Like most stories, it starts with a person. Our tale starts with the very young and beautiful Annabelle Underwood, the Queen of Riverdale. A vibrant girl with blonde locks, for those who didn't know her she seemed innocent and kind on the outside but in reality, she was so much more.

Jughead Jones, is the second person to this story. He distanced himself from other people, mainly hanging around Pop's diner, but there was one girl he didn't want to stay away from. And that was none other than Annabelle Underwood herself.

Jughead has had a crush on her since the 1st grade where she punched a kid in the face for picking on Jughead for his name. And like most people do, he began crushing hard on her but she never noticed.

Then in 4th grade, in math class a boy was pulling on Anna's hair. And Jughead who sat beside her at the time pushed the boy out of his seat, earning himself a grin from Anna and a detention from the teacher.

But he didn't regret it, because he never liked anyone the way he liked Anna.

As time went on Anna became popular, the biggest eye candy to ever walk the hallways of Riverdale high. And the biggest bitch to ever walk to earth, her snappy attitude known to all and it serves as a warning to not talk to her.

Then there was Jughead, a loner, a mystery guy. Bullied for not being a typical asshole like the rest of their year. He too was snappy, often being called Wednesday Addams. But he saw Anna for what she truly was, he saw how smart she was, how kind she could be. The parts of herself she buried underneath her facade of being the schools smart mouth bad girl.

Anna never cared a second glance at Jughead, if they passed in the hallways she'd keep her eyes forward while Cheryl Blossom chirped away in her ear. Jughead always stole glances at her, a small smile spreading on his lips whenever he saw her laugh which wasn't often.

What Jughead didn't know was that Anna did glance at Jughead every now and then, they were many times she'd kick or punch Reggie, Moose or Chuck for making fun of Jughead. Buried deep down Anna did like Jughead, she felt like they were significant others, even if they've only talk once or twice.

Jughead, Jughead, Jughead

A teenager with a serpent for a father, a mother and sister who took off and a crush on the most popular, cold-hearted girls in Riverdale.

Anna, Anna, Anna.

Words can't explain the complications in her life, from a caring mother to a self-absorbed father, and secrets that are soon to consume her. What could go wrong, like I said she was so much more than she appeared.



This story will include suicide, self-harm, sexual assault, mental illness, course language and sexual features. If any of these trigger you this might not be the story for you. 


It will be let known when a triggering part will come up.
