Trapped in a Half-Life

I had to write this in 500 words only so that was very difficult so things will happen fast and confusing (I did add about 60 more words for this so some things make more sense)


“Rider-Kun!” I yelled trying to grab his attention. He looked around the square looking for me, once his eyes landed on me he looked angry but I could tell deep down he was happy to see me.

“What is it Goggles?” He glared at me, as if annoyed to see me.
“Can we hang out today? I’m boreeeeeeeed.” He simply rolled his eyes and sighed.
“Fine but only for a while. I want to do some Ranked Modes later.” My eyes sparkled with joy.

 “Can I join later? I need to get my rank up so I can be an S+ like you!” I spoke beaming with happiness. I’m only a B-, it’s not embarrassing but I still want to be like Rider-Kun!
“Fine but just don’t try to mess me up. And try not to get killed like you always do.” I gave him a big grin. As soon as he started walking away I smiled innocently as we met up with our team. I looked over to the Deca Tower when I noticed a bright blue and grey swirling clouds in the distance. It looks really pretty. Is it some rare event?

“Hey guys what’s that?” I spoke clearly wondering what was happening. They all looked over just as confused as I was.
“W-what is that?” Headphones-Chan a asked clearly confused.
That’s when everything went to Hell…

All of a sudden we started hearing screams and other people running. But from what? I looked over in the direction they were running from. Only to see a horrible sight. There were four creatures all possessing only three legs and thorax, it was a faint yellow-green in color, with electric blue tiger-like stripes adorning its spine. In place of a head, there is a large, black, insect-like compound eye protected by vertical eyelids. I looked around it only to see bloodied corpses. I wanted to scream, cry, run-anything at that moment I wanted to look away but I couldn’t. I just stared in horror as I heard more screams. This place used to be so peaceful.

I’m scared. I’m scared  I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared! 

I managed to pull myself together and turn around, facing away from the painful sight. I started running. Everyone else with me followed. In the background I could hear Pearl telling everyone to find somewhere safe and that these things are immune to our weapons. I can't describe what it was like. Running. Seeing everyone and everything. I could hear buzzing and sometimes something shot electricity at me. No where was safe. We confirmed that already. These things are teleporting everywhere.

“O-oh Cod.” I stuttered fear rising up. I’m scared. I looked around seeing blood everywhere. Burn marks. Bite marks. The list goes on. The creature that killed them was roughly 20 feet tall. It was mostly blue in color, and has one eye that is glowing blood red. It looked as if it was covered in some kind of armor or shell. I'm going to assume you can't make a dent in it with normal weapons.

I was scared out of my mind. My team behind me, also afraid.
“They’re all..” Specs spoke with tears in his eyes. So.. many.. At least 30. Dead.


It turned around and saw us all.
