Chapter 50

A frustrated sound left her when she stumbled a step, pausing for a moment to ensure her balance. Soraya blew a piece of hair from her face and tried again. Another step. Another. Miraculously, she managed a few more steps without rolling her ankle.

Soraya lifted the hem of her dress enough to see her shoes, making sure to frown at them so they understood just how much she despised them. They were shiny and black and regal and felt like walking on toothpicks. How she was expected to stay standing was beyond her, let alone walk around.

Nuala and Cerridwen had long left, and Elain lagged behind only a few minutes to clasp the row of buttons along the spine of Soraya's dress. Morrigan left not long after dropping off the shoes and downing half a glass of wine. Leaving Soraya alone, standing in front of the mirror with a thoughtful look. Brows drawn together.

She studied herself closely, hardly recognizing the woman in the mirror. The pink on her cheeks wasn't only from the makeup that painted her face.

Nuala and Cerridwen hadn't gone too overboard in that regard. They kept it simple with a subtle smoky look to the lids of her eyes. Her lashes were curled and coated in something strange that left them feeling a little heavy and made her want to rub her eyes. Though she'd been strictly warned against doing so. Elain had managed to encourage her hair into loose curls that fell so perfectly against her face she was hesitant to move for fear of messing it up.

There was no doubt that her dress was of the Night Court fashion. The soft base fabric was a deep, dark midnight blue so near to black that it could likely be confused if not for the slight contrast with her shoes. She turned a little to see herself from a different angle.

From her hips down was the long, smooth skirt. A slit ran down the side, revealing her left leg every time she took a step with it. The burns below her hip on display. Above her hips, the bodice was sheer black and clung to her like a second skin. It formed a low-cut V shape down her body. Dipping all the way down past her belly button. Only ending where the skirt began.

Soraya couldn't help the blush rising up her neck.

A large portion of her chest was on display, though swirling black detail-work kept the most private parts of her hidden. The sharp V cut across her breasts and up her shoulders, leaving her neck and collarbone wide open. The sheer fabric hugged the length of her arms in full, tight sleeves. Delicate lace patterns spilled across her hand.

She let loose a shaky breath and nervously spun Azriel's ring around her finger, inspecting herself from every angle. Soraya couldn't possibly go out in public in such a dress. Not with so much of her on display. Her eyes darted to the window to see that night had fallen over the city of Velaris. Did she have time to change her clothes?

Soraya stilled when footsteps echoed across the wooden floor downstairs. If there was a knock, she hadn't heard it. Cassian's voice called from the living area, but her heart was pounding so loud in her ears that she hardly heard what he said.

His voice rang again, teasing, "I've come to collect you, my lady."

She sucked in a breath and briefly considered slamming the bedroom door shut and locking it. He was there before she could move and inch. The general froze in the doorway. He blinked a few times, stunned, hazel eyes trailing down to her toes. Soraya pushed her embarrassment aside and dragged forth a tight-lipped smile.

"Cassian," she greeted awkwardly. Fiddling anxiously with the skirt of her dress when he continued to stare. "Don't look at me, I'm sulking."

His lips pulled up into a smile and Cassian shook his head in amusement. He stepped forward into the room and took her hand. Surprising her further, he dipped his head and kissed her knuckles.

He laughed, lifting their hands over her head and giving her a spin to look at her all around, "You look as lovely as they come, Sora."

Soraya rolled her eyes and grumbled a protest when he began to tug her from the room and down the stairs. Watching the placement of her steps to keep from falling, she begrudgingly followed.

"Everyone gathers in the House of Wind to watch from the balcony," he explained.


Cassian's wings shifted a fraction closer to him as he opened the door for her. "Az is blowing off some steam. He won't be long." He grinned over her shoulder and sketched a bow, ignoring her confusion, "until then, I'm stealing you."

Without warning, Cassian slipped an arm beneath her legs. A surprised shriek tore from her, and she tried for a moment to shove away from his broad chest. The Illyrian only chuckled and pulled her close before stepping through the door and shooting into the sky.

It didn't take long to realize that all Illyrians flew differently. Azriel was smooth and lithe. Slinking across the sky like a shadow himself. Cassian felt far more rhythmic. Every powerful wing stroke jolting her body more than she was used to.

Soraya's heart leapt into her throat upon nearing the House of Wind to find a party in full swing. People gathered out on the main balcony, dancing and talking amongst themselves. Soft chatter of conversation mingled with the music that spilled into the night. Glasses clinked together and laughter echoed. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

When at last Cassian landed, Soraya set her feet on the ground and stood. A lump rolled up her throat, and she swallowed it thickly down. Only a few people bothered look their way, but they were soon sucked back into the party.

A deep breath puffed past Soraya's lips, stirring a curl that the wind had pushed in front of her face. She couldn't help but shift a touch closer to the general as the crowd swam around her. A living, breathing thing. The glass balcony doors were propped open, and the crowd extended through them, filling the inside of the house as well.

