3 | a p o l o g i z e s

After the argument with the old man that happened yesterday, Pah's buddy was already awake, waiting for his girlfriend to wake up.

I don't really know how but looks like him being there for his girlfriend made her better, looks like she felt the ✨ l o v e ✨ radiating from her boyfriend.

So with that, the girl woke up too.

The first minutes after she woke up was for family reunion, after that she hugged her boyfriend. Spending hours with reunions and accepting flowers, her mind was having flashbacks of that day.

That was when she remembered something, someone to be specific.

"Do any of you know the girl who rescued us?"

This question made her father froze.

"W-What are you talking about?"

"There was someone there who rescued us from getting more injuries, a girl. She made the others run after her in order to keep them away from us. Love, you too remember her, right?"

"Yeah, I remember her too. She had afro hair, but I'm not sure of the colour. Though, it was like a pinkish colour."

"Yes, I wonder how she is. I really wanna thank her. After all, is she wasn't there who knows what would happen."

"Me too love, and you are so right. I'm so glad she was there."

"Don't talk like that about her. If she didn't saved your daughter, then she would be awake. Do you think your daughter is the only one injured? Our friend has so many stabbing wounds. She had been stabbed on her arms, abdomen, legs and back."

'The girl who saved them is unconscious and has so many wounds...'

"I'm the brother of the girl who saved your daughter, you ungrateful old man. Just shut up and mind your own business."

'A boy with teal coloured afro hair...'

"What did you just say old man!? Your daughter's condition could be worse if she didn't come! She made the enemy run after herself to keep your daughter safe! And for what!? Just to make sure they will be safe and alive! She did that without waiting something in return! And this is what she will get!?"

'What will I do?..'

"And never come anywhere near Y/N. Even when you learn the truth. We won't see you again."

'What can I do?..'

"I think I know the girl you are talking about..."

"Really!? The we should go and thank her!"

"You aren't allowed to walk for now. First your injuries have to be better."

'I'm just postponing what might happen...'

"What about I go and thank her now, then when you get better we can visit her and thank her together?" The boyfriend suggested.

"That would be awesome! Before you visit, can you buy her flowers and a present too?"

"Of course! I will get going now, I will visit you after this, alright, love?"


'I have to do something too...'

The boyfriend of the girl visited the triplets as he said. Thanking them and wishing that their sister will wake up soon. He put the presents somewhere near her hospital bed, and placed the flowers on the drawer near her hospital bed.

With that, he left the room and made his way to his girlfriend's and his hospital room. (After the two of them woke up, they changed their hospital rooms to a normal one)

At the same time, a man neared the door of the room the triplets are in and tied some balloons on the door knob with a few letters tied to them.

After that, he left to see his family.

To the two blondes,

I'm sorry for behaving like you are not humans. I'm sorry for saying such bad things about delinquents. It would be better if I say these things to your face but after all the things I had said, I think this way will be better. I hope you forgive me. You and your friends are true heroes.

From old man.

To the teal coloured afro haired boy,

I'm sorry for all the things I had said about your sister. She is a real hero. I hope she gets better soon.

To the girl who saved my daughter and his boyfriend,

Thank you so much for saving them. I hope you will get better soon. And sorry for the things I had said about you behind your back.

To the brothers of the girl who saved my daughter and her boyfriend,

I'm sorry for the things I had said about your sister. If she wasn't there, their condition could be worse. She is an amazing person. If you allow, I would love to thank her face to face. Hope she gets better soon.
