
just accept that i'll mever get around to talking about how much twice killed it at kcon la

jinyeon: i had no idea we had that many american fans

smolchae: hold on i'm having a flashback *has a that's so raven momoment*

queenofjapan: y'all hyped for me and momo on hit the stage??

numberonemom: *momo and i

momotrash: wait

dahno: ??????

momotrash changed their name to hotterthanyouroppas

jinyeon: i know i didn't want you to change your name

jinyeon: but this is fucking gold

hotterthanyouroppas: *flips non existent long hair*

tzuyoda: i had no idea that we had that many american fans

queenofjapan: i know !!

queenofjapan: we just slayed america

queenofjapan: scALPED them

jinyeon: how come when i said it y'all never replied

numberonemom: who are you?

jinyeon: nayeon......?

numberonemom: r u sure?

jinyeon: ?

dahno: back to KCon

dahno: the topic everyone's talking about

dahno: where's park kyung???????

tzuyoda: was the easiest game of where's wally ever

tzuyoda: i love where's wally

tzuyoda: or where's waldo

tzuyoda: if you live in canada

tzuyoda: sneaky bastard

queenofjapan: confirmation that tzuyoda is an actual child

numberonemom: my child~

hotterthanyouroppas: i thot u said we were adopted?

smolchae: I'M ADOPTED??!!!?!?

numberonemom: did you honestly think that i, a 1997 liner, can give birth to mina (born in the same year) AND nayeon a 1995 liner?

numberonemom: how could i have had 8 other kids when i'm only a kid myself?

smolchae: ...

hotterthanyouroppas: don't be mean to smol chae

dahno: she's only a child


smolchae: i'm a girl

jokbalhoe: remember when we were talking about kcon?

dahno: the hell have y'all been?

shashasha: we were uh

queenofjapan: shut the fuck up sana

queenofjapan: we know you've been fucking

smolchae: exPOSED

jinyeon: #MinaExposedSanMoParty

numberonemom: #SanMoIsOverParty

tzuyoda: hey girls

tzuyoda: do you know what time it is?

hotterthanyouroppas: it's like noon

jinyeon: are YOU seRIOUS BRO

jinyeon: it must be #SanMoIsOverParty time

jokbalhoe: i

hotterthanyouroppas: no one fucking asked you

numberonemom: #JeongMoIsDead

dahno: my pARENTS

shashasha: you were the one tryna split them apart

shashasha: like tf?

queenofjapan: shut the fuck up sana

shashasha: this is like the first time i'm speaking on the chat today....?

queenofjapan: shut up just shut up

shashasha: momo aren't u gonna defend me~?

jokbalhoe: can't talk

jinyeon: y

jokbalhoe: eating

smolchae: dat good good?

jokbalhoe: dat good good.

dahno: if any of y'all make a tfios ref...

dahno: i will look for you

dahno: i will find you

dahno: and i will ask...

hotterthanyouroppas: *suspense*

tzuyoda: *is tense*

jokbalhoe: just tell us already

numberonemom: i thot u were eating dat good good??

jokbalhoe: ....

numberonemom: sorry sweetie, you were gonna ask....?

dahno: hey any armys here? XD


Perceive 'good good' as what you wish ;)

i started school today....*le dies*

!!Thank you so so so so much for reading this trash and for stanning twice and loving them!!

I'm also so so so so sorry for not updating as often *sighs* school it's only the first day back but I'm already done and tired.

any requests for future chapters??


- megan out *flies away*
