The Big Sleep

Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island, twenty-four campers arrived and learned that they'll be spending the next eight weeks at the crusty old summer camp. The campers we're faced with their first challenge, jumping off a cliff into the shark-infested waters. While most campers took the plunge, a few were forced to wear the dreaded chicken hat. At the campfire ceremony, it all came down to two campers, Courtney has experience as a CIT in summer camp, but refused to jump, and Ezekiel managed to tick off every female at the camp with his sexist comments about women, in the end, the first camper voted off Total Drama Island was Ezekiel, proving that homeschooling and reality TV don't mix, who will be voted off this week in this dramatic campfire ceremony yet? Will Ming terrify... someone agian? Find out tonight on Total... Drama...Island.

Theme Song

♪ Dear Mom and Dad I'm doin' fine, you guys are on my mind, you asked me what I wanted to be and I think the answer is plain to see, I wanna be famous ♪ ♪I wanna live close to the sun. Go pack your bags cause I've already won, everything to prove nothing in my way, I'll get there one day. Cause I wanna be famous. ♪ Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na! I wanna be, I wanna be famous, I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be famous♪ (Whistling in tune)


[The episode begins with Chris walking to the cabins with the megaphone with his shorts, he uses a airhorn, .he blasts it]

[Leshawna wakes up and hits her head.]

Leshawna: Ow! It's 7:00 in the morning! Do I look like a farmer to you?

[The scene changes to the campers outside of their cabins. Eva is listening to her MP3 player, Cody wants to touch it, but she angrily growls. Bronya and Ming both have their Game Boy Advanced hidden on their person]

Chris: Morning, hope you slept well.

Heather: Hi, Chris, you look really buff in those shorts.

Bronya*Wisper*: kissass

Ming*wisper*: Don't be mean Bronya!

Bronya*wisper*: ...She deserves it.

Ming*wisper*: That may be correct but still.

Chris: I know. [he winks] I hope you are all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute.

Owen: Oh, excuse me, I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast.

Chris: Oh, you'll get breakfast, Owen, right after you complete your kilometer run around the lake.

Bronya: Oh bullshit!

Ming: Language!

Eva: So you're funny now? [She is angry at Chris, Duncan stops her] You know what I would think be funny?

Courtney: [whispering to Eva] Eva, try to control your temper!

Eva: You're enjoying this, aren't you?

Chris: A little, you have 30 seconds. [Eva glares at Chris,]

[static buzzing]

Courtney: [in the confessional] Okay, that girl Eva has got to handle on her temper, she's only been here one day and she has already thrown her suitcase out a window and broken the lock on one of the bathroom doors. 

Bronya: [in the confessional] Eva is strong, but her attitude needs work... now how to tell Ming that I'm Silver Wolf...

[Static buzzing]

Chris: Okay, runners, on your marks, get set, go!

[The campers race. Tyler runs. The sun shines, The contestants continue to run while Bronya, Gwen, Harold, Katie and Sadie walk. Ming runs back to Bronya.]

Ming: Hey Bronya you want some help?

Bronya: sure...

[Ming picks up Bronya and throws her over his shoulder and runs off]

Gwen: I'm rooting for ya girl... *quietly* lucky

Harold: Do you know how much longer?

[Bridgette and Justin run past them.]

Gwen: Don't walk beside me.

[Noah runs past Heather.]

Heather: Do you mind? [Static buzzing, in the confessional] I don't run, and I definitely don't run in high-heeled wedges. And that Ming should of picked me up! [Static buzzing]

[Heather stops, Owen is licking the puddle.]

Owen: [breathless] Can't...[licks]…catch…[licks again]…breath...must...[he licks again]…must...have...condition!

Heather: Yeah, it's called "overheating, " look into it.

Leshawna: What's your excuse, you skinny, annoying, ooh, I'm too tired for insults.

Chris: [driving a scooter while in a megaphone] Pick it up, people, your not back by dinner time, you don't eat.

Heather: I hate him so much. [Heather steps on Owen]

[The scene changes to the contestants where some of them are tired and sleeping, Chris is filing his fingers. Bronya is sleeping on Mings lap, ming has a large smile under the impression that hes hellping... he is but not in the way that he thinks. What you want to know? Ok then lets go into the mind of Bronya]

Bronyas mind: Oh~ the smell of my dear ming~ I could almost c—

[OK that's enough! Look what you freaks made me do! Are you proud of yourselves?!]

