Jk's pov

Jin hyung was planning to throw a party tonight and invited me and jimin, why not go? I mean we've been in a pretty bad mood lately so why not cheer up a bit? Jin hyung is the best at organizing parties so you wouldn't want to miss that.

-timeskip to the party-

As we entered Jin hyung's house, i could smell the reek of alcohol in the entire room and not to mentiom the people dancing, more like bouncing to the music like some drunk 70-yo old pedos. I didn't like the atmosphere, not at all. it's different from the parties hyung usually throws. just ew.

i went over to a table with jimin, grabbed a drink and gulped it all down. jimin, on the other hand didn't seem like he was enjoying the party. i turned my head to his direction and saw him staring at someone. and that someone was no other than the all mighty yoongi himself.

"do you want to go home?" i said with a concerned voice.

"no." he sounded anxious tho.

"are you sure?" i asked again.


throughout the whole party, i kept an eye on jimin who seemed very disturbed. at the moment, he was drunk as hell and barely walked straight. i decided to help him up to jin hyungs room and let him rest there a bit. i lay him in the bed and sigh.

"blood..." jimin murmured.

what does he mean by that? 'blood...blood...blood...' kept echoing in my head as i recalled my past again. oh god no my anxiety is back. thought i was already over it. i stroked my own head in attempt to soothe myself. a pair of arms suddenly wrapped around me and pulled me down to the bed into a tight and loving hug. of course it's jimin. after that everything went completely blank.

omggg im so sorry for not updating in like 6 months i stopped with wattpad for a while but now im back and ive missed yall😭😭😭❤ and sorry for such a short and sucky chapter and i feel like i have absolutely no talent in writing you deserve better😤😤💞 and and and the story is soooo boring and im kinda cringing but i swear its gonna get better in the next chapter (maybe)😖 oh and also i kind of forgot the plot lol😂 but ill try to update regulary from now on. ok maybe i ahould end this note here. baiiii🥀💖💖
