kicked out

The Murphy's got into a fight, well it was more Connor vs his parents and sister. All because Connor got high and was at his father's very important business dinner

Larry slammed his fist on the kitchen table
" God Connor you cant stay sober for one fucking day !" he seethed
" AND THATS MY FAULT WHY?" Connor responded


" FUCKING FINE, I HATE THIS HOUSE," Connor shouted and stormed up stairs to grab his bag and and stuffed some clothes and his pencil and notebook and sketch book and blades

He didn't take one look to his parents or his ster before storming put the front door and walking down the street

" hun i think you went to far," Cynthia whispered
Larry scoffed and turned on his heel
" the boy deserves it,"
Larry stormed away and slammed the door to his office
" mum," Zoe whispered
" i know, he'll cool down and we can go find Connor, he's going to be fine, God knows how many times he's ran off," Cynthia whispered and pulled Zoe into a hug

It was a couple hours later and Connor had found a good spot to sleep for the night. He laid there a reflected on the past couple days. He eventually drifted off.

Connors first thought when he woke up was " did i fucking fall off my bed or something?" Then he opened his eyes the bright beeming sun shining in his face
"Right," he grumbled and walked to school he brushed leafs and dirt off his knees and shoulders.
School was almost the same Zoe walked up to him
" Connor I'm sorry dad shouldn't have done that,"
Connor scoffed " yeah right you stood there and watched Larry slap me and tell me to get out, don't fucking say your sorry, I'm not going back there," Connor slammed his locker shut and stormed off.
Zoe didn't see him for the rest of the day.

When Connor ran out of school trying to avoid everyone he slammed into someone
" watch it,"
" oh God I'm -s-sorry,"
Connor bent to pick up the kids paper the person dropped and skimmed the paper
'Evan hansen' where had he heard the name before
" c-c-can i have that back?" Evan asked quietly
Connor shrugged and passed it to him evan quietly thanked him. Evan noticed how connors face had scuffs on dirt.

It was storming for the first week, thr factvthat Connor was homeless was starting to show. Connor arms were littered with new cuts, deeper cuts.
The second week was worse he had run out of food, he shop lifted, he was starving.

Third week was the worse he was mugged, he was stabbed and beaten up. Connor didn't know what to do, his instinct told him to go to the closest hospital which he did he stumbled into the door
" help, please," he muttered as nurses surrounded him.
He was rushed into a room and was sewn and patched up he was set to go back out when a woman came and shut the door
" hey kid, I'm heidi hansen, I called your family and they didn't want to pick you up, and I just need to know why?"
" they kicked me out, I'm a screw up," Connor replied bitterly
" oh dear, where have you been staying,"
"Ally way behind a taco bell,"
" how long?"
" three- four weeks?"
" thats fucked up, would you like to stay at my house?"

"I couldn't,"
" please,"
Connor looked at nurse hansen and nodded his head " okay,,"
" oh Connor the wounds in your arms did the people who attacked you do that?"
Connor shook hisnhead and started crying
" oh honey," she gently rubbed his back
"Lets get you ready okay, I'll get your hoodie,"
Connor nodded and wiped his eyes and softly smiled.

Heidi walked put and pulled out her phone to call evan
" hi mum,"
" hi honey, look a kid about your age came into the hospital he was attacked and he's going to stay in our guest room. Oh have you had dinner?"
" o-okay. I haven't had time,"

into the locked and grabbed her bag and rushed back to find Connor sitting in a black hoodie and he was chewing on thr draw string with the hood up a habit he picked up from when he was little.
" come on kid,"
He looked up and stood up silently walking next to heidi playing with the cuffs of his hoodie.
" i have a kid, his name is evan, I think you two would get along," heidi smiled looking up at him
Connor looked at her and nodded.
Evan? He's heard that name. He remembered once they got into the car
' evan. Hansen,'
Dear. Evan hansen. The kid with the letter
Connor bit the inside of his lip untill he tasted blood.
The car ride was silent
" would you like some MacDonald's?" Heidi interrupted this thoughts
" i mean if that's what evan wants ill just get somthing cheep like the nuggets," Connor mumbled
Heidi smile " okay,"

They got there food and drove to the house, it was small and quaint Connor liked it it seemed more like a home than his. When Connor walked into the house there was photos and art work on the walls it was beautiful he was looking at a drawing of tree
" Connor"
Connor jumped and turned heidi smiled
" your room is up the stairs and to the left, I'll show you, and there's a bathroom in there, I'll get you a towel,"
Connor nodded and coughed alittle
He followed heidi into the room and smiled
When he saw it, a big queen sized bed, a bathroom and a TV on a dresser.
He moved to the bed and sat on it
It was way more comfortable than the cement ground he had been sleeping on
" here is a towel there is shampoo and body wash in the shower, I'll find you some clothes, while I wash your clothes,"
Connor bit the skin around his fingers and nodded once the door was shut he sighed
He moved to the bathroom and turned on the shower and slid into the shower it was warm
Connor smiled and lent back into the warmth of the shower.

