Quackity's POV(Will switch here and there)
(TW: Swearing, Fluff, Angst, Crying)

I laid with my back to Charlie as he stepped over and placed the glass of water carefully on my night stand.

"I hate seeing you like this Quackity from Las Nevadas." His sad tone mumbled as he stepped away. I didn't even move even though my throat was parched, I didn't have the energy. My wings limp behind me as I was cocooned in my blankets, my face stained with dry tears.
"Well I'll be fine by tomorrow!" I explained, forcing some joy into my tone but the smart kid didn't buy it.
"You've been saying that for the past three days.." I heard Charlie sigh. I felt my eyes well up in tears. I would have thought I'd run out by now but sure enough, I was having my fourth melt down today. I tried to stay quiet but the sounds of me heaving for air as I began to hyperventilate were too hard to hide. I heard steps rush to the bed before an arm hugged around me. Although it was comforting, it wasn't the arm I wanted around me.
"Sh, sh..Quackity, It's okay." Charlie reassured me as his cold body tried to warm me up. I held my legs close to my chest as I filled with the ring Wilbur gave me under the covers. Charlie was right, I hadn't left my bed since Wil decided to walk out. I mean who am I kidding?! I should be used to this! He walked out once. I shouldn't be surprised he walked out again! But it still hurts. No matter who tells me he's not worth the breakdowns, it won't change it. It's hard to go from having someone and seeing them everyday to not hearing from them or seeing them at all.
God, I hate him! All he does is play games. That stupid, stupid trench coat burned into my mind.


I woke up, my room dark as the wind blew through my window quietly, the hums of crickets and owls amongst the outdoors. The arm I felt when I passed out was gone and my face was wet and tired. I turned onto my back and looked over to the door, it was cracked open a tad as the hall light showed through and lit up the ground ever so slightly. The glass of water was still on my nightstand and my mind remained broken. This sucked, I was hurt and that stupid corpse didn't even care enough to check after leaving me in the dark. The thought of crying that filled my head made me sick and somehow my body fed me enough energy to sit up. I felt my feet hit the cold wood floor before I stood up and began to creep over to the bathroom door around 7 feet away from me. I stumbled in the dark, feeling around for the bathroom light before the brightness blinded my eyes. I fell to my knees next to the toilet, resting back on the bathtub as my eyes threatened to shut. I felt my phone in my back pocket and quickly pulled it out because it was making me uncomfortable. I tossed it towards my feet before hitting my head back and staring up at the bathroom ceiling as the corner of my eyes began to water. It hurt to cry now, my stomach was in pain and my entire body ached. How long was I going to be like this? I was only with him for 2 years (My AU). Not that big of a deal, I think. Clearly my mind thinks otherwise. I brought my gaze back down to the phone, I wanted to call him. It was so tempting but I couldn't because he would hate me even more. And I would hate myself.
Fuck it, you only live once.
I leaned forward and snatched the phone off the tile floor, unlocking it and quickly tapping the screen till the ringing filled my ears. I already felt this was a bad idea, as it rang and rang with no one picking it up.
"You reached Wilbur Soot, leave a message and I will..get back to you. Kay, bye." His voice mail made my heart drop. It sounded so..sad and dry. Seconds later I heard a beep come from the phone.
"Oh-I uhm..Hey Wil.." I stammered stupidly, knowing I could just hang up but my body spoke for itself. "I know you don't but uhm, I-I'm not very good right now Soot!" I chuckled, sad joy filling my tone before I exhaled deeply. "Look, I'm sitting on my fucking bathroom floor, crying and feeling sick to my stomach. I-I..Wilbur I don't know what to do. I've tried working, eating, movies, walking, thinking, everything! And nothing is taking me away from the fact that two months ago you said you were in this with me. But now y-you're not here. The time that I need you..the most." I ranted as tears began to drip and my hands started to tremble. I think I forgot who I was calling..
"Do you remember in Gilmore Girls, Lorelai was crying in her bed after Luke broke up with her..she called him and told him to come over and see her? Well uhm..reenactment time..!" I continued, looking down as I bit down on my free arm to help calm me down (Is it just me who does this when I'm like- balling? .-. I just nom on my arm or hand LOL) as I felt myself begin to hyperventilate with no one to help me. "I feel like I'm going to be sick, Wil. Everything hurts. A-And poor Charlie is trying so hard to keep the casino going as well as keeping me from doing...well THIS! I..I'm sorry. Bye Soot." I finished, sobbing and shaking as I was now fully huddled up on the bathroom mat. I hung up and tossed the phone, not even caring if it shattered. It would probably be a good thing to say the least, I wouldn't be able to call him and fucking embarrass my-
Oh my god.
I JUST CALLED MY EX. Am I fucking CRAZY? Now I was anxious, crying, sad, heartbroken and having a panic attack all at the same time by myself. My blood ran cold, my legs were weak and wobbly and I couldn't even see through my blurry tears. My arm was still in my mouth as my other tear-covered hand was covering my left ear, attempting to block out the sounds of my thoughts but like shit that was going to work. Soon his voice was playing in my head, over and over again until Charlie's calm voice intervened. His voice was repeating the words 'In...out' It was the stupid breathing exercise he kept making me do when I was falling to pieces like right now.


