Prompt 9: HornsandHalos

Prompt: This year's Halloween, angels and demons dance through the night, although their fusion is something entirely different than it may seem. Crossing the threshold of the Haunted Manor, they have swapped identities, and a series of tasks to complete will test how they handle the new reality. Time seems to be no longer infinite within the walls and barriers, but the clock is ticking--- if they don't escape from this house in time, they will forever become someone else.

HALLOWEEN IS THE ONE NIGHT HEAVEN AND HELL SEIZE THEIR fighting. Every other Holiday they'd still battle each other on. But on Halloween everything went peaceful. They even interacted.

Asariel didn't know who had picked the location of this conjoined... gathering.

None of the angels she knew would pick a place like this. Her only guess is that the demons attending did.

A manor that is haunted. Asariel could feel the restless spirits within. People who had business here and couldn't go to heaven or hell. And the occasional spirit who didn't want to leave. She never understood them.

Inside the manor was lit with life. Fires and candles burned in a mixture of heavenly and hell fire. Blue and gold. Some even intertwined.

Angels and demons intermingled tonight. It was a vibrant display. Some of the angels were in human form while others weren't. Massive angelic wings spanned out along with the few demonic wings that attached to the winged variety of demons.

Asariel had decided not to go in her true form. Her true form tends to break things. She kept her wings out but they were closed in close to her body.

"Little angel is that you?"

Asariel went still at the familiar soft yet seductive voice behind her. Reluctantly she turned around to see the she-demon approach her.

"Lilah." Asariel murmured.

Lilah smiled at her.

Lilah was a succubus. It's a lower tier demon but considering she's one of the first succubus that the mother of all demons: Lilith had made it makes her important.

She was also a permeant thorn in Asariel's side.

"It is you little angel. I thought I recogonized you. You do look... gorgeous with your wings out."

Asariel shivered when Lilah reached forward and ran a perfectly manicured finger across them.

Asariel had given up centuries ago having Lilah stop calling her little angel. She had also given up centuries ago to make her leave her alone.

Lilah was a constant presence. And it worsens on Halloween. A lot of her tricks and seductions go down as she could freely talk to Asariel. But on Halloween Asariel couldn't retaliate or even flee as Lilah follows.

"It took you no time to find me." Asariel mentioned.

"I always find my favorite angel." Lilah chimed.

"What do you want Lilah?" Asariel asked.

"Same thing I've wanted for the past thousand years." Lilah told her.

Asariel shook her head before turning around and walking away. Asariel knew that Lilah would follow her. She always did.

"You know Halloween is a favorite holiday of mine." Lilah told Asariel.

"Is it now?" Asariel asked.

"Yeah, and it's not just the fights ending. I've always loved seeing humans develop the holiday. To believe they used to dance around fires at one point. Although I hear some still do." Lilah mentioned.

"It's a culture of theirs." Asariel murmured.

"Well, I love Halloween, one of my favorite parts of Halloween though is you."

Lilah stepped in front of Asariel and stopped her.

Asariel could now see Lilah clearly. Her rich brown skin is smooth as ever. Her bright red eyes with the cat-like pupils. And then her beautiful wavy black hair.

Lilah is beautiful. Asariel knew that. It was in her nature to be beautiful. Succubus were meant to lure people in and not even angels were immune to it.

Lucky for Asariel she is good at resisting. She had also been around Lilah so much.

"Is it now?" Asariel asked.

"I mean if you just loosened up a little, I could blow your mind tonight. You'd forget all about being an angel with me." Lilah told her.

Asariel shook her head.

"You never give up." Asariel murmured.

"Not until you are mine." Lilah murmured.

"That is the very definition of blasphemy. Laying with a demon, belonging to a demon." Asariel told her.

"You wouldn't be the first angel. Tell me little angel do you think your... co-workers and peers haven't taken us demons to bed before?" Lilah asked.

"I will not entertain your ideas and thoughts." Asariel told Lilah.

Lilah sighed. "Fine... just one dance little angel." Lilah told her.

Asariel turned to Lilah who stood there expectantly. Asariel hated to admit it but she looked ravishing in the leather dress she wore. Stupid succubus charms that she has.

"Call me by my name and I'll give you a dance." Asariel told her.

Lilah frowned.

"It's just one word and I'll dance with you." Asariel told her.

Lilah took a deep breath.

