The funeral

Tsuyu's P.O.V.

After Izuku had left for the funeral Uraraka and Iida had trued talking to us but we wouldn't listen since they were trying to get the class to turn on Izu for no reason. "Why are you guys like this we did-" they staryed but got cut off by Bakugo "ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID YOU DID NOTHING FUCKING NOTHING IZUKU AND FROG BITCH HAD POURED THEIR FUCKING HEARTS AND SOULS OUT TO YOU AND YET HERE YOU FUCKING ARE AFTER CHEATING ON THEM AND TRYING TO SPREAD FUCKING LIES ABOUT IZUKU WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" He was pissed. The duo couldn't think or say a word after that because they knew it was true.

Then Kirishima came down and said "Baku-bae is right Both Tsu and Midori-bro are the nicest people here yet you two used and cheated on them  for what nothing you don't belong in this class let alone this course" he ended it by holding Bakugo's hand causing him to blush.

Me and the girls went upto the new couple and said thank you for defending him I'm glad he has som-" I was cut off by Bakugo "if you knew our past and what I did to him you wouldn't be saying-" it was my turn to cut him off "we know he told and showed us what you did" Mina said.

Bakugo just smiled and pulled his boyfriend upstairs.

Izuku's P.O.V.

We just had the funeral only Nezu and the teachers of 1-A showed up to pay their respects and had requested me to see if they were allowed to be there to do so. Of course I let them. On our way back I het a secret video of Iida and Uraraka trying to spread rumors about me.

"Hey that's stop the car I said I then ran upto to Himiko who was crying with her head in her knees. When I tapped her shoulder ah jumped back a bit. 'She's scared' I thought "hey it's ok Toga I'm not going to hurt you I just want to know what happened?" I said while carefully sitting down beside her. "T-the league t-they b-betrayed m-me" she said while sobbing and trying to get her tears to stop.

"Get up your coming with me to U.A. for revenge against them by putting them behind bars" I told her while getting up myself. She looks at me as if to say I'm insane. "No he's not insane Miss. Toga he means it and I would love to have you in my school as long as you stay with Izuku of course" Nezu said then Aizawa added "that means you'll be sharing the same room as him and be in my class as well" Himiko looked at them then at me while smiling and she agreed.

Time skip Nezu's P.O.V.

The girls were downstairs along with Izuku and Toga getting to know eachother while Uraraka and Iida were in my office with Aizawa, some hero's and myself.

"So what gives you the right to try and destroy someone's life like this" I said as I show a recording of them spreading obvious false rumors of Izuku on his phone.

"He's nothing more than a Deku why is he even in this school?" Uraraka snapped. "Simple it's because he has more chances of being the next number one hero in his pinky toe than you two do in your whole careers combined" Aizawa said wanting to throw them out.

"I have an Idea" snipes said "oh please tell us" I said slightly curious. "These" he said as he passed us some quirk cancelling bracelets. Just then both me and Aizawa had an evil smirk on our faces. "Put these on them Aizawa" I said "with pleasure" he replied.
