The unknown

I wanted to laugh at his question because he already knew the answer but I still answered his question. “Well hello to you, and yes I am Angelina Hunter. How may I help you?” The guy asked me if he could come in because he had something important to say. I led him in and we sat on the couch in my apartment. He told me that there is an organization which wants me to work with them. He was about to tell me something, but I surprised him and said “And that’s why your organization has been watching me for the past two years?” he was shocked but nodded. “How did you know?” he asked me “I am a very careful person, I watch the people that are around me all of the time.  I can memorize every step every person around me does. I realized how you have been following me everywhere I go. Like right now, you think that I don’t know that every word I say is being recoded. And you also have something in your ear and there is a person telling you what you are supposed to tell me exactly.” I said with a smile of my face.  He looked impressed “Can you prove it?” “Yes, I can” I said.  “Ok then prove it” I got closer to him and pulled his earring off of his ear.  I handed it to him and he said “Well then would you like to work with our organization?”  I asked him to explain everything and I agreed. The organization is an assassin organization that the government has made to get rid of the people that they can’t kill directly. Therefore they assign assassins to do their “dirty work”. Now here I am still taking random jobs and still trying to figure out the mystery of my parents’ murder.

            I stepped out of my office with the file in my hand. I headed toward Olivia’s office, knocked on the door, and entered the office when she said come in.

“When do you want me to start on this mission?” I asked her.

“You can start whenever you want, but the sooner the better.”

 I nodded and asked “Is there any other information that I need to know?”

“He is a very dangerous person. We don’t know much about him and you already know that from the file.  But, what we do know is that you need to watch out. We sure don’t want to lose you” she said with a smile.

“Now you know what to do. Don’t ever be around him except if you have disguise on.”

 “Of course no need to worry.  Most importantly; where would I find him?”

“We only know that his favorite restaurant is “La Délicieux” and he goes their everyday to eat his breakfast.”

 “That’s more than enough for me. I’ll take it from here” I winked at her and walked out of her office.

I went back to my office collected my stuff and left to my apartment. The second I walked into my apartment I knew something was wrong. Someone came into my apartment. I walked into the living room and noticed that my circular glass table has been moved. I then walked into my kitchen to see a sticky note on my fridge. “You are getting closer” was what the sticky note said. I got a piece of napkin and took sticky note off my fridge. I was hoping to find some fingerprints on it and I didn’t want to smudge them with my own. I put the sticky note in a zip lock bag and headed to my room to check the cameras I had.  I got to my room and set the zip lock bag on my bed then closed all the curtains. I headed toward my closet and I pushed all of my cloths aside and put my special glasses on. Those glasses were made to help me see where exactly the button was; I pushed a very small button that you could not see with your own eyes and after a second a door opened and led me to my secret place. I set the bag on my desk and headed toward my computer to check my cameras. I re-winded the videos many times, checked for any reflections on any mirrors or glass to get the persons face but still came up with nothing. The only thing that caught my attention was the way the person was walking. I’m sure that it’s a man. Looking at the way he was walking made me freeze in my chair. The way he walks was similar to a person that I knew but I couldn’t put my finger on it. But I was a hundred percent sure I knew this person very well. But

who is he?
