Kai is madly in love with y/n and doesn't know how to tell her. They are stuck in the prison world.

Y/n hated being in the prison world with Kai at fort but she had to get accustomed to living in Kai's prison world.

This all started because she wouldn't listen to her sister.


Y/n was waiting on Bonnie and Damon to get back so she could pull them into the real world and finally be over it.

After y/n pulled Bonnie and Damon to the other side, she couldn't stop herself from being on the other side. She tried to do the spell again but it didn't work.

She was stuck on the other side where the world was crumbling before her eyes.

She was confused and upset because she pulled everyone into the real world alive and well but when it was her turn nothing happen at all. It was like she was stuck in place where she stood.

She had silent tears running down her cheeks, she was starting to feel regret and should have listened to her sister when she said to " stay away from the mystical falls gang". She actually called them mystical too.

She couldn't do anything but say her goodbyes to everyone, well tell Jeremy to tell everyone goodbye.

Y/n called Jeremy on the phone, she first asked him was he around everybody including her sister.

Y/n knew this news was going to break her sister down but she had to say something. She couldn't leave her sister hanging like that especially since she all her sister got left.

He answered yeah before putting her on speaker, " you can talk now y/n, everyone's still waiting on you. Where are you?"

She smiled because she was glad they actually cared about her well being.

Y/n sniffled before answering, " I'm good for right now because I know you all are on the other side of this damn phone listening".

She paused before continuing, " Hey lil sis, I know you're probably right beside Jeremy but I just wanted to tell you: don't do anything stupid while I'm gone. Be happy for me. Live your life to the fullest for me and you because when I see you again I want all the fucking tea. I love you whore".

Y/s/n was crying but smiling at the last part. She knew that you put everyone before you always so she was mad but couldn't stop you for being who you truly are.

Y/n continued on, " As for the rest of you people, I love you all and I'll see you all in the 'afterlife'".

Y/n laughed after she said afterlife to lighten the mood. It worked because they all laughed before She hung up the phone. Quickly too.

She knew the other side was crumbling and the outcome would be devastating for her. She couldn't let her little sister hear the world crumbling.

Y/n was sucked into a white light only to end up in another world similar to the real world. She remembered that Damon and Elena crashed into mystic grill and it looked just like it was before they committed suit-a-side.

She smacked her lips before walking around to see if anyone is there with her.

No one was here so she thought it was an alternative world just for her. But it wasn't her world.

Two days later...

When y/n met Kai in the store while shopping she was scared because for one she couldn't understand why he was here in her world and she was suspicious.

Kai was mesmerized by y/n's beauty, he never seen someone that gorgeous before. Her body was a canvas he wanted to explore and keep for himself. When he first got a glimpse at her when she was in the boarding house. He instantly smiled.

He never meant to think like that but the way her body was made him want to devour her right then and there but he had to wait.

When they finally met eachother he couldn't keep his mouth shut and his eyes off her. Meanwhile she didn't like him at first.

Y/n and Kai had a like and hate relationship with each other.

Y/n couldn't stand Kai ass at all but she has to put up with him. Y/n was growing pretty tired of Kai and his snide comments.

Kai was madly in love with her from distance and up close. He would never admit it to her because he thinks she hates him.

In reality she wanted to either kill Kai or fuck him. She never meant to like this man at all but she did.

He told her the plan of getting out of the prison world and she was all in until she found out he's a fucking serial killer.

Y/n had to admit he was a psychopath but he was a sexy psycho.

She still had trust issues and that was the only thing stopping her from getting into a relationship with him. In her mind she thought that if he could kill his own family and cold blood then he can kill her as soon as they found a way out into the real world.


Kai and y/n was in the Salvatore boarding house living room formulating a plan.

She was on the other side of the room trying to work on the spell Bonnie's grimoire had.

Kai was just staring at her with intense lust filled eyes, " Princess are you done over there? ".

Y/n looked at him with a mean mug, " Kai stop calling me that and no I'm not done. Give me time and hopefully we will be out of here, well I will be out of here I don't know about you though".

" Look, me and you both know that if you don't take me with you, you aren't going to get out of here safely".

He been threatening her nonstop every since she gained her powers back and she was tired of his ass.

" You know what I've had it, you think just because you don't get your way, you can just threaten every fucking body", y/n said while storming up to Kai.


Kai looked down at her hand before smirking back up at y/n, " Actually this world does revolve around me. I mean not literal but you get the point right?"

He smiled at her once he seen her walk away from him holding her head, " ahh I love it when you're mad, it's really a turn on. On a serious note,  princess you want to get out of here just as much as I do. You don't have to like me but can you , for me, just do the spell so we could get the hell out of here together".

She looked at him with a tilted head, " If I let you out of this stupid ass world your people built just for you. What exactly are you gonna do ? ". She was testing him and of course he knew that but he answered it truthfully.

Kai licked his lips before speaking, " I'm going to finish what I've started. I didn't really kill my family. I was trying to but then got tricked into something that I've wanted to do only to get sent here".

He continued walking towards her, " All I want to do is merge with my sister, is that too much to ask?"

Y/n laughed, " boy!, you literally just told me why I shouldn't let your ass out. Nice going Kai".

She laughed more while walking over to the ascendant.

He loved her laugh. He loved everything about her but he was confused as ever. He never thought that he would develop feelings or emotions at all but here he is.

Feigning for y/n's love.

He wanted to make her happy but he just keep messing it up for himself. He watched her walk away before walking in tow after her.

Usually he'll be finding way to manipulate and kill her but he couldn't lay a finger on her and that frustrates him so badly. He was a psychopath so how could he love.

Y/n was walking outside to the hole Kai previously dugout under the eclipse.

Prior to them doing the spell, Y/n remembered just two weeks ago that the necklace her and Bonnie have is very special.

She forgot she even had it on the whole time she been in the prison world.

Both of their necklaces has hearts with a picture on one side and each other blood on the other side.

She had Bonnie's and Bonnie has hers. She was thankful for the binding spell they did. They had to wear the necklaces to represent their friendship. Weird? Yes. Useful? Yes. Dumb? No.

Y/n climbed down the hole thankfully landing on her feet and Kai followed. She rolled her eyes huffing loudly.

" Let's get this shit over with. I'm tired of staying here and I don't really care what the fuck you do when you get out just as long as you don't touch my friends or my sister we're all good", y/n said before pulling out the ascendant holding it under the eclipse.

Kai smiled at her before putting his hand under hers, " I'm guessing you don't like my sisters or brother?"

Y/n looked at him, " I don't really know or care about them to really give a fuck. I'm tired of caring about other people lives who wouldn't give a shit about mine. I'm just ready to go home".

Kai frowned because he noticed that she's not fighting back and he didn't like that so berried to cheer her up, " you should smile, it's better for your teeth. Keeps it healthier"

Y/n looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a wtf face, " Kai, what the hell are you talking about? That don't even make sense".

She laughed hysterically because he didn't make sense at all and the shit was funny to her.

While she was laughing Kai was staring at her with love and adoration.

Y/n finally stopped laughing, " come on, baby  boy let's go home".

Y/n took the necklace off and poured just a little blood onto the ascendant while saying the spell. She looked at him and he looked at her. They both smiled at each other before getting sucked into the white light.

Before getting sucked into the white light y/n heard Kai say the words she never thought she would hear from him, " oh,I love you".


