Opening Chapter

Eyes were glued to the large flat screen that hung on their brick wall, it's size completely overtaking any normal home's walls, their full attention pulled toward the dramatic scene that played. The couch was crowded with various figures, Master Splinter squished happily in the center, hands resting on his cane his prodigal son had gifted him.

To his left sat Josephine, the quietest of his daughters, politely seated with her knees to her chest and her posture straight, hoping to take as little space as possible for others. Her sunflower yellow mask fallen over her lean shoulders, revealing her honey brown eyes beneath. She stared at the television with just enough expression that you could tell she was invested without having too expressive a face. She enjoyed the soap, but she enjoyed Sunday morning cartoons better.

Aurora sat on his opposite side, Willow sitting on her crossed legs, dressed in her favorite hoodie that could've passed as a dress as it dropped far past her knees. The hood was shaped to mimic the head of the mythical unicorn, it's horn a shimmering magenta to violet, the yarn of its mane mindlessly braided by Aurora; the both of them sharing an invested gaze as the TV.

On the floor in front of their feet laid Charley and Sophie, sharing a large bowl of popcorn drowning in butter and cheese, giving distracting commentary on the show earning a couple kicks to the behind from Aurora to keep quiet, since only her legs were long enough to reach.

Tonight was Father-Daughter Night, also known as the night 'Heirloom' showcased on live television, the collectively favorite soap opera of the group. The mixture of bad acting, overly dramatic scenes and a somewhat interesting plot helped to keep each member individually interested. It was surprising for everyone to find a common ground with a single show, usually having to argue over the remote until there was a decisive winner (or until Splinter decided to hide it away for the night). But on Father-Daughter night, the absence of needing to argue over what to watch quickly made these nights the most relaxing and enjoyable.

His boys couldn't sit still during a single showing, the four coming to an agreement to not partake in future gatherings at the fear of dying of boredom. In reality their absence only made Father-Daughter nights that much more enjoyable, hardly ever finding the time for the sisters to be alone together, and rarely ever able to pull Splinter away an entire night from his meditation routine.

"It's true Kal," One of the main protagonists, Richie, dramatically recited his lines in such a way it was so bad it was good. His words immediately starting the scene and capturing the family's attention. The sound of Sophie rustling for a handful of popcorn the only tolerable background noise at the moment. "I'm not your half-brother..." This is what the episode had been leading up towards, and unknown secret to the viewers finally being revealed in this heart to heart scene. "I'm your half-sister."

"What?!" Josephine exclaimed as her eyes became wide as saucers, the confession shaking her so that her legs flew off the couch and she was between sitting and standing.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" Yelled Charley from the floor, throwing a handful of popcorn at the screen in frustration, while both Sophie and Master Splinter took to just a simple gasp of shock.

Aurora clutched at her stomach as the tears from her laughter began to form at the corners of her eyes. "Ahahahaha! I knew it!" Snapping her fingers, she reached her scarred hand towards the red-painted gecko. "Cough it up, Charley!"

"Ya bloody cheated, Rorey." She spat, her English accent more apparent. She reached into her back pocket and passive-aggressively tossed the wad of bills at her sister.

"Say whatever ya want, C, I just became ten dollars richer." Aurora rubbed the bills between her fingers in a greedy fashion. Dangling the money in Willow's face, who unlike her sisters held a confused expression at the dramatic confession. "How does ice cream sound, Willow Tree? Mike and Jerry's on Second Street? Your favorite~."

A sparkle lit up in the youngest daughter's eyes, her smile stretching with excitement as her tongue began to water at the mention of sugary goodness. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Let's go! Let's go!" Crawling off of her mother's lap and pulling on her arm, her feet dragging in place as she tugged and yanked with all her brute strength to pull her off the sofa and take her to her heavenly sugar sanctuary. "Come on! Come on!"

Just as Aurora pushed off the sofa, allowing Willow to let go and run off towards the exit at top notch speed, a sudden news report disrupted the show, pulling back their eyes to the flat screen.

"We interrupt this program for a Channel Six news exclusive."

"Ugh!" Charley rolled her eyes to the back of her head, fighting against the urge to drown herself with the lake of melted butter and leftover popcorn kernels in the bowl. "Down in front!" She shouted at the news anchorman, earning a shush by Sophie.

Unlike her sisters, Charley was annoyed at the news disturbance, simply wanting to continue the night with their bad show. Tonight was their night ,why did a stupid reporter have to ruin it?

"There was a daring robbery tonight at a high tech midtown laboratory." The anchorman read from his notes.

Splinter scratched at the fur of his chin, his long white eyebrows now furrowed downward with suspicion.

Jumping to her feet, Sophie tightened her fists, already prepared for a fight. "Is it Hun?"

"No doubt." Josephine agreed.

"Shh!" Shushed Aurora.

"A nearby surveillance camera captured this image of four bizarre green creatures."

The television displayed its acclaimed image at full screen, and although blurry beyond belief, there was no denying what-or who-those 'bizarre green creatures' were. The girls shared an array of shocked gasps and wide eyes. Everyone now stood on their feet, sobered from their lazy attitudes at the fear their lovers might've collectively screwed up.

Splinter stood to his feet, calling out for the immediate presence of his sons. "Leonardo! Michelangelo! Donatello! Raphael!"