"Honey do you still have that box of your dads old clothes,"
" y-yeah, is the o-other boy h-here," evan asked going over to his cupboard and pulling out a old box
" yeah, he is, he's looks to be you age, his name is Connor murphy?"
" murphy? Like Zoe murphy?"
" i don't know evan you'll have to ask,"
Evan nodded and handed the box to his mum
Heidi walked back to the room and heard singing it was nice she recognised the song as love the void by palaye royal, evan went through Phase of liking them.
She placed some of the clothes on the bed and walked out putting the box in the corner. Soon Connor finished and noticed the clothes on the bed a black tank top and a pair of grey sweat pants he pulled them on and found a loose hair tie on the ground and pulled his hair into a loose bun
He walked out of the room as evan shut his door to go downstairs
" hi," evan smiled
Connor jumped " hey, sorry about running into you I was just-"
" you don't have to apologise,"
Connor looked down and smiled
" boys the foods getting cold,"
Evan rushed down the stairs first and grabbed his cheese burger and coke
With Connor trailing behind him

"Connor, i just was wonder why? Why were you kicked out?"
Connor froze and turned " I'm i- my dad he was having this business dinner and I-i struggle with smoking weed and well i got high i didn't mean too, I just was so stressed," Connor scratched his arm " I can leave of you want,"
" hey, that's fine, you don't have to leave- just try not to smoke inside,"
" your fine, with ne smoking weed?"
" yeah, I mean its a relaxant, as long as it doesn't come from a underground d lab I'm fine with it,"
" when I went to rehab they gave me a prescription for weed but my parents didn't believe me,"
Heidi smiled " I believe you,"
Connor smiled and impulsively hugged the woman
"Oh," she smiled and held the boy
Connor went to pull back when he realised what he did
"Thank you for believing me," Connor whispered
She let go and rubbed his back.
They all sat down and Connor was smiling he was happy there was no fights, no yelling, just peaceful conversations
After they finished that sat i. Thr lounge and watched a movie half way through Connor muttered that he needed to go to bed as he was tired
" goodnight, thank you Mrs hansen again,"
" no problem dear, your always welcome at the hansen household,"
Connor smiled and walked up the stairs
He wondered into the room and sat on the bed and gently took the pillows and glanced at his phone
2% Connor groaned and walked back out
"Mrs hansen do you have a iPhone charger i could borrow?" Connor asked gently
She smiled and walked out of the room
"Here you are,"
Connor smiled and thanked her he walked back up to the room. And saw evan
" goodnight evan, sleep well,,"
" goodnight Connor I'm glad your here,"
Connor smiled and shut his door he plugged the charger into the wall then into his phone he switched off the light and made his way to bed, he slipped into the bed and turned on the TV and chose to watch Brooklyn nine nine which he eventually dosed off to, he wasn't woken up by his mother or father he just woke up naturally.
Evan had been awake for awhile jared was coming over to play video games.
"Handsoap," Jared yelled
" hi jared," evan responded and stood aside
" I'm going to win this time,"
They sat themselves down and started playing Mario cart and a few hours later the guest room door creeked open
Jared poked his head up and saw non other than infamous Connor murphy walk down the stairs. His arms covered in scars he stretched out and looked over
" murphy?"
Connor froze and stared at jared his smile fading his face becoming harsh and angry
Connor wrapped his arms around his body hiding his scars
" holy shit evan you finally had sex with your crush,"
Evans face flushed
" w-what evan is this?" Connor suttered
" holy shit he didn't know," Jared laughed
Evan was playing with his hoodie " fine yes i like you,"
Connor smiled and moved to sit down next to evan and slowly moved his hand to Evans face
" good cause I like you too,"
They slowly lent in and brushed there lips
"Ew gays,"
" Jared you might want to fuck off," Connor muttered
Jared nodded and rushed out the door
Connor pushed evan to lay on the lounge and kissed him like his life depended on it. They had no idea how long they were kissing but it was a few hours cause miss hansen walked and shut the front door Connor poked his head up and pushed the lounge
" hi ms hansen," Connor smiled rubbing his head
" hi boys, did I miss somthing?"
" nope, no, nothing at all," Connor smiled
" mm sure, how did evan get those brusis," she pointed to her sons neck
" i-"
" down worry boys, I support, just be careful and use protection,"
