Chapter Thirteen

After numerous hours of reading by herself in the Common Room, Elizabeth began wondering about Slug Club. She didn't know what time is started or where to go; at the beginning of her time there, Slughorn had told her that other Slytherins attended the club and she could walk down with them. Unfortunately, she didn't know who they were, exactly. As if the whole world were reading her thoughts, Cora, the tall girl from earlier raised her voice.

"Anyone attending Slug Club can leave now, but make sure you all stay together," she announced, her strong voice reaching all corners of the room.

Nobody stood, except for, of course, Tom and his six companions. They all rose in unison and said nothing, but slowly began walking to the door. Elizabeth shut her book and promptly followed them. Tom took notice of her as he walked proudly through the Common Room. He walked alone with the six trailing behind him. Elizabeth walked and stood next to him. After they had all walked out the door, Tom stared back at the group and they shifted backwards. Elizabeth tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"How are you?" Tom asked suddenly.

"Good, I guess," she mumbled. She was actually quite excellent. The dance was the next night and she was certain Tom didn't know about it, so he wouldn't stop her from having fun.

"I was informed you went to sit with Corrington and those other Gryffindors," Tom said coldly.

Elizabeth felt blood rush to her cheeks. "I couldn't turn down an invitation," she replied smoothly.

"How polite of you," the corners of his lips turned up and a sarcastic grin took place on his face.

"I thought so."

He was silent. Elizabeth looked behind her and the group was silent, staring at the ground as they walked. One boy who looked much older than Tom lifted his head and they exchanged a glance, only for him to bury his eyes in the floor once more. She turned her head back around.

"Why don't you guys ever talk?" she whispered. 

"We do talk, just not in front of you."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes, for she felt as if he said things to provoke anger in her. The hallway was dark and a few Hufflepuffs walked a few meters ahead of them in a huddle. Two girls looked back, one of them Elizabeth recognized to be the girl who had walked her to the castle on the first day. She couldn't remember her name. The girl looked back at her with the utmost pity.

"Do you know her?" Tom hissed quietly.


Finally, Elizabeth saw the bright red hair that belonged to Bonnie. She didn't know her that well, but she would rather be with her than Tom. She quickly ran ahead to Bonnie before he could stop her.

"Oh, hello Elizabeth!" Bonnie exclaimed and nudged Klaus who was walking next to her. "Look who it is, Klaus!" He nodded in acknowledgment to her and she smiled back.
Bonnie was wearing a knee length, gleaming navy blue dress with black tights underneath. Elizabeth had thankfully gotten word that it was a formal event and had put on a suede black dress that went down to her mid-calves and sleeves to her elbows.

"You look nice," Elizabeth commented on Bonnie's attire.

Her eyes lit up as if Elizabeth had just given her the greatest news she'd ever received. "Thank you so much! I love your dress and I simply must know where you acquired it!"

"It was a gift from my grandmother," said Elizabeth, sending a kind smile towards Bonnie.

"Oh, grandmothers are the best! When I was four, mine gave me my own broom. Of course, I couldn't ride it because I didn't have anyone to teach me, but I still have it to this day," explained Bonnie, her eyes twinkling at the memory.

"Aren't you one of the Beaters on your house's team?" Elizabeth inquired, remembering seeing her in a photo some place.

She nodded, "I've played since I was allowed. They almost let me play in my first year, but how insane is that? A first year playing Quidditch? Pinch me when that happens."

"We didn't have Quidditch at my school in the United States," Elizabeth remembered. They tried to form a team once, but the professors burned their field down, keeping it in flames until they agreed to not continue with the sport.

"That's a shame," Bonnie frowned, not understanding the gravity of what Elizabeth had told her. "Oh look, we're here!" she grinned and opened the door. Inside was a dimly lit room with a large round table and food hovering on plates in the center.

"Hello! Do come in, please do," Professor Slughorn welcomed the three students who had just arrived. The Hufflepuffs Elizabeth had seen earlier were seated facing the door, smiling and laughing with each other. The girl she knew from the first day did not acknowledge her.

Klaus and Bonnie seemed to know their place, so Bonnie sat next to one of the Hufflepuffs girls and Klaus sat next to her. Elizabeth gingerly took a seat beside him and hoped that was where she belonged. As the minutes went by, more students began coming into the room, each adorned in lavish clothing. Elizabeth wondered where Tom had gone, for they were right behind her in the corridor. The door creaked open, and Elizabeth looked over her shoulder, expecting to see Tom. Instead, the messy brown hair of the one and only, Asher Bennett, stepped into the room.

"Hello Professor," he greeted. His eyes scanned the room and finally landed on her. Asher gave a close-mouthed smile and proceeded to have a small conversation with Slughorn.