Owen: [carrying Noah] Clear a table, stat!

Leshawna: [exhausted] We made it!

[Owen CPRs Noah.]

Courtney: What took so long? [Harold has a heart palpations] We lost the challenge!

Harold: I think I'm having heart palpations!

Gwen: Hey, wait a minute, if they lost, that means we won the challenge!

[The Screaming Gophers cheer. Bronya takes one more wiff and gets up, a large blush on her face... and thats all you get to know.]

Chris: Whoa there, hold your horses, guys, that wasn't the challenge.

Gwen: What did you just say?

Chris: Who's hungry? [The curtain opens, showing a huge buffet. Static buzzing]

Gwen: [in the confessional] After a whole week of brown sludge, I almost cried when I saw that buffet. [Static buzzing]

Owen: [in the confessional] And then I saw it, the buffet table, it was beautiful, there was turkey, and the naval bars, and bakes beans and maple syrup? Can I have a moment? [he stick his finger on his head and cries, static buzzing]

Ming: [in confessional] So much dim sum! I've got to get Bronya to try some! For some reason she reminds me of one of my online pals Silver Wolf

[The scene goes to the buffet where the contestants ate them all and groan.]

Chris: [in megaphone] Okay, campers, time for part two of your challenge.

Owen: I thought eating was the second part.

Gwen: What more do you want from us?

Heather: Weird goth girl is right, haven't we been through enough?

Chris: [in megaphone] Um, let me think about that, no, it's time for the Awake-A-Thon!

Owen: The what-a-thon?

Chris: [in megaphone] Don't worry, [jumps off the table] This is an easy one, the team with the last camper standing wins invincibility.

Gwen: So, what you're saying is the 20k and the turkey eating frenzy were part of your evil plan to make it harder for us to stay awake?

Chris: [in megaphone] That's right, Gwen.

Gwen: Man, he's good.

[Leshawna and Bronya nods.]

Chris: [in megaphone] Move, move, move

[The campers walk while Trent approaches to Gwen.]

Trent: So, how long think it'll be before everyone's out cold?

Gwen: About an hour, give or take. [A drooling Owen groans and walks past Gwen and Trent] Maybe less.

[The scene changes to outside, the sunrise changes to daylight, it is 11:59 AM. The contestants are tired and some of them have bags under their eyes and some of them are awake. Bronya and Ming both look like they were at 7:00 AM.]

Chris: [whispering off-screen] We are now 12 hours in with all 21 campers still wide awake.

Owen: Woohoo! Stay awake for 12 hours? I could do that in my sleep. Woohoo! [He stands frozen and falls. Static buzzing]

Gwen: [in the confessional] The Awake-A-Thon was definitely the most brutal thing I've ever done in my life. [Static buzzing, Gwen yawn] This is the most boring thing I've ever done in my life.

Trent: [yawns] Could be way worse.

Gwen: Oh yeah? How?

Trent: I could be stuck here without you to talk to. [Gwen looks happy, Heather looks suspicious. Static buzzing]

Heather: [in the confessional] So, my strategy is to get to other campers to form an alliance with me and take to the final three, the only question is who can I find that is either desperate or dumb enough to do whatever I say? Ming could work but every time I get near him that Bronya girl glares at me [Static buzzing]

[Lindsay does a handstand.]

Gwen: [off-screen] What are you doing?

Lindsay: Trying to get the blood to rush to my head, I think it's working.

Beth: Can I try?

Lindsay: Sure.

Heather: Perfect, Lindsay, Beth, can I talk to you for a sec?

Lindsay: Sure.

[Heather leads the two away from the other campers]

Heather: Okay, I have a plan to get me and two other people to the final three and I chose you guys.

Lindsay: Really?

Heather: You should know that this is a very big deal, I am placing my trust in you and trust is a two-way street. [Beth and Lindsay nod] So you'll do everything I say then?

Lindsay: Sure, EEEEEEEEE, where going to the final three! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! [Lindsay's loud shrieking bothers Heather.. Static buzzing]

Beth: [in the confessional] Oh my gosh, Heather is taking me to the final three, I'm going to the final three, I'm going to the final three! I wonder what will happen then. [Static buzzing]

Lindsay: Speaking of alliances, you know who I think is really cute. [Tyler sits]

Heather: Oh no, no, no, no, you can't do that.

Lindsay: Why?

Heather: Because he's on the other team.

