I don't know how to write this thing without it being controversial in some way or another.

I know who I should cast Frisk as, but I don't know who the hell Chara should be.

Pls, give me your ideas.


I have to do some gender switching (bc I'm lazy and don't want to edit more than I already have to) and so Mettaton will probably come out as a girl and Undyne will probably come out as a guy, but I might keep Undyne as a girl; Mettaton can pass as a girl (and is a girl in some people's headcanon's), but Undyne can't really be changed into a guy. I also have characters from deltarune (since I was running out of characters to use for this), and in this story, Flowey and Asriel are two different people (again, I was running out of characters, so I improvised).

Here's the list of casting that I have so far for the ones that I haven't decided how to cast yet (and, just to be clear, the 'monsters' that are cast in this story will be in their Overtale forms, so they'll all look human. I'll make sure to keep their main attributes so that they'll still be recognizable):

Papyrus: either Jasper or Emmett

Mettaton: either Alice or Rosalie

Undyne: either Emmett or Jasper

Alphys: either Rosalie or Alice

Asgore: either Carlisle or Charlie

Toriel: either Esme or Renee

Sans: either Edward or Jacob

Asriel: either Edward, Jacob, Laurent, or James (I know, I know, the last two are controversial, but at least THANK me for giving you the option rather than just throw you in the deep end)

Flowey: Laurent or James

Frisk: Bella, OFC

Chara: ??? probably Victoria or something but idk

The time to input your vote is NOW; or for the next week, until 3/21/21. If the votes for how to cast Jacob/Edward is tied, then I'll make two versions of each; one for frans and one for friskriel, just so that everyone is happy. Or I'll go for what I prefer, if I'm swamped with school. It could go either way.

Also, if you have any other ideas on who I should cast as who, then please feel free to comment below and speak your opinion. I'm open to any suggestions.

I'll be posting the preface soon, since that doesn't have any names in it, so it wouldn't ID any of the characters.

I'll be posting this story chapter by chapter in the original book, so if there is a short chapter, then don't be mad at me. That's just how Stephanie Meyer wrote the story.

Speaking of Stephanie Meyer, she wrote the original Twilight, so that belongs to her. I'm only writing her story, but with using Undertale characters, so she deserves the real credit here. I love her stories, so I don't want to dishonor her in any way by basically re-writing her story, so I want to go on record and say that SHE deserves the credit, not me.

Also, once you get in your votes, I'll be publishing chapters quicker, since I'll know how to write it.

Anyway, see ya, and I'll write again soon.