"Dance with me Asariel."

Lilah offered her hand and reluctantly Asariel accepted it. Lilah pulled the angel out towards the middle of the manor to dance with.

Asariel did her best to ignore just how close Lilah's hands were to her ass.

"Come on little angel, your supposed to hold me as well." Lilah mused.

Asariel grumbled but placed her hands upon Lilah's shoulders. She found it humiliating that in her human form Lilah is taller than her.

In her angel form she'd tower over Lilah. She could turn into a giant band of eyes, metal, and wings everywhere. But most people couldn't handle seeing her in her true form.

And as much as Asariel hated it she had grown to enjoy Lilah's company. She'd be disappointed if her true form burned out Lilah's eyes.

"Isn't this nice." Lilah commented.

"As nice as stepping on nails." Asariel muttered.

Before they could go any further the lights in the manor flickered. Asariel looked up just as multiple of them began to explode sending glass and electricity everywhere.

It was instinct for Asariel to throw up a protective shield around herself and Lilah.

Asariel looked up to see one of the many spirits that haunted the manor appear with a laugh.

"Well won't this be fun!"

Before either angel or demon could respond the spirit had snapped its fingers. It was like a bomb had gone off but without the glass shattering.

Asariel and Lilah were flying into each other and a flash of white light burst through the manor.

Asariel wasn't sure how long had passed before she came to and on top of Lilah. At first, she didn't know notice much until she pushed herself up.

When she looked down at herself her clothes had disappeared. Gone were the angelic white drapes she wore and instead she wore leather clothing. A leather dress that clung to every curve and showed off parts of her she never would've dreamed of showing.

Her hair was also down now. She could also feel something on her face.

But what surprised Asariel the most was when she looked at Lilah.

Gone was the scantily clad demon.

In Lilah's place sat an angelic looking woman, but it was Lilah. Asariel couldn't mistake her for anyone else. But she looked so wrong.

She wore white clothing that covered her completely. And her wavy hair was tied up in a braid with white gems and pearls shining throughout them.

Lilah touched her face and then her hair and cringed. Then she looked at Asariel and she forgot all about it.

"Well don't you look absolutely ravishing little angel." Lilah mused.

Asariel looked around to see the others in similar states. Where angels had once stood sat demonic looking beings and vice versa.

She looked up to see the spirit materialize again.

"You have all switched forms and identities. This is a nice little test. You will perform a series of tasks to return to your original forms and to see how you set in your new reality. Don't try to undo it, your otherworldly power won't work. You have until the sun rises, if you fail you'll never return to your original form."

The spirit dissipated once more leaving the manor to break into panic.


Whatever lurked in this manor was a serious pain in Asariel's ass. Multiple angels and demons tried to undo it but got nowhere. The power this haunted place had was something neither hell nor heaven could touch.

There are places like that and Asariel felt the desire to smite the demon who suggested this manor.

Instead Asariel was stuck completing tasks and to her luck Lilah stayed with her. It became obvious that Asariel had switched forms with Lilah. She was in the body of a succubus, one of the first succubus to be created. Lilah was in the body of a throne. One of the highest ranking angels.

It both frightened and intrigued Asariel. So far Lilah hadn't done anything extreme with Asariel's modified form.

If anything, she looked intrigued by the prospect of being in her little angel's form. Her little angel's powers always intrigued her and now they were at her fingertips.

But alas she found Asariel to be much more entertaining.

She could see the fidgeting and squirming Asariel had as they read over the latest tasks the sadistic ghosts had given.

The two of them had completed three tasks together.

Another thing Asariel noted was time flowed differently here. It moved much slower giving them more time, but the clock still ticked, and the rising of the sun approached.

Asariel couldn't be stuck in this form. She had to get back to hers.

Every minute she could feel the more demonic tendencies coming over her. The worst part was the heat in her groin. And every time she looked at Lilah it worsened. It would be Asariel's luck that she'd switch with Lilah.

A literal sex demon.

"You know little angel the last person who looked at me like that ended up in my bed." Lilah chimed.

"I can't help it, this form is exhausting." Asariel snapped.

Lilah smiled.

She set her hand on Asariel's arm. Even in an angelic form Lilah still had her attraction and desire to corrupt Asariel. Or at least purify her now.

"Yes, resisting the urges can be tiring. You know I think this next task you'll like." Lilah mentioned.

