Two Way QnA [Part 1]

So in one of my previous books I had the idea to do a kind of QnA page, however it goes both ways.
I'll ask a question about TPG and it's characters, and you answer them in the comments, but you can also ask questions of your own, that I can put in the next QnA.
I'll probably have a lot of these in different forms, so I hope you enjoy!

Here's some of the first questions.
My answer is under the question.

1: Who's your favorite Character and why?
Definitely Alec, because I find him fascinating

2: Who is your least favorite character and why?
Honestly probably Ryn, for the sole reason that he makes me depressed. XD

3: If the/a character(s) of TPG so far could be summed up into a Disney character, who do you think they would be?
For some reason I feel like Sabina would be either Elsa or Moana and Elaine would be Cinderella

4: What would you say is
the/a character(s) spirit animals?
Alec Is Definitely a Crow, Wysten's has got to be a horse, and Kalani's spirit animal is a 🦄

5: Out of all the characters which one would you most want to date?
Eliss, Pippin, and Hugo are most definitely my type, but I'd probably want to date either Pippin Or Wysten.

6: If you where in the TPG universe, what role would you have?
Definitely a Healer. I wanted to be a Veterinarian for a while, then that changed to nurse, and now I'm trying to go to college for Psychology. XD

7: If you could write the next chapter of TPG how would it go?
Since I am writing the next chap, I can't really answer this one. XD

8: If you where in the TPG universe, what curse would you have?
Either Pride or Sloth

9: If you knew the TPG characters in real life, who would you not be able to stand?
In this order, it would be: Cherik (sorry, I love my fictional bb, but in real life he'd be a pill), Elaine, Alec, and Ashie.

10: Who're two characters you ship, but know you shouldn't?
My top guilty ship would definitely have to be Sabec O.O Like I secretly ship them so much it's not okay, despite how much I love their s.o and their relationship with them, I just can't help but want to see how their relationship would turn out.
Aside from Sabec it would have to be Lythic, Elsten and also Mirugo. ^//^