Lindsay: Huh?

Heather: You can't entertain date, it's like against the alliance rules.

Lindsay: There are rules?

Heather: Remember what I said about trust, Lindsay? Of course you can always leave the alliance if you do, though I can't protect you from getting kicked off.

Lindsay: No, I wanna be in the alliance.

Heather: Good. [Leaves] Then is settled. [Beth leaves]

[Tyler waves at Lindsay.]

Lindsay: [smiles, then in the confessional] Heather said I couldn't date him, she never said I could like him. [Static buzzing]

Eva: [stands up and takes off her MP3 player] I'm going to the bathroom.

[Heather looks suspicious, Eva walks, but her MP3 player falls, Heather stand up, and smiles evilly, Heather stretches beside Chris, without Chris even looking, Heather picks up Eva's MP3 player, Heather waves, she walks back. Ming notices and his trust for heather hits rock bottom]

Lindsay: Uh, isn't that Eva's MP3 player?

Heather: Yep.

Lindsay: Well, isn't she gonna get really mad when she realizes it's gone?

Heather: That's what i'm hoping. [She smiles evilly, the screen goes black, then the episode continues, It is night time, it is 23:59 or 11:59 PM.]

[Bridgette falls asleep, Geoff almost falls asleep, he wakes up, Izzy sleeps, along with Noah. Some of the Screaming Gophers sleep while Justin is in a frozen position smiling with bigger eyes to make him stay awake. Some of the Killer Bass sleep while Courtney is running in place. Tyler stars to sleep, he sees Katie and Sadie sleeping. Suddenly, a bear appears attacks Katie and Sadie, Tyler screams, Katie and Sadie are awake and gasp, it turns out to be Tyler's nightmare. Bronya and Ming still both look fine, just extremely bored.]

Chris: [off-screen] Congratulations, campers, you've made it to the 24-hour mark, time to take things up a notch. [Chef is dressed as a sheep, pulls the tablecloth which reveals books] Fairytales.

Gwen: Oh, he's not serious.

Bronya: Ok that's it I'm playing pokemon!

Ming: Same.

[Both Ming and Bronya bring out their Gameboys and put in the "pokemon fire red" cartridge, chris looks upset but realizes that A. He didnt say they couldnt bring games and B. This is ming and Bronya, he does not want to become part of a unsolvable murder... or at least not on the victims side.]

Chris: [holds a book] Ahem. [Chef plays a tiny harp, he growls at Chris] Once upon a time, there was inside this boring [Chef continues playing the harp and looks at the teams are sleeping] kingdom, [Beth yawns] a boring village, and inside this boring sleepy village filled. [Geoff almost sleeps and wakes up again, Cody sleeps, he doesn't know that he sleeps beside Owen's butt] boring, who did very boring. [Cody dreams of something, he dreams of a harp standing beside the lake, a sheep jumps on the harp, another sheep jumps on the harp, Chef, as a sheep jumps on the harp. Owen farts into Cody's face]

Cody: Huh? [he repeatedly coughs out Owen's fart, Beth, Heather, and Lindsay are surprised]

[Chef appears in the air, he is in a ballerina's costume, he uses magic sparkles to make everyone sleep, the song called "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy is heard. He dances like a ballerina,  Eva and Geoff look surprised, but they are "effected" with Chef's "magical sparkles" and fall asleep, Chef continues to sleep, Cody and Leshawna look surprised, they also get sparkled by Chef's sparkles. DJ ties himself to a tree, he also gets sparkled, he yawns and falls asleep. The tree falls on him and gets timbered, the Killer Bass lose one point, they have 8 points.]

Gwen: Timber.

[ Chef tries to put sparkels on Bronya and Ming but—]


Ming: Mine had an ability from gen 13

Bronya: there isn't even a gen 13!

Ming: Exactly! This is- its- its BULLSHIT

[The whole campground suddenly became dead quiet, Chris stood and went to his camper for a few minutes and came back with fresh underwear. Chef still tired to give them sparkles though but when Chef tried to get close enough to give them sparkles he was almost hit with gamer rage]

[Courtney is still dancing in place. Static buzzing.]

