
Your jaw is slack.

You feel a solitary tear fall from your eye and onto the screen.

They were your parents. Your parents trusted SHEILD. But we're tricked.

Even though you have no recollection of them, seeing them both there on the screen, shot point blank in the forehead, makes you want to scream.

Tony" y/n... Do you recognize those people?

You slowly shake your head.

They're my parents. I don't remember them but I know it's them.

Tony's eyes soften.

T" Im sorry kid. I know what it's like to loose both parents. Alot of us do."

You take a deep breath and continue reading.

Each document, each word just fules the evergrowing swarm of emotions racing through your mind, making you want to break down and cry or punch something.

But you keep your emotions on their leash.

You know now that SHEILD is good. Everything you know or have been told up until a week ago was a lie.

Tony" that's why your records are hard sealed. Because no " adoption" ever took place."

Tony moves to another monitor types something, then speaks to the air.

Tony" jarvis, run program 666."

A few seconds later his monitors start beeping. And you mean all of them.

All his monitors come up with the flashing words" hack attempt"

Tony" oh you beautiful pieces of shit. Ok let's play."

A few minutes of frantic typing later and he pushes off the desk and throws his arms in the air.

Tony" haha! How you like me now you auldi brand nazis"

Tony then turns back to you, who is still staring at the pictures. When he sees you he turns back around and looks through something on the holographic monitor.

Tony" hydra just tried to hack my system. Luckily I have a back trace so we know what they were trying to do. And someone really doesn't want us to see this."

He taps the screen and a document shows up infront of you.

Tony" that's everything about you that hydra has. Unless they gave you a code but even then jarvis is programmed to find things and he's the best."

You take another breath and read.

Mother:martha Johnson deceased
Father: Timothy Parker deceased

Address: 20 ingred st. apt. 211, queens new York.

Born: 4:46 am

God father:n/a


Relatives: may jones
: Any other living
relatives are not
in frequent

Siblings: none.

Child last seen on security footage with parents. Left the apartment at 7:34 pm, never returned.

Relative reported the family Missing after they missed a-

you skimmed trough the next few paragraphs because it was a copy of the police report.

but then you notice notes from one of the leaders who trained you,

" subject shows enhancement capabilities.

already has the ability of telekinesis.

partial telepathy

:subject has had selective school education up untill current day.

:subject verbally combative, uses sarcasm and insults. subject is also physically combative and has been restrained for the time being.

recommended course of treatment.


training to be completed




:bolt action


:Pump action

: handguns

:Smith & weston bodyguard 380 auto with crimson focus.

:Ruger SR9c 9mm x 19 luger .40 s&w

: Walther PPS 9mm x 19 luger .40 s&w 357 sig





: other

: various poison

: Crossbow

:More to be added

you flip to the next document where the list continues.

: language

: German

: russian

: Romanian

: spanish


: Italian

:enhancements projection.

: Increased telepathy and telekinesis.

: Thermal manipulation

: Enhancement serum affects

As you read you realize that everything they wanted to happen did. your powers, your training, it all went according to plan. you gained more power then they thought you would though.

you were the perfect puppet.

you swipe the screen and the next page of documents comes up, and its a continuation of the notes.


: eliminated

:extended family
: May jones
: no threat

-will monitor for two years. if threat level changes then subject will be eliminated.

-subject is guardian to a 10 year old boy.

-no threat.

activation triggers will be instilled into subject to ensure compliance.

time to activation: 2 years.

You keep reading until tony clears his throat and you jump slightly and look up at him.

He raises his hands in surrender

Tony" sorry.. it's almost two o'clock, do you want a sandwich or something? I think it'd be a good idea to take a quick breather."

You look over at the time on the screen infront of you and realize that it is infact almost 2. You can't believe you let yourself get so absorbed that you completely disregarded your surroundings.

You look back at Tony and nod your head.

Tony" ok, c'mon. The kitchen is over here, I'm assuming you don't know if you like turkey or ham so you can try some. "

You take one last fleeting glance at the screen before getting up off the stool and following Tony.

He leads you in the kitchen and then goes to the fridge as you stand on the other side of an island.

He pulls random things out of the fridge, then gets a plate out of the cabinet and puts a little bit of some of the stuff on the plate.

He then turns and sets it on the island, sliding it across the countertop to you.

You see two types of meat, two types of white goop, and some different types of cheese.

Tony" give them a try."

You hesitantly take your gloves of and try a bit of each thing.

Tony" ok which ones did you like the best."

You point out the ones you like and he gives you a nod and a soft smile.

Tony" ok sandwich coming up."