In the kitchen, sprawled across a number of counters and tables were all manner of snacks and morsels. Rows of sparkling bottles lined one table, every one filled with expensive wine. Bowls of faelight were sprinkled throughout the house and patio, dimly lighting the way.

Cassian stooped and mumbled something that she couldn't hear through the crowd. A pat fell to her shoulder, and then the Illyrian turned, needling his way through the bodies away from her. Soraya stiffened as faeries shouldered past her. Occasionally glancing her way, curious gazes catching on her rounded ears.

Uncomfortably, Soraya shifted her weight between her feet. She twirled her ring around her finger, studying the partygoers. They laughed and raised their glasses for toasts. The faeries moved with the music, lifting their arms as they swayed and danced with abandon. As if the night was their last, and they didn't mind one bit. All of them taking the opportunity to let loose.

Morrigan bounced about the crowd, laughing through bright red lips and turning her face skyward. As if breathing in the air of the occasion. Cassian was long lost in the crowd.

Soraya nervously chewed the inside of her lip as she looked around, searching for a flicker of something familiar. Pointed ears, beaming smiles, and glittering dresses met her at every turn.

How much longer would Azriel be? Did something important come up that he had to attend to?

She peeked up at the sky. To the stars strewn across it, same as any other night. Her lips quirked and she stepped hesitantly through the crowd. More than a little surprised that she didn't have to shove to make her way.

Cheers erupted from the crowd, every glass in a hand raised skyward at once. Soraya jolted in surprise and looked around, confused. She sucked in a sharp breath when a hand coasted across the small of her back.

"Look up, Raya."

A sigh rolled out of her, the tension leaving her spine at the deep timbre that rumbled through her. Soraya leaned back into Azriel's touch, her heart fluttering. She lifted her chin and peered into the sky. Her mouth dropped open.

A glittering star vaulted across the sky to touch the distant horizon. As if fired from a mighty bow.

The gentlest touch of lips found her jaw, making Soraya shiver. She lifted a hand behind her, threading her fingers through Azriel's hair. Not once peeling her gaze from the puddle of colors in the night sky.

A second star raced by. Two more sprung after it.

They looked so close. Not of another world like the stationary stars glued to the sky. But close enough that she was sure Azriel could fly up and snatch one if he so wished. 

An arm slid around her waist, securing her to the warm body that she would know in her sleep. His breath tickled her ear as he whispered softly to her.

"Beautiful, hm?" 

"They're falling," Soraya breathed. Her brown eyes were wide with awe, darting across the night sky after every speeding spec.

Azriel chuckled quietly, "they are."

The faeries on the balcony watched the display just the same. As if it was the first and the last time they would ever be privileged enough to see it.

She only gaped more as an entire galaxy of stars painted the sky with streaks of light. It made her feel small in a humbling, comforting sort of way. Azriel shifted behind her, and Soraya peeked over her shoulder to see him tucking his wings closer to himself. To keep people from bumping them, she realized.

"I know a better place," he hummed.

Soraya's eyes widened in surprise when shadows closed around them, dropping them at the very top of the House of Wind. Around them, nothing more than the punching bags and training gear of the rooftop gym. She hesitantly stepped out of his arms, tipping her head down to peer over the railing.

Her stomach bottomed out at the distance of the drop, but the view was enough to steal her breath. A twinkling Velaris lay in the mountain-rimmed bowl of the land before them. The Sidra a liquid sapphire slicing through. She was sure the streets were flooded with celebrations of joy and free spirit, though they were too high to see.

Most of the balconies were crowded with people. On the rooftop, there was not a soul to be found. The music was a distant throb in the silence of night, the laughter and voices dull as a faded memory.

Soraya lifted her gaze to the rainbow of stars once more. "You said they're all spirits?"

Azriel stepped forward and lifted one shoulder in a shrug, leaning his forearms on the railing. He tilted his face skyward. However many hundreds of times he'd seen it, the sight still brought a smile to his face.

"That's what most people believe," he answered quietly.

Starlight caught in his eyes, making them spark. Soraya's heart skipped.

He looked beautiful standing beside her. Wearing full black from head to toe yet standing stark against the black night. The shadowsinger was a vision himself. The moon lit his skin, as if a glow stemmed from beneath it. Wind gently rustled his dark hair until it looked perfectly mussed.

As if sharing her train of thought, Azriel smiled. "I think my heart might have stopped the moment I saw you on the balcony."

Soraya briefly glanced at him, feeling her breath catch. Golden eyes found hers.

"You are absolutely devastating," he whispered.

For a moment she was stunned. Shocked into silence as the words sunk into her brain. She couldn't help the smile that pulled across her lips. Leaning over slightly, her head fell against Azriel's shoulder. Embarrassment colored her cheeks, so she redirected attentions elsewhere.

"Where are they going?" She breathed, peering into the sky once more.

"Nobody knows for certain. Just that they return every year on their journey to wherever it is." Scarred fingers toyed gently with one of her curls.

