♡ Kashuu x Reader | Inseparable

Requested by Chizuru_Yukimura

Touken Ranbu is starting.

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You happily hummed to the tune of (any music you want) as you were brushing Kashuu's hair. "Ugh, you're hair is so soft," you said.

"Of course it is. What do you expect from someone who does his best to look beautiful everyday?" The sword replied, folding his arms while plastering a confident smile.

You rolled your eyes, tying up his hair. "There you go. Now you're all set to do some field work."

"But I just repainted my nails, (Y/N)! I'd rather go out of sorties than get my hands dirty with soil."

"Fine, fine, Kashuu," you sighed in defeat.

He chuckled and patted your head. "Thanks, (Y/N)! I knew I could always count on you!"

Kashuu Kiyomitsu was the sword that you've owned the longest. Because of that, he was really close to you; he knew a lot about you, and you knew a lot about him. The bond between the two of you could not even be separated, and it only kept growing each day. Nonetheless, you never actually thought that it would even go a whole new level!

"So, mmm, aruji-dono," you heard Kanesada say from behind after Kashuu left to his own business, "how are you and Kashuu? Anything special happening between you two?" He bounced his eyebrows suggestively.

You blushed, then laughed. "It's been the same thing ever since. Why do you ask?"

"Well, it seems that you and him are really close that all of us are just waiting for you to announce to us that you're officially in love with each other."

"W-What?! I-In love?!"

The sword responded with a hearty chuckle, "Haven't you already considered about having feelings for Kashuu? He's an amazing guy, but if it doesn't work out, you can just come with me, you know. Ha ha ha!!"

"Urgh, shut up, Kanesada. Go do sparring." With that, you exited out of the conversation.

While you were walking around the citadel, you thought about what you were feeling for Kashuu. Surely you thought of him as your closest friend ever since you got him. However, you might have never actually paid attention to the little hints that he was giving out that showed his affection to you. You huffed and decided to head over to the Uchigatana.

As you were going to take a right at the hallway, you ran into Kashuu. Both of you coincidentally blushed upon seeing each other. "K-Kashuu, I was looking for you!" You exclaimed.

"Hm~? Why were you looking for me, (Y/N)?" He asked, smirking. Slowly, he was taking steps towards you, while you were stepping back. He stopped when you had already hit your back against the wall.

"B-Because..." You thought about your answer for a brief moment. "... I wanted to confirm some things about you."

"What are these 'things' you say?"

You couldn't stand the heat that was rising up your cheeks, so you had to push him away. "Nothing you should know!" You quickly stormed off.

Kashuu sighed. "I guess it's a bit harder than I think to convey it to her."

Meanwhile, you stopped at your tracks upon reaching the end of the hallway. Right upon noticing you, Yasusada approached you, asking curiously, "Aruji-sama, is there something circling around your mind?"

You glanced at him and shuffled your feet on the wooden floor. "Y-Yes... It's actually about Kashuu..."

His eyes lightened up a bit. "If it is about Kashuu, then I surely can help you."

You told him the whole situation you were in concerning your questionable love for the sword. Yasusada kept on nodding throughout the whole explanation, allowing you to pour out everything you wanted to convey. As soon as you ended, he came to an immediate response. "If you really do have feelings for Kashuu, then tell it to him. I'm sure he won't turn you down!"

You thanked him and hesitantly took his advice, since confessing would be one huge step in the process.

Days have rocketed by, and you did not expect that your love for your very special Uchigatana has bloomed even more. Because of this, your courage has escalated to the point where you are ready to confess your feelings. However, you were still scared of the possibility that he might turn you down. You shook your head and forcefully set aside those feelings.

"Kashuu Kiyomitsu, aruji-dono is calling you," Jiji said to him one evening. "I think it's very important."

Kashuu scratched the back of his head. "What is it this time?" He stood up from his futon and retied his hair in his usual ponytail while he went to your room.

He gave a knock on your door before entering. "(Y/N)? Why'd you call me at this hour?"

The sword squinted his eyes upon seeing your figure hugging your knees as you stared out into the starry sky. From the corner of your face that he was able to view, he saw the anxious expression that you've been wearing ever since you sent Jiji out to call him. "(Y/N)? H-Hey, what's wrong?" He asked in high concern, walking towards you, plopping himself right beside you on the floor. "You know you can tell me anything, and I'll always be here to listen. Or is it that you just want me here to make you feel better? That's simple, 'cause I always make you happy, don't I?"

You clenched your fists, finally letting out everything you wanted to say. "You're the reason why I'm feeling this way! I hate this weird emotion that I have every time I think about you! My life is just circling around endlessly because I can't get my heart to be at peace until I convey my true feelings for you, b-but I'm scared to..!"

Kashuu's cheeks hinted a shade of red. "(Y-Y/N)... I-Is that supposed to mean that.."

"Yes! I love you, Kashuu! I'm not going to say it again!"

The Uchigatana roughly grabbed your shoulder and dragged you into a deep and passionate kiss that meant he felt the same exact way. Moments after, you had to pull away. The two of you were blushing uncontrollably. Kashuu looked away shyly. "I've been waiting for you to say those words since day one. Now, it finally happened..."

You curved your lips into a smile and hugged him. "From the very start, I knew we'd be inseparable!"

♡ Extended Ending:~

"O-Oi! Please, (Y/N), can I just sleep in my own futon?! I don't think I can handle this yet!"

"NAH BRUH!" You exclaimed, pulling him closer. "You're staying with me for the night. Just think of this as a little sleepover, yeah~?" You giggled as you played with his hair.

"Dangit, (Y/N)! I'd rather sleep with Yamabushi!"

"Is that so?"


Kashuu was threwn by his aruji to Yamabushi's large futon, where he could hear the loud snores that was emitted from his mouth. There, he had a nice sleep that he deserved... well not really.

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||  Next Chapter: Yagen Toushiro x Reader