He makes the sandwich, putting generous amounts of each ingredient. Then puts it on a plate and again slides it to you. He then turns around and starts making another sandwich, presumably for himself.

Your proven right when he turns around with his own sandwich, then leans against the countertop.

Tony" did you read anything your willing to share?"

You nod your head, but have no way to actually communicate with him since you left your notebook in the other room.

Tony" here"

He taps on the counter next to him and a key bored pops up infront of you.

Tony" type out whatever you need to say and it'll show up here for me to read."

You nod then put your sandwich down.


as you finish typing the words appear infront of Tony and he reads.

Tony" I'll start a search to see if theirs anymore information about her in hydras records. I'll also start a general search.. but that name. Something about it just sounds familiar to me. Which is weird.."

You scrunch your eyebrows, not that he could see, then continue to eat your sandwich. When you finish as much as you can you set the rest down and put your glove on.

Tony" here slide it over. I'll put it in the fridge, if you get hungry again I can grab it for you."

You nod then slide the plate.

He puts it in the fridge then starts walking back to the main area, nodding his head for you to follow him. You put your gloves back on and then hop off the stool and walking a couple of yards behind him.

Tony" hey find that name for me, I'll have jarvis start the search. "

You nod, and as soon as you enter the room you go over to the area you were sitting in before, were the documents pop up as you approach the table.

You search through and find the name.

May jones. Sister of Martha jones.

You write the name down in the notebook and slide it twords Tony who looks at it then nods and starts typing on the computer.

You read for you don't even know how long when the doors to the elevator open.

You instantly get up and get In to a defensive position.

Wanda and pietro walk through the doors and you relax a bit.

Tony" hey guys! How was the mission?"

Wanda" it went good. No casualties. We were able to talk the suspect into coming in."

Tony" good work you two. Leave any broken items here and I'll get em fixed."

They both nod and walk over, and they both give you a smile.

Pietro" hello again. How are you?"

You give him a nod.

Wanda" how are you feeling?"

You reach out to the notebook and pick up the pen. But then faulter on what to write.

How WERE you feeling.

As your mind cycles through all of the events of the past week, you realize that.. you don't really feel.. anything. Or maybe your feeling everything.

But they both produce the same tight feeling.

You set the pen down and just give her a shrug, to which she gives you an empathetic smile.

Pietro places a pair of shoes on the counter, and Wanda places a glove.

The shoes soles are warn down almost bare, and the glove has a broken clasp.

Tony" what happened to them I thought you said it was peaceful?"

Wanda" peit ran around getting civilians away just incase and I caught it in the quinn."

Tony" ahh. Okey dokey. I'll get em fixed. And roadrunner, I think I found a substitute material for the soles. I'm gonna make a prototype and I'm gonna need you to test them."

Peitro nods.

The computer starts beeping and the words " located" started flashing.

Your eyes widen and your breath hitches and gets caught in your throat.

Tony looks at you, then rushes to the computer.

He clicks a few things then a file pops up.

Tony" no fucking way."

He scrolls and reads for a second. Then turns to you.

His expression is one of pure disbelief.

Tony" Wanda. I need you to pull peter out of school and bring him here. I know you just got back but it's important."

Wanda gives you, then tony a concerned glance.

Tony" I'll explain when you get back."

She nods gives you a smile, then leaves with peitro.

Tony" y/n, your aunt is may jones, She's an amazing woman. And you have a 17 year old brother, named peter. He's actually apart of this team. I won't reunite you two until you feel comfortable, and get your bearings here, unless you want me to. But I know that playing familiar music and seeing things from his past helped Bucky remember. And Steve helped him alot because he was a physical person. That means strong emotional attachment. And since you knew peter, he might help you remember yourself."

Your vision swimms as rage suddenly fills your body. Your heart starts beating hard, and you feel like screaming.

You know however, that the anger your feeling isn't your own.

When your.. abilities are active, and you feel someone's emotions, it's almost like you put on a mask. You can see around you, but your vision is still obstructed.

You frantically reach for your note book.

Someone is angry

You show Tony frantically and he looks at you with his eyebrows furrowed.

Tony" what do you mean?who?"

You turn and grip the chair as another wave hits you, snapping the back.

Tony" WOAH! Ok, calm down. Who's angry and why are you."


A look of shock and dread cross tony's face.


One of the monitors changes to show another lab. With Bruce on all fours. You see his skin literally turning green. His fist curl and he lets out a scream.


He turns back to you with a panicked face. He starts walking and you follow him trying not to break everything you see.

