Third person POV:

Few days passed after your kiss with Sanzu, you didn't see him again after this but you were spending some time with Takeomi he was acting like the big brother you never have, taking you out to different places, listening to your problems and even offering good solutions to them, comforting you when work stresses you out sometimes you forget that he is a criminal.

Today was your weekend you woke up a bit later than usual and now sipping some coffee when you heard a knock on your door, you opened the door to find Takeomi greeting you with a smile.

"Good morning y/n"
"Good morning" you smiled at him and let him in he sat on your sofa and you sat next to him "so,what brings you here?"
"There is a meeting for the higher ups in an hour and Mikey requested that you attend it." He said with an serious expression.
"Me? Why?" You were confused cause normally they don't discuss their deals or work in front of you, you didn't even see Mikey since the day you came here.
"I don't know, he didn't say anything else but he insisted that you come" he said with a sigh.
Your curiosity was getting the best of you at this point so you nodded and went to get ready for the meeting while Takeomi waited for you.

You wore a mom fit jeans with white t-shirt tucked inside it and a black and white chess printed blazer on top, you put on some light make up and exited your bedroom.

Takeomi looked at you from top to bottom "you look beautiful." You blushed a bit "thank you, shall we go?" He nodded and stood up, you wore your shoes and you both left your apartment heading to the elevator.

You reached the meeting room Takeomi opened the door for you and you both entered, everyone was already there, you sat between Ran and Takeomi, in front of you was Mikey and beside him was a very pissed off Sanzu he looked like he is ready to beat everyone in the room at any time.

Mikey cleared his throat and everyone gave him their attention "we are here to talk about our rival gang Inagawa-kai, they broke our peace treaty and now they need to pay" he said in a monotonous voice.

"We can easily attack their hideouts, take away all their goods and kill everybody" Ran said in a calm voice you couldn't process how can someone talk about killing so calmly.

"That is good but not enough, this gang should be fully destroyed" Mikey said.

"Sorry to interrupt boss but why is SHE here, this is private business and she isn't trust worthy" Rindou said looking at you annoyed, you didn't care about him but you also want to know what are you doing here?

"I have a plan and I need her" he said then looked at me with his piercing gaze "Miss y/n I want to make a deal that will benefit both of us"

"And what is this deal I wonder?" There is no way something will benefit both of us.

"You are a detective and want to catch criminals, I'm a gang leader and I want to eliminate competition, I'll give you all the evidence and information you need to arrest Inagawa-kai's leader and higher ups all I need from you is that you throw them in jail"

You looked at him surprised, you heard about Inagawa-kai they were a ruthless gang capturing their higher-ups will be a great success to the police for sure.

He noticed my silence and continued "The information we have now can easily lock most of them in jail for long time, but we don't have enough evidence on the leader the son of a bitch is very careful, I know how we can trick him we will need your help tho"

"What do you want me to do?" You asked.

"They want to make a huge drug deal with another gang in one of their clubs their boss will be present, you will dress as a waitress and try to plant a camera and a record inside the VIP room where everything will take place it won't be hard since they don't know you, Sanzu, Kakucho and the Haitani brothers will be in the club ready to kill everybody if something happens so you don't have to worry about your safety" he really planned everything there is no reason for you to refuse.

"When will this deal take place?" You asked.

"Next Saturday night you have a week to get ready, after we get all the needed evidence it will be sent to your police office via an unknown sender and after this it will be just you doing your regular job"

You nodded "fine I'll do it."

"Good, I'm counting on you miss y/n" with that he stood up signaling the end of the meeting everyone following him.

you were about to leave the meeting room when a hand grabbed your wrist pulling you back inside and slamming you against the wall.

"I thought I told you you are mine and no one else can have you" Sanzu was towering over you with a crazy grin on his face.

"I'm not yours Sanzu, we weren't even officially dating back then" you tried to push him away but he didn't budge.

"Why are you spending time with Takeomi? Huh? Thought you said we are all a bunch of criminals, is his dick this good for yo-" he didn't finish his sentence as you slapped his face.

"Who do you think I am? One of your filthy whores? You don't own me Sanzu, who I talk to or who I spend time with is none of your fucking business"

he grabbed your neck choking you and you tried clawing his hand to pry him off of you but he was much stronger than you "you are mine y/n whether you like it or not, I can hurt you or fuck you or even kill you if I want to so don't test my patience" he snarled releasing your neck you coughed hard and tried to catch your breath.

You pushed him away and run out of the room you weren't looking in front of you so you ran into someone.

"Woah woah watch where you going darling, you might get hurt" you looked up and saw Ran looking down at you with a lazy smirk, you lost it at this point and started crying, everything wasn't right you don't belong here, your guilt is eating you alive and over all this a possessive maniac is making your life a living hell, why did all of this happen to you all you wanted was to help people.

Ran's expression became A bit worried he awkwardly hugged you which made you cry even harder "shhh it's okay darling, everything will be okay" he carefully made you walk with him, you didn't know why but you let him guide you to wherever he wants to take you, you had no power to protest at the moment.

He took you to what you think is his office and sat you down on a sofa sitting next to you he carefully wiped your tears with his thumb his touch so soft against your skin.

After a while you calmed down, your breath regulated, Ran was waiting patiently for you to calm down occasionally caressing your hair or wiping your tears he gave you a lazy smile when he saw that you calmed down.

"Made me worried here for a while darling, tell me what happened? He asked.

"Don't you ever feel guilty because of your crimes?" You asked making him stop his hand caressing your hair, his expression was unreadable for a while making you nervous, you didn't know why you asked him this question, you just did.

He smiled back at you retracting his hand off your hair "no, not really someone has to be the bad guy and I just chose to be this person, besides I have my reasons for what I'm doing."

"But you kill people..." You said playing with your fingers on your lap his hand held yours and you look up at him he doesn't look mad or anything he actually was still smiling.

"I do, but they are never innocent people just other criminals who did things maybe worse than what I do, I never kill an innocent person darling."

You stayed silent looking down at his hand holding yours, his touch was soft completely opposite from how Sanzu grabbed you before.

"But why are you asking me these questions? Do you perhaps feel guilty?" You looked up at him after hearing this, you didn't have to answer he understood it.

"You don't have to feel guilty darling, it was either this or death the gang that attacked you wanted you dead but don't worry we took care of them, and besides it's not like you are killing anyone" He gave your hand a squeeze.

"But I'm still helping you"
"You got a good deal from helping us tho, you can now arrest Inagawa-kai don't you think it's worth it?"
"Why are you so nice to me?" You asked.
"Well, I can't be rude to such a beautiful lady now can I?"
You blushed looking down "thank you" you stood up "I should leave now, you are probably busy"
He gave you a smile and stood up as well "I can make some time for you anytime darling, you can come here whenever you want" he said escorting you to the door and opening it for you.
"See you later" you said as you left his office.


A/N: am I so tempted to make this a Bonten x reader fanfiction? Yes I am.
Will I do it? I don't know, if you want me to do so I will but I will make sure it will end as a Sanzu x reader.

Disclaimer: I'm not comfortable writing smut cause I don't have much experience and I don't want to give out false information as I know some people take their knowledge from smut, so I'll just give a hint if there will be any sex but not fully detailed smut, I hope you don't mind. ❤️

And lastly I hope you have an amazing day/night and enjoy this chapter. Love you all ❤️