Courtney: [in the confessional] I figured that if I kept moving, I get out last all of them, I just had to keep my eye on the ball... the Russian girl and Chinese boy are idiots though! Playing video games?! *sigh* I thought that their genetics were supposed to make them smarter, I guess my mom was just lying.  [Static buzzing]

[Some of the Killer Bass are sleeping while Courtney is continuing dancing in place, Justin is still standing still standing in a frozen position. Some of the Screaming Gophers are sleeping and some of them are awake. Bronya and Ming randomly got switches and are playing games on them]

Heather: We should talk about our strategy. [Heather shoulders Lindsay while Lindsay is sleeping then wakes up]

Lindsay: Huh?

[Lindsay falls down.]

Heather: Beth? [Beth does the same]

[Ming and Bronya sigh and go sit down next to Trent and Gwen]

Ming: mind if we join you?

Bronya: *quietly* we could of talked amongst each other... but whatever

Gwen: sure... but why? Weren't you two playing games earlier?

Ming/Bronya: We finished everything

Gwen: Even the online games? How do you finish those?

Bronya: You beat everyone so many times that the devs think your hacking and ban you.

Ming: or you beat everyone until the devs have to send a unfinished super-boss to take you down then get mad because you killed it easily.

(Totally not the final fight of  Free Guy)

Gwen: you two are incredible... lets see how about what's everyones favorite song.

Trent: She Would Loved.

Bronya: Videogame Lover

Ming: Mashles OP.

Trent: Favorite color.

Bronya: Grey like my hair

Ming: Reda

Gwen: Um, midnight blue.

Trent: Ooh, mysterious, I like that. [Gwen smiles, then yawns] Aw, Don't fall asleep, okay, quick, favorite movie moment.

Gwen: You're gonna think it's cheesy.

Trent: I promise I won't.

Gwen: Okay, the kiss at the end of that road trip movie, you know the one with the guy and three girls. (Can someone tell me what this movie this?!)

Trent: I know the one. [laughs]

Ming: *wisper* I think they forgot about us...

Bronya: *wisper* yeah but that's fine...

[Suddenly, Owen walk by, interrupting Gwen and Trent while sleepwalking naked. Bronya quickly stood up infront of Ming, trying to prevent him from seeing Owen. But her foot gets stuck in a root and she falls onto Ming, smashing her chest into his face... lucky. Both Ming and Bronya got up quickly each with a blush on their faces. Gwen and Trent look shocked at the two events they saw. Gwen and Trent look at Owen's clothes, which they are laying beside the seats. Gwen and Trent look at Owen sleepwalking continuously. Static buzzing.]

Owen: [in the confessional] Did I mention that I ate the entire dish of baked beans and maple syrup? Funny thing about baked beans, they make me sleepwalk. [Static buzzing]

[Katie and Sadie snore together. Gwen and Trent watch Katie and Sadie sleep.]

Trent: Oh, cool, they even fall asleep together. [It's still night time, a shooting star passes by] Still awake?

Gwen: Yeah, It's weird, but I think I'm so tired I'm not tired anymore, does that make sense?

Trent: I really have no idea, where's the Little Dipper again?

Gwen: See the Big Dipper? [points to the constellation of the Big Dipper] Follow the handle to that bright star, the pole star and it's right there.

Trent: [sighs] Cool.

[Bronya and Ming both got back on their switches and are battling eachother, Ming was sitting on the ground with a large towel under him. Bronya had her head on his lap, ming wasnt looking down on respect for a fair fight]

Bronya: Hey ming I have a question.

Ming: Yes?

Bronya: look down.

[Ming looked down to see her switch screen but when he does he also sees down her shirt.]

Ming: *large blush* yes?

Bronya: is this move any good?

Ming: *large blush* yes it is...

Bronya: Cool.

[Bronya repositioned herself, causing Ming to see everything. Mings poor brain overloaded and he was knocked the fuck out.]

Chris: wow... that's gotta be one of the best ways to go out.

Bronya: *fake yawn* I think I'm getting tired.

[Bronya laid down next to Ming to where she could cuddle him and "fell asleep"]

Chris: Ok then...

[Owen continues sleepwalking, he almost falls onto the cliff, he steps back and turn around, he falls.]

[It is 51:00. Leshawna falls asleep, but she wakes up by Gwen's talking.]

Gwen: Look at him, he like a statue. [Justin stands frozen] He hasn't moved in over, 50 hours. Hello.

Trent: Yip, yip, yip, yip, yip.

Gwen: Yo. Amazing, look at the concentration.

[Trent scratches his head.]

[Gwen taps Justin, Justin moves, he opens his eyes, which means he was caught cheating. Gwen and Trent gasp.]

