With one call to Sammy she was picking me up and driving me to a bar.

"So what calls for such a sudden outing?" She asked as she parked behind the bar.

"A better question is why not." I shrugged. "Work, trying to avoid Diego, my little gangster friend. Throw in some sexual frustration and sprinkle a little PTSD from dating a murderer and there you have it."

"Have what? A bad Lifetime movie?" She said, making me burst out in giggles.

"No, my life. You asshole."

"Well at least you look hot." She shrugged. I nodded, having to agree. I had on gray jeans that were ripped at the knee with a black crop top that tied together in the front.

My simple black heels with a thick strap clapped against the gravel as we moved to the front of the bar. We claimed a booth opposite of the bar and ordered our drinks.

"So this gangster... Has he come back?"

"He shouldn't anymore." I shrugged. "I gave him what he wanted."

She raised her eyebrows, tossing her golden hair over her shoulder. "Should I even ask?"

"No. The less you know the better. But don't worry." I leaned forward laying my hand over hers. "Okay? I'll be fine. I think the worst of it is that it's driving me crazy." I muttered the end of my words.

"How so?" She asked.

I brought my drink to my lips. I looked at her, then the ring on her finger. She was married to a deputy, but I trusted her.

"This guy has threatened me... He's stalked me..." I shook my head. Sam looked like she was hanging onto each one of my words. "But he's so hot." I sighed. "Like... I had to booty call Diego right after he threatened me hot-"

"Shut up!" She hissed. "Isabel Reyes you are filthy!"

"I know." I pouted my bottom lip. "I'm gonna need another drink." I whined. I slid from the booth, offering to get her another.

Rio could immediately recognize the girls saunter when he walked into the bar. He shook his head, letting his eyes wander over her generous thighs and ass for a moment before taking a seat at the bar.

"Okay vodka cran with extra cran." I sat her drink before her, and sat my Rum and Coke down. I always enjoyed the sweet oaky flavor of rum.

"So Diego was super butt hurt." Sam mentioned.

"Yeah, he got over it and by the way." I chuckled. "I completely shattered his manhood without even trying." I told her about how quickly he finished after nearly choking me unconscious.

"Shut up."

"I swear, and he obviously never did it before because he almost killed me." I rubbed at my throat, with a hollow chuckle.

"Unless he does and the girls are just actually dead." She joked with a shrug.

"That's..." I shook my head, not wanting to think about anything dark tonight. "I'm gonna play a song."

I moved across the bar, bending forward slightly to peer down at the songs.

Rio's eyes were once again on the girl. He had heard his favorite LL Cool J song come on and found her to be the culprit that turned it on. The beautiful light skinned woman in front of him, stood tugging him from his seat.

I returned to the booth reciting the lyrics to Sam, making her chuckle. "Shall we?" She nodded to the growing dance floor.

"We shall-"

I stopped, spotting the same neck tattoo that was beginning to haunt my dreams, only this time there was a stunning woman clinging onto him, her face nuzzling into that tattoo, murmuring something to him.

"We shall." I picked my drink up, finishing it. I grabbed a new one before joining Sam. I couldn't help but keep my eyes on the couple. He must not have seen me yet. His eyes were glued to the woman in his arms.

What did I think? I was special?

After a moment Sam left me to refill her drink. I was left swaying and sipping my drink alone.

My eyes caught the tall familiar man abandoning the dance floor. My eyes snapped to where they just were and saw the woman he was just with, arm in arm with a man, leaving the bar. What?

I brought my straw to my lips and let my eyes crawl back to him, finding his eyes already on me.

So he did see me?

I squinted at him and turned away.

Rio noted how sexy she looked. The way she swayed to the beat, it was like she was teasing the entire bar. The way her jeans hugged her ass was what he couldn't take his eyes off of.

When Sam joined me she warned that this would be her last drink.

"Boo!" I whined, taking it for her as she left to the bathroom. I moved back to the booth, unlocking my phone.

The tab that Rio had opened to text himself was still open, with his number still there.

Before I could even think about texting him, he was sliding into the seat across from me.

"Rio." I greeted.


"Why are you still following me?" I questioned.

"Hm... How do I know you aren't the one following me?" He cleared his throat, letting his elbows claim the table.

I rolled my eyes, not even entertaining the idea.

"Where's your heavy handed boyfriend at?" He observed.

"I told you he's not my boyfriend." I shook my head.

"So what then?"

I sat back and took my time checking him out.

"Just a pass time." I shrugged.

"You should probably find a pass time that knows what he's doing." He glanced behind me then got up to disappear into the crowd.

Was that an offer?

"Who was that?" She questioned as soon as she sat.

"Hopefully my new pass time." I flicked my eyes through the bar, trying to find him again.

"Okay well... Are you ready? Or did you wanna stay longer?"

"Actually." I smirked at her. "I think I'm gonna get a ride with my friend."

"Your friend?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Don't worry." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine... But you're sharing your location with me, deal?"

"Deal." I rolled my eyes.

"Alright well... Get laid, pass time, do whatever you gotta do." She sighed, standing and leaving a few bills on the table for her drinks. "Text me!" She pointed at me before leaving.

I chuckled at her and shook my head.

As I picked my drink up, I could feel eyes on me.

I smirked, not giving him the satisfaction of finding his eyes. I grabbed my phone, checking the time before shoving my things in my pocket and moving to the bar.

I was a couple people down from him.

"Can I get a shot of the Bombay." I asked, taking the stool.

"Sure thing gorgeous." The bartender sent me a wink.

I smirked, feeling an arm lay over the back of my seat.

"You can put that on my tab boss." His voice rasped from behind me. He slid in next to me, taking the seat.

He didn't say anything. He stared at me with a smirk and waited as the bartender gave me me shot.

"Care for one?" I asked. "Since it's on you?"

"Nah, I'm good." He tapped his knuckles against the bar. "Your friend leave you?"

"Yup. I told her I had a ride." I spoke, easily turning to look at him as I downed my shot.

He nodded and let his eyes wander over me. He waited until the bartender passed to nod at him.

"I'm ready to close out that tab, now boss." He kept his eyes on me.

He dug in his pocket pulling out his keys. "Black BMW... Parked right out front."

I bit my lip, staring at the keys dangling from his fingers. I snatched them and slid out of my seat, closing the space between us. I leaned in, holding onto his shoulder.

"I do like being bad." I admitted.
