Chapter 6: Yeah I Played Dumb

Pidge walked up to Hunk, "I have to tell you something..."

She fiddled with her fingers, a nervous habit she and Matt both shared.

Hunk replied, not turning away from the stove, "Oh? What is it?"

Pidge said, her tone dark and gloomy like a thunderstorm, "Keith is a traitor."

Hunk dropped the pan he was holding and it clattered against the ground, "No..."

Everyone knew there was a traitor but it couldn't be Keith. He murmured, "No... he wouldn't."

Pidge replied, tears welling in her eyes, "I caught him talking to Honerva and handing her our files!"

Hunk thought about it, and it pieced together. Why he was always leaving at ungodly hours at night, why he'd been acting weird since he had been kidnapped by Honerva about two weeks ago. That must have been when he was recruited by Honerva to be a traitor.

Hunk had assumed something had happened while he was there with Honerva, maybe he'd been traumatized a little or something. No, turns out his best friend is a traitor. His best freaking friend was a traitor.

Crap, his best friend was a traitor!

Did he tell the rest of the team?

Pidge interrupted his thoughts, "Something's off with him. It's not the traitor part easier. He's always more angry ; he snaps easier. Once he stared at his food for twenty minutes and muttered that he 'didn't feel like himself anymore.' I don't know if it's the guilt eating him alive or if something is seriously wrong."

She continued, "I want to help him but I don't know how. God, I don't even know if he's just feeling guilty or if it's worse."

She sighed, staring at the ground before speaking up, "Did you see how he reacted when Shiro brought up his mom- I mean Krolia yesterday?"

Hunk replied, being concerned like a mother, "He seemed.... uncomfortable. He said she was doing fine and then got up and left."

Pidge suggested, "Maybe something happened to Krolia?"

Hunk sighed sadly, "Maybe.. I just miss our Keith."

Pidge walked over, smiling sadly at him, "Me too."

- -

✎ You are all probably getting sick of me saying "he didn't feel like himself" all the time but I assure you, it's semi-important.

Any new/updated theories or ideas about why Keith is being a weirdo?
