My Eyes.

(Dreams perspective)

For the past couple of weeks, I've grown a sudden liking to Ink. He seems different to me somehow, nothing much has changed to me but.. somehow, someway, they have.

The only thing that has really changed was Swap not being on our adventures as much as before. It was the three of us, sometimes Ink wouldn't show up with his excuses being "I forgot". Or his famous one of "I was occupied by ERROR". I mean, seriously? Why do they have so much beef?

Perhaps because Ink is a creator. He helps people and he protects. I don't know why I haven't noticed that before, well. I had but, never acknowledged it. Although, I can't help but feel something.

It isn't happiness.
I don't like it, because, I don't know what it is.


"You alright there, buddy?"

It was Ink, we're currently in outtertale. He was here before me and I had just so happened to find him earlier. We sit together as he doodles the stars.

"Yea, I'm just reflecting."

I reply to him as I smile. Oh, how glad I am that we are here together in this moment. I truly do enjoy him and his company.

"We should interact with Swap more."

"Of course, I like when we all hang out :)"

"Yeah,.. I like you too."

I didn't mean to say that.


Ink stopped doodling and turned his head to look at me. He had his silly smiley look but still looking for an answer from me.

"I mean, I just.. like you, you know? You are very kind. Ink."


Ink teased as he flicked his wrist to me, winking as he did. He was always such a teaser as I could recall.

"You're pretty kind yourself, Dream; truly."
"But I have a question. Do you 'like like' me?"

"Ah..!-.. w-well i-.. uh"

To be quite frank, I hadn't expected him to flat out ask that. Though I didn't want to be childish as if we were kids. I thought to myself for a quick moment before I stared into his constantly changing pupiled eyes.

"I.. I think so.
You're one of a kind, Ink."

"And in my eyes, you're wonderful. Ink.."

His eyes didn't seem to change.


I believe in that moment, I couldn't see anything, my eyes could only see Ink. It was like everything else was cut out.


(Third person perspective)

Ink had put down his sketchbook and leaned a bit closer to Dream as Dream did the same and got closer.

Both of their blush grew big and closed their eyes. Dream closed his first. As they leaned together as the stars shinned.. they kissed.
Truly a mystery of how as to them being skeletons..
(sorry.... didnnt mean to brekak the fourth wall TwT)

They were silent for that moment their skulls clicked. Dream couldn't help but make a small noise while they kissed, this made Ink put his pencil down and put his hand on Dreams cheek.


He didn't know why they decided to kiss, but he knew he had some type of "crush" on Ink., his friend, his teammate.
All thanks to Swap. And Dream had to admit, he was pretty grateful for that since he enjoyed this kiss right now.

They both leaned away and looked at each other. Once Dream realized what just happened, his face turned very yellow with blush and his pupils were gone.

"OH STARS!!.."

He held his face with two of his hands as his pupils were still gone. His eye sockets filled with darkness.

"What did w-we just do?!"

"We kissed"

Ink replied back quickly, clearly not embarrassed.


Dreams pupils finally showed again as he found it difficult to look at Ink for a second. He couldn't believe he just kissed his friend.
Friend? Is he even a friend at this point if he feels these strong feelings for him?

"My, Dream. You've been holding out on me? Hehe, seems like you wanted to do that for a whiile..~"
"I wonder how long, though."

"For a bit.."

But he didn't expect to kiss him.

"I-I apologize.."

Dream looked away from Ink and the blush weared down a bit. But Ink didn't look away. He smiled and said;

"Hey, I'm just teasin' ya! Don't apologize so much, Dreamy~"

Dream looked back to him, smiling as well.

"I suppose."

He then look at Ink's little sketchbook and sighed. With the stars of the galaxy, there were him, Ink, and Swap.

