Chapter 6- Game Plan

They gathered at Archie's house. Jughead brought pizza, but nobody except for him and Archie ate it. Cheryl brought blueprints of the cabin. "I don't even want to know where you got those from," said Archie.

Veronica gave Cheryl a pen, and they started to game plan.

"Ok, so the door to the cabin is over her," she drew a circle, "and this is where Betty most likely is. They wouldn't leave her on the floor, and there is a big pole in the center. They may have tied her to it. We can enter through here, but we need two of us to watch. Even though Cassidy leaves, his goons still sometimes wander around the cabin."

"I think you and Jughead should go. You know your way around the cabin, and I'm sure Betty will want to see Jughead," said Archie, looking at Cheryl.

"Good idea, Archie and I will keep watch, and signal you if we see them," said Ronnie.

"Okay, we will head out in 30 minutes. Change into something dark Arch, they will definitely spot you wearing that," commented Jughead, looking at Archie, who is head to toe in neon orange and yellow. Archie ran upstairs to change. Jughead started pacing.

"Jug, our plan is solid. We will get her back. Don't worry," assured Cheryl. He tried as hard as he could to believe her. 


Betty woke up from a horrible rest, only to see Auntie Blossom and Cassidy, who was holding his trusty bat.

"Auntie, why are you doing this. What did I ever do to you?!" yelled Betty. Ms. Blossom walked over to her.

"You are partly to blame for Cheryl's "turn to the dark side"," said Auntie Blossom.

"What the hell do you mean?" said Betty.

That comment got her a slap to the face, as she felt the blood trickle down her skin.

Ms. Blossom scoffed. "You endorsed her relationship with the serpent girl Toni. Cheryl is not allowed to date girls. You did nothing but support Cheryl. I know you are a serpent now, so maybe this," circling Betty with her finger, "will help her realize she will not be a serpent."

"I am not a serpent!" yelled Betty.

Ms. Blossom looked at Cassidy, who walked over to Betty. And before she knew it, the bat was coming down on her knee. Again. She felt it shatter into millions of pieces. She cried and screamed, but Cassidy continued to beat her in the knee, ribs, and arms.

She went limp again, being held up by the rope, a few inches off the ground. She tried to use gravity to let her feet touch the floor, but couldn't. After a few more punches to the face, she went unconscious again. At this point she prayed for death, knowing it would only be a matter of time before she was gone. 