Tony" y/n I need you to hide. I have a room that you can punch kick scream anything and no one will hear. But what ever you do don't come out until one of us comes and gets you. If you hear banging don't go looking for it. And if a giant green rage machine comes your way"

You follow him into a room far back on the floor. It's got grey Matts on the walls and floor, and sound proofing on the ceiling.

Tony" I promise everything is ok."

He walks out leaving you alone. You feel a rumble, and go sit in the corner along the wall of the door. Your foot starts to shake. Then your hands.

You throw your head back hitting the wall softly, clenching your jaw.

Your body feels like it's buzzing because of how much pure anger and frustration there is.

You throw your head back a little harder, hoping that the jolt will make it stop.

A few minutes later it starts intensifying. You don't realize it, but vines and leaves start to surround you crating a sort of woven ball that's a few feet thick. You have about a foot of room all around you, and it helps block out the noise.

Suddenly you hear a massive roar, the ground shakes, and without you realizing the sphere around you gets thicker.

25 minutes later, the noise and shaking have stopped, and you aren't feeling Bruce's anger anymore. However, even though you aren't actively feeling his emotions, his buzzing anger still lingers with your own emotions, making them 20 times worse.

You try to keep calm,not wanting your powers to get out of control more then they already are.

You don't know if you need to scream, cry, punch something, or kill someone. And even though you know killing is bad, you can't help but imagine her face being pummeled. Not that it does you any good, if anything it just makes you angrier because you can't break her face in.

Tony's p.o.v.
(Starting from when he left you)

I run down the halls trying to get to bruce. It was to dangerous to take the elevator. To much noise and no escape route. Not to mention jolly green could have already destroyed the elevator shaft.

Tony" hey buddy give me a suite and a status report."

A few seconds later my suit starts to fly into place and connect itself, and jarvis starts speaking.

Jarvis" banners pulse is 210 and climbing, blood pressure is 165/94, respiration 40. Mrs.Romonoff is on seen with Mr.Barton, Mr.wilson, And the twins.

Tony" we got three minutes max until he throws a tantrum."

I fly down the rest of the way, and as soon as I reach the door I hear green bean roar.

I get into the room just in time to see him finish changing.

Nat, Peit, Wanda, Sam, and clint stand in front of him ready to fight.

Wanda" dr.banner? Can you hear me?"

She says with caution and weariness.

His head snaps to her and he roars again.

He lunges forward so I blast him through the floor.

Nat" Tony!!"

Tony" what?! It's not like we gotta lot of options here people!"

We drop down.

We start fighting, and after five minutes of smashing, putting banner through the floor three times, and yelling, banner is still going strong.

Nat" Tony! We need more people! We can't keep putting him through the floor, eventually hell reach the bottom and we can't let him get out to the street!"

She screams while dodging banners fist.

Tony" jarvis call Steve"

A few seconds of ringing later,

Steve" hey is everything ok?"

Tony" um... Kind of?"

I say firing my repulser at banner because he's getting to close to Wanda who is struggling to keep banners anger down.

Steve" what's going on?!?!!!"

Tony" code green"

Steve" what?! Where? Where's y/n?"

Tony" I put her in the furthest room from the elevator in my lab. She knew something was wrong before jarvis did."

Steve" what? What do you mean she knew?"

I fire off my repulser and fly up as banner runs at me.

Steve" Tony?!?"

Tony" she could feel his anger. It's almost like it became hers. She actually broke my chair."

Steve" well be there in five."

He hangs up, and I go back to fighting bruce.

Nat" Tony!! We need to tranq him, now!!"

Tony" I don't know where they are!!!"

Nat whips her head around with a exasperated expression.


Tony" I didn't make them! Bruce did, so they must be in his lab or on his floor! Steve and Bucky are 5 out!"

We keep banner as occupied as possible, keeping him away from and furniture or the outer walls.

Nat moves in to try and get on banners shoulders to put her thighs around his neck to knock him out, but he picks her up and throws her across the room.

Wanda" Nat! Are you ok?!"

She shouts while throwing a chair at banner using her powers. We hear a grown from the other side of the room, then we see Nat stand.

Nat" I'm fine. I think I bruised a rib or two. I'll heal."

She says running back into the fight. A few minutes later the door to the stairwell burst open, and Bucky and Steve run through the door. Steve immediately throws his shield at banner, and it hits him in the forehead, causing his gaze to snap to them and a roar to leave his mouth.

Steve" bruce, c'mon man, we don't want to fight you!"

Banner swings at them, and peitro takes his chance to jump on his back, and starts punching him using his speed. Banners arms flail around until he manages to grab peitro's shirt. He rips him off and throws him up, causing his back to hit the ceiling leaving a massive dent.


