Prologue Part 5

Dodam^ didn't like not knowing what was going on. He didn't like not being able to keep his two (even if one has already gone somewhere else, he still counts) important humans safe. So when he finds himself and Choi Han^ suddenly somewhere they were not a moment ago, he makes sure to keep himself invisible.

It's easier to keep an eye on everyone, if no one knows he is watching.

It was at that moment he heard someone say, "Why the fuck are there two Choi Hans?"

'Two Choi Hans?'

Glancing around, Dodam^ finally noticed the other Choi Han.

'The rude human is right. There are two Choi Hans.'

-Choi Han, why are there two of you? Is this like one of those stories I read about where a human finds their long lost twin?


Choi Han^ was very confused. One moment Dodam^ and he are at their underground home in the Forest of Darkness and the next instant he finds himself and an invisible Dodam^ clinging to him somewhere else entirely.

It's not the first time that has happened to him and this time is admittedly better than the last time, but it's still disorienting and concerning. Especially now that he has someone else with him he needs to protect. Granted, the other person is in fact a very great and mighty dragon, but he is still only 3 years old. Being the older of the two, it's his job to protect Dodam^.

Before Choi Han^ can decide what to do he hears someone shouting about there being two of him.

'What? Two of him? Since when?'

He looks in the direction the voice came from and sure enough, he sees another version of himself. This other him looks slightly older. Not enough for most people to even notice, but he knows himself better than anyone and he can see all the little differences. The other Choi Han* looks darker, angrier, more shrouded in despair.

Choi Han^ briefly wonders what happened to the other man to make him like that, but decided it's really none of his concern. He has his own issues to deal with and a family (small though it is) to protect. He doesn't need to add the other Choi Han's* burdens to his own.

Then he hears Dodam^ ask him if he just found his long lost twin.

"Pfft." The laugh comes out before he has a chance to smother it and draws all eyes toward him. It's not a pleasant feeling having so many people looking at you.

"What's so funny?" The other him asks with a dark look.

"Not much. Just had the whole long lost twin thing pop into my head," he replies with another chuckle.

He hears a few scattered chuckles before a new voice speaks.

"That's not likely considering the other two who showed up with you," a golden haired, blue eyed young man in very fancy clothes said.

Those words prompted everyone to move their gazes from Choi Han^ to the two mentioned individuals. Choi Han^ and Dodam^ also looked toward the others that came with them.

-Choi Han, the golden haired kid looks like a little version of the golden haired guy that just talked. They are even both using magic to dye their hair. They changed their eyes too.

Hearing what Dodam^ said and remembering the differences between his double and him, Choi Han^ figures that they must be from a different world. Especially since he recognizes the two that came with them as the King and first prince of the Roan Kingdom and he can see older versions of both of them in the crowd of people standing in the area with the other Choi Han*.


Alberu^ is quite used to having many eyes on him, but this is still a nerve wracking situation. He has no idea where he is or what is going on, but he has survived through high pressure situations for years now, so he is sure he can somehow make it through whatever this is.

While thinking that, a certain attendant's face comes to mind. He was always calm and collected, even with a sword at his throat. The words he said really struck a chord in Alberu^. Those words gave him the confidence he needed to accept his Dark Elf side as a part of who he is and not some shameful secret.

Alberu^ isn't sure why that man still comes to mind at times. He hadn't really known him for long, but for some reason, he can't bring himself to forget him. He also doesn't want to disappoint him. That is why he takes only a brief moment to collect his thoughts, pastes his political smile onto his face, and then steps forward ever so slightly to speak.

"Hello. My name is Alberu Crossman^. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

The same golden haired man from before steps forward to return the greeting.

"Hello. The pleasure is mine and it just so happens that my name is Alberu Crossman* as well."

With those words, the suspicions many have had for a while now are confirmed. Same people, different worlds or maybe different times.

Scritch. Scritch.

That sound once again moves everyone's attention to the front of the room.

"Welcome to those who have just arrived. This is a safe place, so feel free to relax, eat, drink, treat any injuries and speak with each other. No violence is allowed and the barriers between the sections will remain for safety. All ancient powers, mana, aura, and abilities that can harm oneself or others have been sealed. All weapons have also been removed. Everything will be explained once the last group arrives."

"I guess that answers some of our questions," Alberu^ said.


Zed Crossman^ chose that moment to speak for the first time and asked, "How many groups have already arrived?"

He was answered by a dark haired man with scars across his body, "Your group makes the fourth."

"Do you know how many groups will be here in total?"

"Nope. Wasn't in the information pamphlet."

The tone the man used to reply and the smirk on his face had Zed's^ hackles raising. Zed Crossman^ is a king. He isn't used to anyone except his close friends speaking to him with anything but respect.

The urge to denounce that nobody's behavior took a massive amount of willpower to squash. He isn't in the Roan Kingdom right now. He doesn't actually know where he is or who is behind this. Staying calm, rational, and cordial will get him farther. Especially since he isn't here alone. He has Alberu^ to think about too. If the Hunters are behind this, he can't show his hand prematurely. After all, he is known as a mediocre and unambitious king. Some may even say cowardly and that's how he wants it to stay until he can rip all of those damn Hunter bastards to pieces.

He mentally takes a breath, reigns in his temper, pastes one of those political smiles Alberu^ has gotten so good at on his face, and politely replies, "Thank you for the information."

The smug bastard just smirks back and offers an exaggerated bow in return.

Zed^ has to grit his teeth and look away to maintain that smile, but almost loses it anyway when he happens to catch sight of an almost identical, though younger looking, face with that same infuriating smirk across it offering a similarly mocking bow.

'Why does it feel like the both of them know exactly who I am and are enjoying acting like they don't?'

Luckily for Zed^, his patience with the two isn't put to any further testing as a bright flash signals the arrival of yet another group.

Once the light has faded, everyone's eyes are automatically drawn to the new group. They are quite easy to spot after all since they are the largest group yet.

The moment of stunned silence as people take in who exactly this group consists of is broken once again by a very overwhelmed redhead.

"Fuck. Now there's three!"
