the remaining items on the floor.
"Nope, I already wrapped yours." I wink.
"Awh that's too bad." He pouts.
"Oh, man up. You can open it tomorrow."
"Technically the day after tomorrow because we're opening presents at midnight."
"Okay, okay, smarty pants. Let me finish wrapping these, and we'll go eat." I roll my eyes in a joking matter.
"Do you need any help?"
"No, thanks. You can go shower." I insist.
"If you say so..." He then leaves the room.

I press my lips together before continuing with wrapping the presents. I only had a three left until I was completely finished; however, the dreadful part of doing crafty things was cleaning up.

When the wrapping was finished, I turn on some Christmas music to lighten the mood.

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening
In the lane, snow is glistening
A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight

"Walking in a winter wonderland." I hear Soonyoung sing as he walked into the living room in fresh pyjamas and wet hair.

I let out a giggle, and he replies with a smile before helping me clean my mess up to make the process faster.

Gone away, is the blue bird
Here to stay, is the new bird
Who sings a love song, as we go along
Walking in a winter wonderland...


It was the next day, meaning that it was Christmas Eve! I woke up with the warmth of my husband as he was millimetres away from me. Not inches, not centimetres, but millimetres. I smile softly at the feeling of us being so close together. I carefully tried to place his arm from my waist. When I thought I had succeeded and went to get up, Soonyoung grabbed me pulling back towards him causing me to yelp in surprise.
"I don't think so." He murmurs into my neck snuggling closer to me.
"Soonyoung!" I gasp.
"You're not going anywhere."
"But I need to cook breakfast." I protest.
"We can have cereal."
"But it's Christmas Eve. Cereal is not a very festive breakfast."
"Come on, jagi. It's my first day off; I think that spending time with me in bed is much more important than cooking breakfast."
"Fine, five more minutes."

We eventually got out of bed, and ate cereal.
"When are we leaving for the party?" Soonyoung asks.
"Six-ish. Maybe seven."

Soonyoung let out a small gasp.
"Does that mean that I get to spend more time with you in bed?"
"What's with you and wanting to spend so much time in bed?"
"We have a connection, you know?"
"Not really..."
"Well, you will one day."

I playfully roll your eyes before getting up to clean the dishes. Once I was done, I felt Soonyoung wrap his arms securely around me waist, picking me up.
"Alright, back to bed."

We basically spent your day cuddling, tickling, sleeping, and eating in bed. Oh, and not to mention we made out in between it all.

By now it was six O'clock.
"Soonyoung can we please get out of bed now?" I whine.
"Why?" He whines back.
"Because we need to get ready for the party, and we need to pack up our extra clothes."
"But I'm so comfortable, jagi."

I knew that my way of convincing him to get up wasn't working, so I thought of something else.

I let out a short sigh.
"Oppa~~" I whine showing him aegyo.
"Ok, ok, I'm up!" He shot out of bed.
"My wife is so cute." He pinched both of my cheeks.
I roll my eyes and stick my tongue out at him.

Soonyoung laughs as he walked over to the closet to pick out his outfit.


"Sorry, we're late. (Y/N) didn't want to get out of bed." Soonyoung says sneaking a wink at me.

I let out a scoff.
"Says the guy who claims to have a connection with our bed."

"Here. I'll put those under the tree for you." Jeonghan takes the bag of gifts from me.

"Noona!" I hear Dino yell excitedly running over to hug me.
"Hey Chan."
"Come, come. Everyone's waiting for you." He brings me to the living room, and I greet everyone with hugs.

"Now that everyone's here..." Seungkwan starts.
"Let the party begin."


It was an hour and a half before midnight, and Joshua and I had decided to bake gingerbread cookies. Yeah, it was a bigger mistake than I thought.

"Dino get your fingers out of the bowl!"
"Seungkwan, would you please stop singing so loudly?"
"You too Vernon, you and I both know that you won't have a sighing career."

"I swear the less time I spend with you guys, the crazier you guys become." I sigh earning a laugh from Joshua.
"Can you steal the bowl from Chan before he eats all the cookie dough?" I ask Joshua.
"I'm on it."

Not long after he comes back with the bowl.
"Hopefully this will be enough for fourteen people."
"Should I make hot chocolate to make up for it?" Joshua asks.
"Would you please?" I almost plead.

While Joshua was preparing the hot beverages, I rolled out the dough, and cut out festive cookies with cookie cutters. 

Now that I put them in the oven, it was time to wait.

When I shut the oven, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.
"How's the baking going along?" I hear my beloved husband speak lightly close to my ear.
"Other than the fact that Chan kept trying to eat the cookie dough, it's going great." I beam.
"Good." He places a gentle kiss on the crook of my neck send shivers down my spine.
"I love you." He says sweetly causing me to blush.
"I love you too." Soonyoung presses him lips onto my cheek until someone walked in.
"Ew, hyung!" Vernon and Dino say in disgust.
"What about her?" Soonyoung asks pointing to me.
"It's not her fault that you held her hostage with no consent." Vernon laughs.


"Two minutes 'till midnight!" Jun yells.

We all run to the living room and gather around the Christmas tree.
"You guys are making it seem like it's already New Years Eve." S.Coups laughs.
"Oh yeah, we should totally celebrate New Years together!" Woozi exclaims.
"Should we do it here again?"DK asks.
"How about Soonyoung and (Y/N)'s place?" Minghao suggests.
"Sure, what do you think, jagi?" Soonyoung asks.
"I don't see why not." I shrug.
"10 seconds!" Jun yells.

"Merry Christmas!" We all yell excitedly.

"You were right when you said we were making it seem like it was New Years Eve." I laugh to S.Coups.

"Okay, who's going first?" Mingyu asks.


Everyone's gift was distributed and opened, except for my gift for Soonyoung.
"Here you go, oppa."
"Thanks, jagi." He smiles before ripping the wrapping paper to reveal a box.

He opened the box to find another box. He gave me a confused look as long as the other members while Minghao was secretly snickering to himself knowing exactly what was going on.

Soonyoung proceeded to open the box until he reached a wrapped up rectangular looking Gift that was about one inch thick.

He carefully opened the the gift to reveal an 8x12 picture frame with a photo already put into it.
"Is this.." Soonyoung trails off.
"An ultra-sound photo." Seungkwan squeals.
"How long have you been pregnant for?" Vernon asks excitedly.
"A month and a bit." I reply.
"H-how did I not notice this?" Soonyoung asks still looking at the photo."
"This is amazing, jagiya!" He beams giving me a warm hug.
"Hyung! Why are you thanking her? She's not the only one who took part in creating a fetus." Vernon smirked earning a hard shove from Seungkwan.
Everyone laughed and we all began to clean up the mess on the floor.

Once everything was tidy again, we all went to go change into our pyjamas. Soonyoung and I had matching reindeer onesies.
"You guys look cute." Jeonghan says.
"Oh! Mistletoe!" Joshua exclaims pointing above our heads.
"Oh no! Cover your eyes maknae!" Jun was quick to cover Dino's eyes.
"Hyung! I'm not that young anymore!" Dino whines.

Soonyoung and I look up then back to each other. He gives me a small smile that makes me melt inside. He pulls me closer to him by the waist before pressing his lips against mine passionately.

When we pull away, he gets onto his knees and hugs my waist before placing a kiss onto my stomach.

"Merry Christmas, my babies."

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! May God bless you and your families!