Eva: His eyelids are painted, I saw it!

Chris: Get out, oh, I've got to see this. [he runs up to Justin, he looks at Justin, Justin smiles sheepishly] That is so crazy incredible, but your still out, dude. [Justin is disappointed, the Screaming Gopher lose another player]

[A bunch of salmons jump on the water, along with Owen, the screen tilts to the left, the salmons and Owen go up to the waterfall. The time changes, night changes daylight then night then daylight again. Harold is sleeping, Duncan puts Harold's hand in a cold water, he yawns, which makes him wet his pants.]

Duncan: Oh gross it works, dude peed his pants!

[Harold wakes up, he gasps and sees that he peed his pants, he covers it.]

[Katie and Sadie sleep and wake up, Noah accidently kisses Cody's ear in his sleep. Noah and Cody scream and run off.]

[Gwen, Heather and Trent are awake. Bronya and Ming are still asleep but the camera crew are to terrified to wake either of them.]

Gwen: [yawning] I'd kill for a coffee right now.

Chris: [with a coffee] What is the matter with you, people? [drinks coffee] Come on, fall asleep already!

Gwen: [begging Chris to drink his coffee] You gotta hook me up, man! I'll even eat the grinds, anything!

Chris: Alright, you five stay with me, the rest of you go and get a shower for heaven's sake, you stink!

Camera Man: Do we have to wake them up?

[Chris looks down at the cuddling gamers]

Chris: Well I'm not doing it.

Chef: I'm not either.

[The camera man sighs and pokes ming awake, after all he probably wouldn't die if he woke ming first. Ming slowly came to and realized that Bronya was on top of him, his brain didn't work for a few minutes but afterwards he gently shook her awake]

Bronya: Hmmm? Ga-ming please let me sleep on you for a while more...

Ming: ...Bronya how do you know my gamer tag?

Bronya: Look at my hair then look at this chain.

[Bronya took out a key chain that had a silver wolf figure on it]

Ming: ...OH Oh my god! Your silver wolf!

[Bronya smiled and nodded]

Bronya: Your so smart Ming.

[Bronya rubbed his cheek affectionately, Heather sees this and is NOT a fan]

[Static buzzing]

Heather: [in confessional] Damn it, it's gonna be alot harder to get ming on my side if that Russian bitch is like that.

[Static Buzzing]

Bronya: [in confessional] in my contract I made sure to have added that I can hurt anyone who threatens my relationship with my lovely ming, so I can't kill you Heather but I for sure can beat the shit out of you~ so stay away.

[Static buzzing, end of confessionals]

[The three Killer Bass, Bridgette, DJ, and Geoff wonder why Harold is covering his groin, because he peed his pants thanks to Duncan, he runs off.]

Chris: [sipping his coffee] I didn't want it to come to this, I said that to Chef Hatchet las night I said "Chef, I don't want it to come to this but darn it, these campers are tough and so I've come up with the most boring sleeping-inducing activity I can find." [Static buzzing]

Gwen: [in the confessional] Oh come on, what now? Okay, you know what, bring it on. [Static buzzing]

Chris: [reading another book] The History of Canada, [opens a book, with a beaver] a papa book, chapter one, the beaver national symbol and a "dam" fine hat. [The Screaming Gophers and Eva are bored]

Gwen: Stank.

[The scene changes to a beaver's dam, three beavers tap their tail. they stand on a sleeping Owen.]

Chris: [continuing reading the book] Which of course was the precursor of the discussions [Eva falls asleep, followed by Heather] leading the war of 1812. [Suddenly, Trent stars falling asleep]

Gwen: Trent. Slow motion] No! Trent, don't leave me!

Chris: Time for a bathroom break, any takers?

Duncan: I've held it this long, sweetheart, l can go all day.

Gwen: Yeah, but can you hold it for another ten chapters?

[Duncan thinks about it and heads to the bathroom.]

Chris: You've got five minutes, long as you don't mind a little company.

Duncan: Fine, but stay out of the stall. [The camera man nods his head]

[Gwen sighs.]

Camera man: Duncan, you in there, man? [Duncan sleeps in the toilet, the camera man gives Chris a note]

Chris: And we have news, it looks like Duncan's taking a dive on the can which means the official winner of the Awake-A--Thon is... [Gwen is the last person to fall asleep] Gwen! [Chris raises Gwen's arm] The Screaming Gophers win!