Pietro lays on the ground unconscious.


Sam, who has stayed mostly out of the fight, just shooting at bruce when he got to close to the perimeter of the room, puts his gun down.

Sam" I'll go find it try and keep him here!"

He runs around us going to the stairs.

We continue to fight banner, most of us getting thrown into a wall at one point or another. Then thankfully Sam bursts back through the stairwell door.

Sam" MOVE!!"

We all get out of his way and he shoots bruce in the thigh.

Bruce looks down for a second at the tranq, then pulls the empty dart out of his thigh, stumbles, and finally falls over unconscious.

We all take a deep breath and step out of our stances.

Tony" OH SHIT! y/n!!"

I look over at Steve and Bucky.

Steve" we'll check on her. Make sure their ok"

He says gesturing to bruce, who is slowly starting to shrink and turn back to normal color, and peitro who is still knocked out.

They both run into the stairs, and the rest of us sigh.

Steve's pov

We run up the flight of stairs to tony's lab, and run to the other end of the floor.

Bucky" y/n?!"

Steve" where are you sweetheart!? Everything is ok now, you can come out!"

We check every room until we come across the testing room.

We look at each other and Bucky slowly reaches out and opens the door. When we step in, both our jaws drop in shock. In the corner of the room probably five feet high, covering all the way down the the floor, and to both sides of the wall, is a massive barrier of thorny vines.

Bucky" do you think she can hear us in there?"

Steve" I don't know. Only one way to find out."

Your pov.

You clench your fist resisting the urge to reach out and put a hole in the wall. And your head snaps up when you hear footsteps right outside the dome of vines around you.

Steve" y/n? Princess it's Steve and Bucky can you hear us?"

It's muffled, but you hear him.

You throw your fist against the wall in response.

Steve's pov

We hear a thud and look at each other.

Bucky" doll, can you please move some of the vines so we can talk to you?"

A minute or so passes and then an area of vine starts to open and create a hole big enough for us to see into. We look in and see you with your fist clenched, and your leg bouncing at about 100 miles an hour.

Steve" hey sweetie. Sorry about that. Everything is ok. Are you?"

You shake your head.

Bucky" ok, that's ok. Can you try and tell us how we can help?"

You instantly and repeatedly show them a punching bag.

Steve" y/n, your still healing up, you could hurt yourself."

Again you show them a punching bag. They look at each other.

Bucky "ok,ok, c'mon."

You push all the vines away, and they back up so you can get out.

Bucky's pov

Everything about your posture screams tense. Your hands keep clenching and unclenching, and every now and then you'll shake shake them. Almost like your trying to hold back. You follow us closer then normal, and I know both me and Steve can here hear your fast breathing. Every step we take it gets faster and you gets tenser.

Bucky" we're almost there. Try and slow your breathing."

I look back at you as I speak and Steve turns to to see your response. All you does is shake your head.

Steve" alright, here."

shocking both of us, you run around us into the gym and soon as you enter you use your powers to push us back, then to close and lock the door.

Steve" shit"

We both run up to the door and ok start shouting and banging trying to get you to let us in.

Luckily we can see into the room because of the windows on the door.

Bucky" c'mon spitfire you gotta open the door for us"

Steve" we won't come near you just let us in"

Our words go in one ear and out the other as your footsteps quicken.

Bucky" Stevie..!"

Steve" I know Bucky I know. Can you rip this door off?!"

Bucky" no! Tony super soldier proofed the entire building because I kept accidentally ripping off doors remember!"

Steve" damn it! Y/n c'mon you need to let us in!!"

Your pov.

You start walking to the punching bags, taking your gloves off in the prossess.

You hear Steve and Bucky shouting but your so focused on getting your rage out that your brain doesn't register what they are saying.

Before you even make it to the bag your fist are up and your arm is winding back to swing.

Then everything comes out.

Every ounce of rage, frustration, despare, hopelessness, fear, and regret seems to work it's way to your fist.

The punching bag is ripped out of the ceiling by the bolt, crashing into the wall behind it and creating a hole into the next room.

Narrator/ Steve and Bucky's pov( you just walked into the gym)

They look back at you in time to see your fist winding up.

You didn't realize, but by now the few pieces of hair sticking out of your hoodie are gently floating, and there's a blue glow around your hands. As soon as your fist meets the punching bag, it looks like a small shockwave rips through the air, along with your voice.

The scream you let out shatters both the boys heart. It's pure brokeness. Heartache. But also a fury that sent chills to their bones.

the punching bag goes flying, all of the equipment in the room rattles, then the punching bag is no longer in the room.