One by one his sons came running into the family room from their independent activities, Mikey using his skateboard for extra speed and glamour.

"You rang?" The orange-banded turtle cheekily smiled.

"What did you idiots do?" Aurora's cold tone immediately gave chills up Mikey's biceps.

Raph could barely get a word out at the lizard lady before Charley began to chew him out for going on patrol without the rest of them, her arms crossed across her chest in such a way that it accentuated the size of her breasts. "What the hell, Raph? You and your brothers ran out without us?"

Raph raised his hands in response, quickly understanding he was being interrogated. "Babe, I have no idea wut yer talkin' about." He grumbled in response to his girlfriend's accusations.

Interjecting before the two began yet another couples quarrel, Splinter stroked at his bear with concern. "I fear you have been careless tonight my sons. The secret of our existence has been compromised."

The four brothers share an exasperated expression, glancing at one another as to which of them was the slip up.

"What, tonight?" Questioned Leo, looking over at Jo who gave him a concerned look.

"I haven't been out." Donnie shook his head, denying he had any part in this situation. "Mikey?"

Unstrapping his helmet, the youngest brother plopped it down on Willow's head, who laughed at how large it was on her. "Negatory." He shot an innocent smile at his lady, who simply raised her eyebrow less than convinced.

"Masta Splinta, we've been cooped up in here with you all night." Shrugged Raph, unsure of how else to admit their innocence.

Charley scrunched up her nose.

Taking his sons defenses with a grain of salt, Splinter motioned his pointer finger towards the flat screen. "Then how in the world do you explain this?"

The conversation dyed out as the anchorman continued his report. "The image is a bit blurry, but even so you can make out what appears to be four giant turtles."

Upon the screen displayed a frozen scene of four turtles, sharing an uncanny resemblance to the four present, in the center of a circle of unrecognizable blurry and shadowed figures. The brothers reacted the same as the girls; with open mouths, wide eyes and shocked gasps.

"It's...It's gotta be some kinda gag, right?" Raph asked, convinced that the girls planned this out for a quick laugh. Only to be met by sharp glares and eyes rolls, Charley in particular.

"I am not laughing, Raphael." Splinter's dangerous tone further pushed the idea of his sons being the center of this mess, as it wouldn't be the first time. Raising four sons as a single father was a task, not a chore.

Acting quick, Donnie rushed over to his computers; highly advanced holographic keyboards connected to a rather overly sized personalized computer screen, challenging the size of the television. Since returning from their future escapades, Donatello retained complex engineering techniques and designs which reflected into his everyday devices and future project ideas. Only seconds after typing on his keys, the blurred image from the television appeared on his computer. "Here, I've got the image."

Everyone quickly crowded around the desk, with the size of the image now doubled, it was easy to tell that despite the similar appearances, it was indeed a different group of mutant turtles.

" look like you." Josephine confessed, holding on to Leo's arm as her nerves became rattled.

"Whoever they are." Commented Mikey, resting his arm on the head of Donnie's chair.

"Who are they fighting." Leo questioned, watching as his intelligent brother selected a section of the image and sharpened its resolution to reveal the criminals who surrounded these doppelgangers.

Aurora growled, crossing her arms. "The Purple Dragons."

Willow mimicked her mother's anger, crossing her arms. "The Purple Dragons." She grunted as Mikey's helmet fell over her eyes.

Sophie placed her fists on her small hips. "I knew it."

Suddenly a small screen appeared above the desk from a call from their long-time human friend. April smiled from the other end, bringing along with her a small screenshot of the news image. "Are you guys seeing this?" She asked, her eyes twitching with interest. "It's all over the news!"

"We see it, Ape." Aurora responded, her pale eyes never leaving the computer screen.

"My brothers and I will go and investigate." Leo informed the other respected leader, earning her attention long enough for her to turn her head down towards him.

"What? We're coming too!" Sophie attempted to argue.

"This is personal, Tiny." Commented Raph, beating his fist against his open palm. "If someone is out there dressin' up like us, then we've got to repay them in kind." Charley rolled her eyes unimpressed.

"We'll be on call." Spoke Aurora. Her and Leo sharing a nod of agreement.

Moving quick, the brothers rushed towards the garage knowing the garbage truck would be their best mode of transportation, and a personal favorite of the four. there was no need for romantic goodbyes as both parties knew how brief of a mission this would be, though it didn't stop from Leo giving Jo a quick forehead peck and Sophie grabbing Don for a solid three second hug before he race off after his brothers. The girls watched from the desk, Aurora now plopping herself in Donnie's chair and lifting her feet to rest on the desktop.

"How long until you think they'll call for backup?" Jo asked, a playful grin on her lips.

"I'd give it three hours." Charley smirked, her tail whipping behind her.

"Bet." Aurora chimed, "I give it two."

"Bet!" The two shared a rough handshake, sealing their gambling deal. 

DISCLAIMER: This is a fan fic, I do not own the rights to any original teenage mutant ninja turtle characters or their original stories. All rights belong to Mirage Studios and Nickelodeon. This is written for fun. Below is a list of my and my friends' OC's and who they belong to. Please do not steal or use without permission. Thank you!

Aurora (c) Me.  Josephine (c) Josephine.  Charley (c) Fox.  Sophie (c) BubblegumMilk.  Willow (c) Jay. 
