The Lost, Lost Cities

Tam's POV

It's been three years since the Neverseen tore down Eternalia and took over the lost cities.

Three. Freaking. Years.

The survivors, the people who were able to escape and weren't forced into the Neverseen as slaves, were driven into hiding.

The braver ones joined the Black Swan.

Then most died.

So the Black Swan broke up.

Light-leaping became banned.

Every child over the age of 10 was sent to Exilium.

Everyone was barricaded inside their cities, if they were left alive.

Chaos was all that was left.

We lost track of most of our friends. Fitz disappeared on a stealth mission a year ago. Sophie and Keefe got stranded on a remote island on a recon mission and we still haven't figured out how to get them off. Dex and his family are stuck in Eternalia, rallying small forces of rebels and annoying the Neverseen. 

And Marella?

She turned to the Neverseen.


Dead. Linh cried for weeks.

Linh and Biana?

With me. Safe in a tiny forest hideout somewhere in North America. The Neverseen think we're dead too. We faked our deaths. That was actually pretty fun. 

We haven't done much these past few years except survive. Until, Biana thought up this crazy plan to bring down the Neverseen. 

I won't let them do it.

We're safe here. I don't want anyone else to get hurt. 

At least, that's what I tell them.

The real reason is because I know we can't beat them. We're going to die trying. All of us. I don't want that.

I don't want the two most important people in my life to die. 

They don't understand. They tell me that it's our only chance. That if the plan succeeds, world peace could be restored. 

That is a very big 'if'. 

I hate 'ifs'.

Biana stormed into my tiny room, snapping out of my depressing thoughts.

"Tam, we need to talk."

She sat on the air mattress with a deflated humph.

"Do you still love me?" I sat next to her on the bed and grabbed her hand.

"Of course I do! Why would you ask that?"

I looked at her beautiful teal eyes dulled with stress. Her Long brown hair had been chopped short during the 'fake the deaths' plan and was uneven, but it made her look like a warrior. A very beautiful warrior. Biana looked away.

"Then why won't you listen to me?  We need to fight back, Tam, I'm sick of being stuck here! Linh feels the same way! If we find Sophie and Keefe, we'll have more numbers, and--'

I cut her off.

"Biana, please, it's too dangerous. You know I--"

"Stop. Please, just listen to me."

She took both of my hands and stared into my eyes. Her technique was working.

"We are the only shot at winning this war. If we don't do something, we're going to be living in this tree house forever! Please Tam, I can't take this anymore. It's tearing me apart."

Her voice cracked and she raised her hands to her temples like she was fighting a headache. I didn't want to see her hurting like this. I tugged hard on my bangs, thinking. My mind went back and forth.



"I want you to know something."

"Okay. What?"

"Well, two things. One, I love you so much. Like, it's not even funny how much. And two, okay. Let's find Sophie and Keefe."
