Nick reveals.. Chapter 9

Nick- I wasn't done talking to you..

London opens the door, and see's him standing there lookind so wasted.

London- What?

Nick- Me & Kelly, were messing around for 2 years.. we planned on making a new family. Leaving here,and going some other place special.

London- wh-what. Dad she is using you. You can't see it cuase, she blinded you. to make you think she loved you.She wants money.

Nick- She can't get it if i dont give it to her, and i changed the will around.

London- dad-what did you do.

Nick- I put Kelly up there..

London- OMG..

Nick- But she cant get the money if i dont give it to her.

London- She can get if your dead..

Nick stagers back, puts his hand to his head.

Nick- What, kelly isnt that bad. She is a very nice girl.

London- dad, when she kills you, and when i meet you there, i will tell you "I told you so.".

Nick- Stop playin around.

London- -Laughs- Okay okay, but you just put yourself in a deep spot, now she is going to ruin everything. She, She was my friend. Until i found out about you and her.

Nick- London, You are going to sit back and take it.

London- I dont have to take it.

Nick- what, Your my daughter. -stagers-... I feel sick

London- Ewww, go to the bathroom.

Nick- But remember, Kelly is my love

London- Mom is your love..

Nick- Forget that bitch !

London- Stop, she is dead because of you..

London tears up...

Nick- I didn't mean to kill her !

London pauses..

London- (crying) so it was you, you did kill my mother... why..why?

Nick- (thinks) Cause she was holding me down. She wasn't no good anyway..

London closes the door in his face.  