Elizabeth felt her throat getting tighter and rubbed her palms together under the table nervously. Two third year Ravenclaw girls walked in and took the seats to Elizabeth's left. There were only a few seats left and she knew who would fill them. Almost as if he'd read her mind, Tom and the six boys all entered. She found it odd how all of them had been offered a spot in this seemingly exclusive club.

Asher had sat down by then in a seat next to one of the Hufflepuff girls. He smiled at Elizabeth, but she ignored it. Tom sat down and three of his friends sat on either side of him, almost as if it had been rehearsed.

"Well I believe this is everyone!" Slughorn clapped, taking his seat between the Ravenclaw girl and one of Tom's acquaintances. He shifted uncomfortably as the professor sat next to him. "Dig in, everyone, I'm sure you're nearly starved!"

The students began picking food out of the middle of the table, setting it on their plate. Elizabeth grabbed a couple pieces of salmon as well as a scoop of peas. Clear glasses of pumpkin juice floated off of the platter, landing in front of everyone's place. Elizabeth sat and waited as the rest of the students finished gathering their food.

It was silent for a few minutes as everyone took their first bites. "Everyone looks absolutely dashing tonight," Bonnie said to break the ice. A few words of thanks and complimenting were directed her way.

"Might as well wear this since the ball has been canceled," the Ravenclaw girl next to Elizabeth chuckled, regarding her silk blue dress.

Professor Slughorn swallowed a bite of casserole, "It is quite a shame, wouldn't you agree?"

"Yes, I don't even think Grindelwald is anywhere near here," Klaus commented, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I think it will do us good, the extra security," a blonde Hufflepuff girl contradicted with a bright smile. "Dippet is just looking out for us."

"Or he's scared," Elizabeth spoke up. Her cheeks felt flushed and she regretted saying it as soon as she did. All of the students looked her way.

"I agree with Miss Maryn," Tom declared, sending the gazes his way. "Dippet is afraid of anything actually happening because he knows once it does, he won't be able to stop it," he added a smug grin at the end of his proclamation. "Of course, in a hypothetical situation."

Everyone was silent. Elizabeth took a sip of her juice and felt like sinking down in her chair.

"Well, if anything does happen, I'm sure you'll all be under the highest security in the wizarding world," said Slughorn, hoping to loosen the tension.

Bonnie spoke again, "What are everyone's plans for the holidays?"

"I am going to the Bahamas," the blonde Hufflepuff girl said excitedly.

"The Bahamas! That is so wonderful, Clara," Bonnie exclaimed. "You know, I went there a few...."

Elizabeth could no longer focus on the words out of Bonnie's mouth, for Tom had been burning holes in the side of her head with his gaze. She looked over at him and he didn't flinch. Their eyes were locked together. Elizabeth remembered when he'd first looked at her in front of the Common Room door.

"Riddle, why don't you tell us what you'll be doing over the holidays," Klaus said, quite cross and sarcastic.

He didn't tear his eyes away from Elizabeth, "I'll be involving myself in a few extracurricular activities." She knew that meant he would be practicing the magic she'd taught him. "What about you, Maryn?" pondered Tom, actually sounding concerned.

"I think I'll be going back home to America, to spend Christmas visiting my grandparents in Florida," she smiled at the other students.

"I've heard of Florida," Bonnie remarked. "I hear it gets quite hot there."

"Yes, almost eighty degrees in the winter."

Bonnie choked on her juice, "I'm sorry, did you say...eighty?"

"Yes, I think that's the average temperature if I'm not mista-," she began.

"Darling, they use the metric system over here," Asher spoke for the first time that night. As soon as he said darling, Elizabeth felt her ears curl.

Professor Slughorn chortled, "I can't believe I didn't think that you two know each other! You both went to Baxtart's School for the Independent Wizard and Witch if I'm correct."

Elizabeth exchanged a glance with Asher. "We did," she mumbled, looking back at Slughorn.

"Interesting...," he trailed off. "That explains why you're both so ahead of your years!"

"I suppose," Asher spoke. "I think Elizabeth paid attention in class much more than I did."

"It was hard not to pay attention," Elizabeth said coldly, regarding all of the times that children had been killed right in front of her.

Tom looked over to Asher, "Tell me more about this school of yours, it sounds...breathtaking." His choice of words made Elizabeth want to hex him right then and there.

Asher looked to Elizabeth for help. "I certainly learned a lot there, that's for sure," he gave a light smile to the table and took a bite from his casserole.

"What did you learn, I'm curious," Tom interrogated further, his voice not wavering in emotion

He gulped his food nervously. "Well,, er," Asher's face was turning white and Elizabeth could tell the memories had gotten to his mind.

Elizabeth finished, "Useless things, really."

"No magic can really be useless, can it?" Tom persisted, obviously attempting to aggravate Elizabeth.

"Well actually," Bonnie broke the tense conversation with a small laugh, "My mom showed me this spell that puts dust in a pile. Doesn't even sweep it, it just puts it in a pile."

