Chapter 11: After the Battle

The battle was over, the Autobot-Human Alliance said their goodbyes, and everyone went their separate ways. 

Optimus Prime: "Throughout the universe, there exists darkness. But from the heart, there is light. During my adventures, we have faced this darkness, time and again. And, with every moment of despair, hope emerged within ourselves. I am Optimus Prime, and I send this message to those who will take up this mission: "Now, it's your turn."

As time passes, each Party member has grown up, Rikka Turner becoming CEO of her own company, Noah Sawyer becoming a Basketball Legend, Aaron "Barney" Barnes becoming an inventor of a product owned by Turner Industries, Zoe Sawyer becoming an author of her own biography, Sydney DelVayne becoming a supporter for a school for gifted children, Peter Ryder becoming Earth's real-life Guardian, the Swiss Family Roberts finally coming back to Earth, Kevin Diopulus and Jojo McKing becoming an official couple, and as for Finn McHayden, he's becoming an artist, based on his past adventures. And for Alice of the Midnight Sun; she leaves Hawkins to go on a soul-searching journey while keeping the memory of the Autobot-Human Alliance in her heart.

Alice: "When in darkness, there is light. When in Despair, there is hope. When in indecision, there's always a choice. The way he said, "Now, it's your turn", he was referring to the bad men who will reawaken the darkness, but it was a message to those who will create hope for a new future. My name is Alice of the Midnight Sun, and I will always be here, as long as we have hope.