Soraya blinked up at the souls that dripped across the Night Court. Where did they come from? Were they only faerie souls that pooled in the sky, or were they those of all living things? Her parents, did they once dart over the city of Velaris? Did Clare? Question after question bubbled up her throat, but she bit them back from slipping off her tongue. A part of her was happier not knowing.

Perhaps they weren't migrating, but simply wandering. Circling the world round and round until finally they caught up with those they loved. Until they found them again in whatever comes after.

Azriel sighed through his nose and kissed her temple, sending warmth coursing all the way down her spine.

"How long does it last?" She asked, marveling at every streak that passed her by.

"Not long enough," Azriel answered, sounding solemn.

Soraya hummed a thoughtful sound. A pair of arms encircled her waist, and a smile pressed against her cheek.

"You owe me a dance."

Her eyes rolled despite her amusement. She managed to wriggle enough in his arms to face him and pin him with an unenthused look. Azriel chuckled and dipped to kiss her lips. 

His voice lowered, laced with a hint of play, "come on, Raya." Azriel carefully lifted one of her arms, draping it over his shoulder. His fingers threaded with those of her opposite hand. "Dance with me."

Soraya sighed in defeat and hid her smile by stepping close enough to him that their chests touched. The shadowsinger's free hand slid around her waist, finding a place to rest at the small of her back. Slowly, gently, his feet began to move, guiding her along. 

She pinched the inside of her lip between her teeth as the shadowsinger slowly eased her along. Soraya tried to match his steps, any knowledge or lessons of dance she once had draining from memory at the feeling of his hands on her. His warm breath tickling across her face. He only smiled when she stepped once on the toe of his shoe.

"I meant it when I said I can't dance," Soraya half-grumbled. She stared down at her feet to ensure they moved how she wanted them to.

Azriel laughed softly, "sure you can." He kissed her forehead. "Just not very good."

Only mildly offended but more amused, Soraya scoffed and pinched his shoulder where her hand rested. Fingers touched her chin, lifting until their eyes met. A piece of her melted in Azriel's honey eyes.

"Don't think about it so much," he said quietly, continuing to step along to the distant music. "You'll find your rhythm, be patient with yourself."

Loosing a breath, Soraya hugged her arm around his neck, the hand in his squeezing slightly. She rested her head on his shoulder, watching the stars flit by as they swayed. Her eyes closed for a moment. A breath so deep it ached filled her lungs, flooding her with the familiar smell of the male pressed against her. Rocking her gently. This was peace. She didn't realize how much she'd yearned for it.

A lazy smile toyed at the edges of her mouth. The arm looped around his shoulders fell away and she stood on her toes. Reaching her fingers toward the sky of stars and spirits. 

"It seems dark now," Azriel had once told her, "but the light will come."

Light did come. She was wrapped in his arms.

"Thank you, Azriel," Soraya said quietly.

"What are you thanking me for?" He asked on a breathy sort of laugh.

The shadowsinger squeezed her hand and his thumb stroked the small of her back in soothing motions. She paused for a moment to think. Did there need to be any reason? Couldn't she simply be thankful to him? For him? Could she not be grateful for the hand he reached out to her when she was drowning?

She murmured, "for everything you are. For everything you've made me to be."

A kiss fell into her hair. The arm around her waist tightened, squeezing her against his front. As if bracing for her to pull away. 

"Raya, I-"

Soraya shrieked in surprise and jolted away when something smacked into her raised hand. She pinwheeled backwards, tripping for a moment on her heels and skirts. Azriel caught her by the shoulders, eyes wide with concern. His wings flared.

She blinked a few times and held her stinging hand out, studying it. Her nose wrinkled as shimmering stardust dripped from her fingertips. Unsure of whether to be horrified, or amazed, Soraya glanced up to a stunned Azriel.

The shadowsinger's shoulders began to shake. Laughter spewed from him. The loveliest, most beautiful sound she had ever heard. Deep and rich like a mouthful of dark chocolate. Soraya blinked dumbly up at him.

Azriel stepped forward and took her face in his hands. He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead as he laughed. Color bloomed across his cheeks and shadows spilled into the star-flecked night.

"I hope that isn't bad luck," Soraya murmured, making him laugh more.

The spymaster shook his head in amusement, taking her wrist in his hands. He turned her hand a little, studying the glittering splatter across her palm.

"I would think it's just the opposite," Azriel chuckled.

She couldn't help but stare at him for a long moment. All tan skin and dark hair and smooth wings. Awed that such a person could exist. Humbled that she got to be the one standing before him. She got his kisses dotting her skin and his body against hers. A grin played at Soraya's lips.

Tugging her hand free in an instant, Soraya smeared her palm across his face. Leaving a handprint of stardust smudging his cheek. Azriel flinched back in surprise with a gasp. Scarred fingers lifted to his cheek and pulled away to reveal their tips sparkling. Hazel eyes flitted to hers, and a surprised chuckle sputtered out of him.

Soraya's mouth lifted at the corners, and she smiled openly, stepping forward and brushing her lips to his. The shadowsinger laughed softly into her mouth, tugging her close once more as the sky fell around them.