"If that's not useless, I don't know what is," Klaus added, lightening the air a bit.

There were a few moments of silent chewing and sipping, followed by various attempts to bring conversation to the table. Elizabeth noticed a large hourglass out of the corner of her eye. A transparent emerald serpent wrapped around the core as small grains of beige sand dropped from the top to the bottom, very slowly. It was mesmerizing and now had her full attention.

"Would anyone care for dragon milk ice cream?" Slughorn interrupted her thoughts. "I just acquired it from a peer in Hungary; it's quite delicious if I do say so myself," he chuckled.

A few dubious mumbles agreed to try the ice cream. Elizabeth nodded as well, looking away from the hourglass. She noticed Tom had looked away from it as well. Elizabeth gazed over to where Asher sat and felt an ache of jealousy. He was smirking over at the Hufflepuff girl, Clara, who was going to the Bahamas. She smiled back, her cheeks flushed at the attention of the mysterious, older boy. Elizabeth gazed at Clara's beauty and began wondering why Asher even liked herself in the first place. This girl had high cheekbones and perfect plump lips. Elizabeth looked at herself in the reflection on the back of her spoon. She looked plain and had no identifiable traits. Her eyes were blue, but not strikingly of the color, like many others.

She felt betrayed, watching the two exchange looks of romance and infatuation. Asher had no place in her heart, but she figured she had one in his.

"Ah, here we are!" Professor Slughorn exclaimed as the ice cream dishes were distributed to the students.

Elizabeth hesitantly picked up the spoon and scooped up a small portion. She stuck it in her mouth and rolled it on her tongue for a moment, before it melted and disappeared down her throat. It tasted awful. She nearly gagged as the taste of burnt strawberries made its way to her mouth again. Looking around, Elizabeth wasn't alone in this feeling. Klaus actually spit it out. Tom hadn't taken a bite and was watching Elizabeth make the most horrific expressions known to mankind.

"The wonderful thing about it, is that it is the burnt edition of the original flavor!" Slughorn orated, seeming overly thrilled with the fiery treat.

"Professor," Bonnie set her spoon down, "This tastes ghastly."

An echo of laughter erupted from the students, all except Tom. Even his friends gave a small chuckle. Slughorn was cackling as well, "Oh I really do apologize, I thought it would taste better... Oh dear, would you look at the time! You all best be off or else I'll be in colder water with Headmaster!"

Slughorn stood as well as all of the students. He walked over to the door and muttered a few "goodbyes" as the girls and boys exited the room.

Elizabeth noticed Tom over by the hourglass. He was alone and didn't seem shaken by the fact that all of his companions had left him. "Tom, aren't you coming?" inquired Elizabeth, nodding her head to the door.

"You go on, I want to discuss something with Professor," he said ominously, gliding his hands along the serpent.

"What are you discussing?"

His eyes didn't leave the hourglass, "Nothing of your concern." Slughorn was still chatting with students by the door.

"Tom, you tell me right now or you won't get one more spell out of me," Elizabeth commanded harshly.

He turned and walked closer to her, "I don't need your permission to get what I want. Now leave before I miss my opportunity."

Elizabeth scoffed and walked away after a second, not daring to look behind her as Slughorn closed to door after she left. She paused and did something she didn't want to. One of the spells she had learned back at Baxtart's was a charm that would record their conversation and play it into her mind. Almost similar to a telephone, but much more insane.

After the charm was cast onto the wooden door, she walked away slowly and listened to what Tom had to say. It didn't start working for a while and was only glossed over voices until there was a sharp ringing followed by Tom's voice.

"...I came across the term while reading and I didn't fully understand it," Tom's muffled voice spoke softly. It sounded as if he were underwater.

"I'm not sure what you were reading Tom, but this is very dark stuff. Very dark indeed," Slughorn replied shakily. Elizabeth desperately wanted to know what it was that they were conversing so privately and eerily about.

The sound muffled over for a moment and all she heard were tones and pitches. She concentrated and it came back clearer.

"I think you already know the answer to that, Tom."


Elizabeth nearly dropped her wand from hearing the word. As she continued listening, it was obvious what they were talking about. Ripping the soul apart... it was all too familiar.

"Seven? Merlin's beard, Tom! Isn't it bad enough to consider killing one person? To rip the soul into seven pieces... This is all hypothetical, isn't it, Tom? All academic?" Slughorn had shaky breaths in between his speech.

"Of course sir. It'll be our little secret."

Elizabeth fell to the ground, landing against the wall. The spell had broken and she no longer heard their voices. She felt her knee tear against the stone, but she was too distracted by what she knew to be true. Tom wanted to make seven Horcruxes. He wanted to kill seven times. The term Horcrux was too familiar for her own liking.

It was familiar, because she had a Horcrux of her own.
