
  "Ah y/n you're cute."  

We drove in silence. It was uncomfortable that Seul called me cute especially since I wasn't sure if he was stating it in a friend way or a different way. I starred out the glass window of the car as we passed others going past green lights and pedestrians. It was quiet and Seul's breathing was really the only thing I could hear. 

"Y/N so maybe if you want to, next week we should" I inturrupted quickly knowing what he was going to ask and avoided his question. 

"I'M STILL HUNGRY." I said loudly. We stopped at a red light. "You're still...hungry?" he asked. 

"Yes, Yes I am." He chuckled. "Okay, where do you want to go then?"  for a moment I thought not really knowing where to go. 

"Fried chicken. I want some of that fried chicken we always got." 


You're not going to win,stop struggling and thinking that you will. 

That girl, why do you have the sudden need to fight? 

You're not going to win. 

Why did you tell her to leave? I was going to save you. 

You're not going to win. 

Don't you remember why everyone left? No one could stare into a mirror without drowning. 

Stop. Please. 

You couldn't help it so I took action. Why aren't you thanking me? That was your past Jimin don't try and forget it. There was fire and water mixing together in a place in which they did not belong, there were seven flower petals. They were delicate. You lost all seven. 

I'll find all seven again. 


I munched on my fried chicken happily, dipping it in sauces and sipping away at my soda. I ordered a couple boxes to go and wiped my greasy fingers. It felt better sitting here with Seul and eating the same fried chicken we used to eat before we got so busy. I had been busy always taking care of Jimin, he is a good patient but instead of eating my fried chicken I thought of him. 

You waited for the elevator doors to open, it had seemed not too long since you had been here and you didn't mind coming back. You held tightly onto the box of fried chicken and waited silently. The doors opened reveling the white lobby. You stepped out of the elevator as you saw the secretary's pop up from behind the counter. 

"H-Hello! I was just about to close the doors, do you need something?" she said cheerfully. Dr.Jiyeon walked from around the corner seeing you and looking behind her as Dr.Gyeong brushed passed her. Dr.Gyeong looked at the secretary then at you. 

"I'm here to see Jimin." You said softly. Dr.Jiyeon looked at the box you were holding as Dr.Gyeong sighed pulling out a large pair of keys. 

"Okay Y/N. Let's go then." Dr.Gyeong walked down one of the halls as you followed behind him. He fiddled with his keys as he got to Jimin's room, searching for the key you noticed the large painting that had been next to Jimin's room was gone. Dr.Gyeong unlocked the door as he opened it for you and you shuffled into the room. 

"I'll be standing near the door. Call me if you need me."  Dr.Gyeong said as he shut the door. 

You studied the room seeing Jimin laying on the bed that was in the far corner of the room. He seemed to notice you quickly and his expression became more bright. He sat up from his bed waiting for you to approach him. You saw a small table on the other corner of the room and placed down the box as you reached over for the small table. You dragged the small table closer to Jimin's bed and walked back to the box where you had left it and carried it to the table placing it down. 

"I came here to drop you off something to eat, you normally eat soup, bread, and those weird apples but you should have something else for a change." You placed a water bottle down next to the box and looked into your purse searching for anything else you might have brought and you caught a glimpse of the red apple you threw into your purse hours ago. You placed it gently on top of the box and sat next to Jimin, sighing. 

"I hope you eat well today." you said as you rose your hand to pat Jimin's head but he seemed frightened by the sudden movement. You placed your hand gently on top of Jimin's head patting it gently and he seemed apathetic towards your touch as he gently pulled your hand off his head, his grip began to seem stronger. You pulled your arm back slightly but he tightened his grip as you did. 

"L-Let go Jimin." you said pulling your arm back. He wouldn't budge, he held on to your wrist making his grip tighter the more you struggled.

"Why aren't you screaming?" he mumbled. You didn't feel the need to shout, you seemed bothered by this but not too much. "I don't see any reason to scream." 

Jimin held onto your wrist looking over at you, he was closer to you now and it felt strange to have him close enough that you could hear his breathing. With his free hand he rose it closer to your jaw and brushed his fingers against it. Jimin felt this to be a dream to him of someone who wasn't afraid of his actions. He wasn't used to much visiting especially from past nurses he had. 

He loosened his grip and you gazed into his deep brown eyes that seemed brighter to you as he got closer. Jimin turned back to the box and sighed. 

"Why do you visit me so much? Do you pity me?" He asked you. He wouldn't allow himself to believe that you took time to stop by and be with him and instead of answering his question you asked one. 

"What happened to that painting that used to be outside of your room?"