By now Bucky and Steve have stopped banging, only being able to stand in shock. They knew you were powerful, but they didn't know to that extent.

Bucky" jesus fuckin christ"

Your pov

You stand their breathing heavily. With a wave of dizziness your legs buckle and you fall to your knees.

Bucky and Steve start banging again.

Soon your to tired to keep them out anymore so you grab your gloves and throw them on. You let the doors swing open. And they both start walking twords you.

Steve" y/n are you ok?"

He speaks quietly but it still causes you to jump.

You look back at him. They come and sit in front of you.

Bucky" y/n, is your hand ok."

You look down and realize that your clutching your hand to your chest. You try to open it but wince as soon as you try.


You huff in annoyance and then grip your hand, then take a deep breath, then snap the bones in place.

They both reach out panic. telling you to stop, but you move away from them.

Steve" sweetie don't set your own bones. Let bruce or Tony look at it ok, we don't want anything to heal wrong."

It silent besides your fast breathing.

Bucky" do you feel better?"

You sheepishly nod.

Bucky" that was one hell of a punch.... can you tell us what caused your hand to glow?"

Now that makes your head whirl up so fast you might as well have been an ef5.

Steve and Bucky look at each other.

Steve" princess, your hand started glowing blue. And those little bits of your hair were floating."

You look down and see the little pieces of white and you frantically shove your hair back in the hoodie.

Bucky" I'm guessing that's never happened before."

You shake your head. Bucky's eyes widen.

Bucky" oh! Sorry, here."

He pulls a small notebook out of his gym shorts and slides it to you, and Steve pulls out a small pen.

Steve" figured that would be easier to carry around."

You nod at them in thanks.

I didn't even realize that it glowed. And my hair has never floated.

Bucky" well, when your ready, bruce can help you figure it out. "

Steve" I see Tony finished the gloves, how do they feel?"

You shrug your shoulders.

You notice that they keep changing the subject.

You look over to the wall where the punching bag went through and now lays on the ground.

You look over at them, then down at the small notepad in your hands.

What is happening to me

Steve lets out a sigh and Bucky looks at the ground.

Steve" honestly, we don't know. We don't know why hydra takes the victims it does. We don't know their reasoning. But what we can tell you, is what's physically happening to your body. Bruce and Tony can run scans when you use your powers to find out how your body acts internally when their triggered, that way we know what part of the brain and stuff is responsible for them. "

You shake your head no.

I'm to dangerous.

Bucky" well... So are we hunny.. me and Steve have more kills then everyone in this building combined. You know how I am. But Steve has also been fighting since the 40's. And he's damn good at it."

Steve smiles a bit.

steve" princess, can you look at me please"

you turn your head so you can see him and again he tries to duck down to make eye contact but you pull away a bit so he stops.

steve" your forgiven. for the things they made you do. no one here thinks any less of you as a human for the pain you were forced to enflict and endure. or the affects that came with it."

With all due respect, that forgiveness isn't yours to give.

you notice bucky trying to read you. even at hydra he was never the most subtle when sizing someone up.


You show it to bucky and his eyes widen, then he gives you a smirk.

bucky" ill stop when you open up a bit. but for now that's how im gonna be checking up on you."


bucky" ok i wont. once you open up. we don't need you to tell us everything that happened to you and frankly i don't expect to hear the full story any time soon, but we just need you to give us a chance. doll, I don't know what else to say, or do to convince you that you are safe here. But I promise you that you are."

You look between them.

Your tired of fighting. Of being scared.

You have one chance.

they both give you a smile

Steve" that's all we need."

You sit in silence for a second.

Steve" how are you feeling? I know using your powers like that might have been a little draining."

You shrug your shoulders. Yes your powers drain you, but you can usually hold off on passing out until you are alone.

Steve looks at his watch.

Steve" it's 3:30, have you eaten?"

You nod your head a bit.

It's then, that you realize if your going to give them a chance, you need to give them something.

We need to find Tony. I need to show you something.

both of them furrow their brows.

Bucky" ok, can you walk?"

You nod and stand up before they do.

If you lose your nerve to tell them you probably never will so you start walking to the lab. The scramble to get up, then follow you into the stairwell and up to tony's lab.

You see Tony at the computers and start walking to him.

Steve" Tony back up."

He turns and sees you hurtling twords him and instantly pushes away from the desk.

You start typing in things you know will bring up her.

Bucky" doll what are you looking for?"

You don't answer and keep typing and looking through hydra files. Then you find them.



Hello loves, and welcome back.

Be kind

Be safe

Love endlessly