"Anything that gets me closer to returning to my true form." Asariel muttered.

"The angel and demon will perform their new powers together. The angel now demon will feed in the same in the same way the demon now angel had done. And the angel will perform an act of good also known as a miracle the way the angel now demon has done."

The words that the ghost used exhausted Asariel, but she still knew what it meant.

This ghost expected Asariel to feed like a demon.

"I am a throne, I am one of the highest-ranking angels, I am a symbol of God's justice and authority as well as their love. I will not debase myself by performing... acts to please some vengeful ghost. I could incinerate the ghost if it stopped hiding and force it to move on." Asariel declared.

"Calm down little angel." Lilah hushed her.

"I will not partake in the sins of the flesh." Asariel snarled.

"Well lucky for you we can feed in other ways. You don't need to have sex. It tastes better that way but all you have to do is get the person turned on. Come little angel, I will help you. Remember we have to do this unless you intend to be in my form permanently."

Asariel hated that Lilah was right. She couldn't bear being in this form any longer.

Asariel followed Lilah out.

She didn't know how or when humans had arrived but, in a room, sat two humans. One for Asariel to feed upon and one for Lilah to perform a miracle on.

"I'll help you with the feeding little angel. I get the human all ready for you."

Asariel looked away. Even as a demon she couldn't see Lilah get down to work. She drowned out all the noises until Lilah appeared.

"It's simple, just extract the energy from her. A kiss would suffice." Lilah told Asariel.

"You're enjoying this too much." Asariel told Lilah.

"Come on I must have a little fun every now and then. And you look absolutely ravishing as a demon. These... pure thoughts are worth seeing you like this." Lilah mused.

Asariel ignored that comment. She would do this and return to her true form. And then the ghost better pray she never sees them again.

"A typical miracle would be blessing them with a child or curing any illness. Just ask her what she prefers."

Asariel left Lilah to perform a small miracle on the human woman. Asariel turned towards the other one and sighed before stepping forward.

"Your very pretty." The human commented.

"I'm a lot better in my true form." Asariel told her.

Before she could hesitate and just tuck tail and run Asariel kissed the human woman. She expected to be revolted but instead was met with the sweet summer berries taste that is the woman's energy. It flowed from the woman and into Asariel.

Asariel's original plan was just to get a small taste to prove it to the ghost. But the more the summer berry taste entered her the less she wanted to move. She clutched at the woman until suddenly she was yanked off her.

Asariel turned around enraged before pausing upon seeing Lilah.

"You feed anymore, and you'll drain her dry." Lilah warned.

Asariel stopped and looked at the gasping woman.

She managed to gather herself.

"I might've underestimated you." Asariel murmured.

"How so?" Lilah asked.

"You live with this hunger, and you seem to do fine. You don't leave bodies behind frequently." Asariel murmured.

Lilah smiled.

"I prefer my lovers alive but thank you. It's the first time you've given a true complement to me. I'm flattered, truly." Lilah smiled at Asariel.

The two stared at each other and for a brief moment Asariel felt sympathy and empathy for Lilah. Lilah always annoyed her, but she had grown to expect the company of the succubus. It would be strange if Lilah was to disappear one day.

It's probably the only reason Asariel hadn't smite her. Any other demon who tried what Asariel had would be smited by Asariel's powers.

Before Asariel or Lilah could say anything another blast of light hit them. When the two came to the humans were gone and this time, they were outside of the manor.

When Asariel came to nothing was more comforting than seeing her normal clothes back. She shot up and looked around. Her eyes settled on Lilah who had returned to her normal form. Her hair was down and wavy and her clothes were tight leather.

Lilah looked around. The manor stood before them and upon closer sight a woman stood there.

"You two completed your tasks. You go to see what exactly it's like being the opposite and you learned from it. Your free from the house to leave."

The woman disappeared leaving Asariel and Lilah sitting in the grass.

Lilah laughed before looking over at Asariel who stared at the manor.

"So little angel, what do you say? One night you with me?" Lilah asked.

Asariel looked at Lilah who was grinning at her.

"You're buying me dinner."

Lilah grinned. She laid back in the grass. Who knew picking a haunted manor would get Asariel onto talking terms with her. She'd have to thank those ghosts after.

2629. This has been one of my favorite ones to write. I actually have a few short stories planned for these two. I have an extreme soft spot for angel x demon pairings. ***
