

Natalie :Ohh Mr.Oh.You are here and...!!!!!(It can't be....)
Blair Trilon.My bestfriend back in Italy.

Eisuke :Ohh here she comes.Blair,meet my girlfriend,Natalie Blue.Natalie,this is Blair Trion.She is the daughter of one of the top 10 richest billionaires on Earth.

Blair :It can't be......

Natalie :It's nice to meet you Ms Trion.

Balir :By anychance are you related to the surname called King in Itay or are you from Italy?

Natalie :Uhhh*gives her a difficult-look*

Eisukd :Whats wrong?By any strange miracle do you know each other?

Blair :Yeah......

Natalie :(I am doomed)

Blair :I saw her on the news the other day.Its nice too meet you too Natalie or should I say Mrs Ichinimiya.Hahaha

Eisuke :You haven't change at al.Hahahahaha

Natalie :Ha Ha Ha hahahaha(She really scared me, if Eisuke found out,he might use me against father)

Eisuke :Ohh yeah by the way Natalie.

Natalie :Yeah?

Eisuke :Can you show Blair around Tokyo tomorrow?

Natalie :Sure!I would like to know about her more.

Blair :I can't wait for tomorrow.Oh Its getting late,I better go back to my room.

Eisuke :Okay then rest well.

Balir :Thank you and see you tomorow Eisuke.

Eusike :Okay.

(After Blair left the office)

Eisuke :You knew Blair before?

Natalie :No.....why you ask?

Eisuke :Just wondering.....

Natalie :If you have nothing for me to do now,can I go back to my dorm for a while?

Eisuke :Soryu,what do you think?

Soryu :As long as she dosen't spilt out the presence of the auction then its fine with me.

Eisuke :Okay then but--

Natalie :I know!Arrive in 5 minutes when you called!

Soryu :*Smirks* You really need to train her.

Eisuke :*Smirks* I am planning to tonight.

Natalie :!!! (What?!?)

Eisuke :You can follow us to watch at auction if you want to

Natalie :Never mind.I will leav now.

Eisuke :Be back by 7.

Natalie :Okay!!!

(Arrives in the lobby)

Natalie :(Where is she?She should be waiting around here or....) *went up to the reception*

Chole :!!!!Na-natalie??
(Chole is one of the receptionist)

Natalie :Hey Chole!Can you tell me which room is Blair Trion living in,please?

Chole :Wait,let my check.......V-4703

Natalie :Thanks Chloe!Talk to you later!

Chole :O-okay!

(Arrives in front of the room)
Natalie :*opens the door* (rule-7 of bestfriends,you never need to knock)

Blair :It knew it was you Natey!(run to hug Natalie)

Natalie :Long time no see Blairy!!!(hugs Blair)

Blair :I miss you girl!!!

Natalie :I miss you more than you could imagine!!!

Blair :You have lots of explaining to do Natey!!! *stares at the ring that Eisuks gives me on my left ring finger)

(Guess you guys must be thinking how I knew she would want to meet me?Well...she only said See you tomorrow to Eisuke so she is trying to ask me to meet her up today)

Natalie :That is a long why don't me yours first.(looks at the purple ring on her left ring finger)

Blair :Ohhh.....this......*sigh*

Natalie :What's wrong?

Blair :Do you still remember my boyfriend Adolfo Costa?

Natalie :Of course I remember.*giggles* You guys used to be enemies or comepitors since elementry school before you started dating in high school.

Blair :Yeah.....will......

Natalie :Your parents are.......

Blair :Enemies or rival in Bussiness World so they disagree for us being together....

Natalie :But you guys will overcome it together once again,right?

Blair :I ain't that sure now father wants me to marry either your Brother (Cameron) or Soryu Oh,the second in common of Ice Dragons.

Natalie :Ughhh where is Adolfo at this time?

Blair :*hiccups* *cries again*

Natalie :Don't cry Blair.*pats Blair's head*Tell me whats wrong.....

Blair :Adolfo.*hiccups* H-he.....*hiccups*is sent away to have arrange meeting w-with *hiccups* *cries again*

Natalie :Calm down Blair.Calm down.*pats Natalie head*How about we head down to the threater or sonewhere to calm you down......

Blair :*hiccups* You are just *hiccups* hungry *hiccups* aren't you *hiccups*.

Natalie :You know me too well.Come on let's watch you face and head down for some fun! (Drags Blair into the bathroom)

Blair :W-what?!?! Wait!!!

Natalie :Come on!!!

(After,45 minutes)

Natalie :There,now you looks perfect.

(This is Blair dressed up by Natalie)

Blair :Wow...your fashion sense is still the best Natalie!

Natalie :You know me.

Blair us my turn to dress you up.

Natalie :Wait!I don't have any clothes.

Blair :We are the same size.Don't worry.

(After an hour)

Blair looks fabulous!

(Natalie dress up by Blair,her hair is light brown)

Natalie :Girl.....are you serious!!!I looks like a kid or a young teenager.

Blair :Hehe...come on.I am hungry you know.

Natalie :Hey!Wait up!(Runs after Blair)

(In the floor where there are restaurants).

Natalie :Wait up Blairy!!

Blair :Come faster,Natey! You know I a-- (suddenly stops running)

Natalie :Owwww* stoped by hitting on Blair's back*Hey!

Blair :Natalie....look...

Natalie :Huh? *looks at the direction where Blair is staring at* *gasp*It can't be.......

Hello guys!I wanted to thank in here who has surported me just by reading this book and once again thank you!I will continue try to improve this book in the future to make it more interesting!Thank you once again and don't forget to:

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Masked Angel