[The Killer Bass are standing outside of the cabins, stuff are outside due to Eva throwing them because she can't find her MP3 because Heather stole it.]

Eva: [screaming angrily] Where is my MP3 player?! One of you must stolen it, I need my music! No one is going anywhere until I get my MP3 player back! [She angrily throws a book, which almost hits Harold]

Courtney: Okay, whoever took it better give it up now before she destroys the whole camp.

[Ming walks up to Eva and she tries to punch him because she is blinded by fury but he slaps her hand down]

Eva: Huh?

Ming: Here ya go Eva!

[Ming hands Eva his own mp3 player]

Ming: it might not have all the songs you like but it should be better then nothing right?

Eva: Uh, thanks...

Ming: you should work on your temper Eva.

Heather: Hey, guys, wow, this place is a real mess.

Courtney: Someone stole Eva's MP3 player.

Heather: [holds Eva's MP3 player] Who don't mean this to you? [Eva is surprised that Heather found her MP3 player, which Heather actually stole it] I was wondering who it belonged to, I found it by the campfire pit. You must have dropped it.

Eva: Oh thank you...

Heather: Sure thing. [Leaves. Static buzzing, in the confessional] Turn a team against their own members, easiest trick in the book. [Static buzzing]

Eva: [smiles sheepishly] So, sorry about the that little misunderstanding. [The Killer Bass glare at Eva] Guess no one stole it after all. Okay, maybe I overreacted a little. [Laughs sheepishly]

[The scene changes to night time, the Killer Bass are at the elimination ceremony for the second time. Chris walks up to tell the campers who get the marshmallow.]

Chris: You've all cast your votes a major decision, there are only nine marshmallows on this plate, when I call your name, comp up and claim your marshmallow, the camper who does not receive a marshmallow must immediately return to the Dock of Shame, catch the Boat of Losers and leave, you can never come back, ever. The first marshmallow goes to Duncan. [Duncan claims his marshmallow] Bridgette. [Bridgette stands up to claim her marshmallow] Courtney. [Courtney stands up to claim her marshmallow] Katie and Sadie. [Katie and Sadie stand up to claim their marshmallow]

Katie and Sadie: Yay!

Chris: Tyler. [Tyler claims his marshmallow] DJ. [DJ stands up to claim his marshmallow] Geoff. [Geoff smiles and stands up to claim his marshmallow, he sits down and eats his marshmallow] Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening. [Eva looks shocked and nervous, Harold is shocked and nervous, too]

[Huge dramatic pause. The scene changes to Eva, Harold and Chris, then the marshmallow, the camera does the close-up of Eva and Harold's nervous-looking faces.]

Chris: Harold.

[Harold smiles, he claims his marshmallow.]

Chris: Eva, the Dock of Shame awaits.

Eva: Nice, really nice, who needs this lame-o TV show anyway?! [Katie and Sadie look at each other nervously, Eva angrily walks to the Dock of Shame, she kicks Chris's shin]

Chris: Ow! Have a good night sleep tonight, you're all safe.

[Static buzzing.]

Courtney: [in the confessional] See, I told you, you can't act like a total ringing psychopath and then expect people to just forgive you, no matter how tough and strong and fast you are, she's never gonna have a career if she doesn't get her act together. [Static buzzing]

Heather: [in the confessional] So, Eva was one of their strongest players, and now she's gone. I am so running this game. [Static buzzing]

Courtney: Bye-bye, Eva. [Eva grunts and throws a stick at Courtney, Courtney ducks] Touchy!

[Chef is driving the Boat of Losers with Eva.]

Eva: I guess my temper got the better of me, again, but whatever, they just lost their fiercest competitor I hope they realize that. I'm gonna put my money on Ming winning. No. I will make sure he wins. It's for the betterment of everyone and everything!

Courtney: To the Killer Bass. And to Not end up here again next week.

[Owen in sleeping in a cave where four Sasquatchanakwas are standing around them. A Sasquatchankwa pokes Owen, Owen snores and farts, they sniff it, he gets kicked out of the cave, he farts again, the black hole closes in, ending the episode.]

Chapter end brought to you by the official Yip family and their mother exposing them.

Yes, Xianyun is Mings mother, Ganyu and Schene are both mings adopted sisters.

And Bronyas family

The rest of her family is dead so all that's left is her father Welt.

How'd ya like the chapter

Word count 4726
