Ten (Part 3)

Ten (Part 3)

Peter's wrists are locked to a long chain hooked high on the side wall with both of his hands behind his back. He's doubled over on his knees, his face so close to the ground, the dirt scatters on the floor as he exhales. Flickering holograms of people inside little rooms with windows are everywhere, giving an illusion of people watching him. The chain droops on the floor, still and wickedly cold, and suddenly I have the urge to rush in and unchain him, free him... But I can't.

Rebecca dismisses the guard in the room.

Peter looks up at the sound of the door closing.

His eyes rest on me-his purple, swollen eyes.

His face is bloody and bruised and he looks like he's having trouble breathing.

Did the guard do this to him?

I feel sick...

"Hey, girl, are you okay?" Eriah asks me.

"Yeah, just a little woozy..." I say, standing up straight and trying to look at something else, anything else besides Peter.

"Remember, Eriah, it's her first day," Rebecca smiles at me. "Here, take this key, and unlock the chain. Hold him down or still somehow while we interrogate him."


They hold people down.

But why?

I nod awkwardly and take the key. My feet feel like lead as I walk. I don't want to do this. I want to turn and leave. I want to free him and leave. But I can't do that. I have to do this. If I don't, he can't be freed, I can't go home...

Peter watches me, not fully understanding what's going on.

I stand behind him and fumble with the key. His back has long bruises and gashes on it where, what it looks like, boots were forced rapidly onto him.

Suddenly, I'm angry as I kneel behind him.

"Don't say anything," I whisper as quietly as I can to him as Rebecca and Eriah talk to each other. "Just go along with it."

He drops his head down and slouches his shoulders.

The cuffs pop off easily and I hold his wrists carefully with my hands, making sure not to touch where the metal had rubbed them raw.

Eriah laughs. "Don't be afraid to be rough with him, new girl. Here, it's easier if you put your arm around his neck and the other on his wrist. You'll have more control. If he gets out of line, you can just choke him out or something."

I stifle a cringe and do what she says with a slight nod.

Peter moves to where I can carefully place my arms where they need to be, one of my knees in the small of his bare back.

"Ready?" Rebecca nods toward me.

I gulp and nod back.

She turns to face the top corner near the door. I follow her gaze and see a red dot of light flash on.

There are no people to witness this, but apparently it is recorded.

How wonderful.

Rebecca turns on her heel and faces Peter. She paces across the room once, looking him over and then returns to her spot.

"They ruffed you up pretty well, now didn't they? I guess they were afraid you wouldn't talk," She pauses. "What is your name?"

Peter continues to stare at the wall across from him. I feel him swallow.

"I said, what is your name, boy?" Rebecca asks again, more sternly. She motions to Eriah after a moment, and she shoots a bullet beside Peter, both of us jumping.


That's why they need a holder...

I shiver.

"My..." Peter swallows again. "My name is Peter."

"Peter what?"


"Ahhhh... so you're the one that Nonna took in when you were exiled from the Domes for being... What?"

"Born too early."

Rebecca smiles and strides to her left, toward Eriah.

"How long did you live in the Dude's Dome?" She asks, gagging on the words and turning toward him again.

Peter doesn't move.

"Why is this necessary?"

Eriah brings the butt of the gun down on his side, and he wrenches both of us to the side, almost throwing us down on the ground.

"Hold him better, new girl," Eriah snaps at me. "Or I'll be hitting you next."

I set my jaw and try not to glare at her.

"How long did you live there?" She asks, crouching in front of him.

Breathing hard, Peter answers through gritted teeth, "Can't you do the math yourself?"

Eriah hits him on the head, making him break free from my grip and land on the floor hard. She presses the barrel to his temple, and glares down at him.

I feel anger bloom inside of me, and I try to suppress it by looking away. I can't blow it. Not now. Not yet. We have to find a way out first. If only they'd stop hurting him...

"Get on him and hold him down, new girl!" She growls at me, never taking her eyes nor her gun off of him. "I won't tell you again."

I slowly climb onto his stomach and press his shoulders down carefully. He just lays there on the ground as if defeated, his bruised eyes closed. Blood drips from his eyebrow and a cut on his bottom lip-and all I can do is stare, scared out of my skin, at his face, and sit on his chest, feeling it rise and fall unsteadily beneath me. A lump rises in my throat as I watch him struggle to breathe.

Suddenly, he smiles and chuckles.

Are you insane, Peter? I think. She'll kill you.

"What is so funny, Peter Hemmings?" Rebecca asks, crossing her arms in front if her.

"Oh, nothing," He says, opening his eyes and looking at me. "Just that you can't kill me."

"And why not?" Rebecca speaks up before Eriah can.

"Because I know where your leaders daughter is."