Wilbur's POV

Standing next to my answering machine, I was frozen. What the actual fuck did I do? Over the phone he managed to rip out my heart and bring me down into guilt. If I was honest, I was doing okay after I left him but he obviously was not. My emotions started going haywire and my gaze lifted to my trench coat hanging by the door...


My boots pounded against the cold dirt as I was running through the darkness. It was cold and my face quickly felt frostbitten. Soon my eyes reflected the glow of the massive Las Nevadas sign, indicating I was almost there. My coat flowed behind me as I had a sword in hand, hearing mobs all around me. Oblivious, I was pinned painfully with an arrow. It pierced right through the skin on my back, making my spine ache instantly. I made it through the entrance, stepping up the concrete stairs before yanking the massive glass doors open. As I sped walked down the hall, I turned the corner and slammed right into Charlie, that stupid slime kid with like- three different names. He hit me with a cold glare, not allowing me to pass him by.
"What are you doing here Wilbur from L'Manberg?" He hissed irritatedly. I rolled my eyes with a deep exhale.
"Quackity called me, asking me to come over. Now can I get by please?" I snapped in reply, swerving around him as I stormed down the hall. My boots thumped along the long red carpet that covered with wood floors. Soon I was met with Quackity's slightly opened door. Should I really be doing this? I'm not with him anymore, I don't have to be at his beckon call. No, I know I still love him even if it seems like I don't. I stepped inside and instantly noticed the bathroom light pouring out into the rest of the room. I quickly rushed over, revealing myself as I stared at him brokenhearted. Holy shit he wasn't kidding. His wings hugged around him as his knees were pulled to his chest. His body was trembling and his head was in his hands, palms pressed into his watering eyes.
"Darling.." I mumbled, stepping inside but his head shot up and pushed himself back into the tub although he was quick to notice it didn't do anything.
"Fuck, you actually came..Wilbur go home." Quackity mumbled, trying desperately to dry his eyes.
"No, I just ran all the way here.." I trailed off as I rested my sword to lean against the wall. I stupidly attempted to lean back on the door frame which instantly put pressure on the arrow in my back. I winced and stood myself up since it hurt like bitch.
"You-I-I'm sorry I called you Wil..I have no idea what I was thinking. I'm just hurt and pulled you down with me." He explained through a trembling tone. I exhaled sharply, he's just lying to make himself look better.
" called because you wanted me here. It's alright..really." I responded through a yawn as I made my way over to him, resting down cross legged on the floor in front of him. His face has never looked so red and tear-stained, I couldn't stand to look him in the eyes. He didn't answer and instead wrapped his arms around his stomach and tossed his head back, snapping his eyes shut. His stomach is probably killing him. Tears rushed down his face and his breathing became extremely shallow.
"Hey, hey. Chill out, it's okay." I winced, sitting up on my knees as I reached over to him. I grasped his forearms and pulled him forward onto my lap. His legs draped over mine with his arms quickly tangled around my neck, his face rested in my neck as his tears melted into my skin.
"Oh my god Wilbur, you're bleeding!" He cried in realization after trying to hug his wings around my torso.
"Yeah probably. But that's okay, It's fine. Just focus on us for a minute." I replied tiredly, resting my chin on his shoulder. I lifted my head as he pulled his upper body away, his glossy eyes locking with mine. I felt one of his hands slide down from my neck, soon resting on my chest while his other remained draped over my shoulder. I caught him eyeing my lips but I was quick to beat him to it, pulling his lips to mine and locking him there for a long few seconds. All I could think at that moment was how on earth I could let him slip away so easily.

Never again, period.

—— —— ——

A/N: More OneShots xD
Word count: 1950
Have a good night/day!<3

