~ chapter 50 ☁️

'You don't need to be like that.' I protest with a frown as I try and keep my patience, not at all understanding why he's being so off with me.

Surely this can't be the same boy who was making me smile and laugh so much over the weekend. If he's going to act like this then I would almost genuinely just prefer we go back to how it was before, back when he would tease and taunt me for his own amusement and that was it. There was no nice Eli back then, I didn't have to face the uneasiness and confusion I do now about which side of Eli I'm going to have to face today. Things were just simpler back then and yes our interactions consistently more grim, but at least I knew what I would be in for each time his eyes would find mine from across the room.

'You should go, Willow.' He states coldly in a firm manner, steely eyes once again leaving mine as if to tell me the conversation is officially over.


'I mean it.' He repeats in a icy tone and I hate how he won't even let me speak anymore. 'No-one wants to have to sit here and watch you stutter out some sad, pathetic apology when you get caught by Newton.' 

His aggressively spoken words have me flinching back this time as I stare at him in disbelief, his now unyielding and cruel gaze making sure each word hits home. I'm sure my eyes display a look that one could only describe as pure defeatist as I dryly swallow and break our eye contact, his words having hurt me enough this time around for me to give up. Don't you dare let his words get to you, I tell myself as I look down at my shoes, don't give him the satisfaction of seeing you upset.

Eli knows, he knows how overly sensitive I am, how little it takes to get to me. He also knows me enough to know that I hate how naturally passive and emotional I can be, and yet still, he takes glee in using it against me time and time again. I honestly don't know why I thought his spiteful teasing would ease up even a little after Sunday. It's not like sharing some jokes over a bucket of popcorn would somehow manage to wipe away all of our toxic years of history and give him a personality transplant whilst doing so.

'For fuck's sake, man. Eli, just chill a little, bro.' Haider groans with a roll of his eyes, sounding sick and tired of his best friend as he shoots Eli a pointed look and me, one of sympathy as if to apologise for the boy sitting next to him.

I manage a wobbly smile in return, not at all daring to take a glance in Eli's direction who completely ignores Haider, dark eyes still not having moved away from my nervous figure for even a second.

'Seriously, Eli. Why do you have to act like a girl on her monthlies every single time you're ar-'

'Shut the hell up, Haider.' Eli suddenly hisses, not hesitating to violently shove the brown haired boy in an effort to get him to be quiet and consequently making me sigh in relief when Eli's attention is finally lifted off me.

I can't help but wince a little at the dribble of blood that erupts from Haider's wounds on his hand a moment later, courtesy of Eli's sharp jab to his arm. It seems I'm not the only one to notice the reopening of the cut when Haider himself looks down and does a double take at the now once again bloody knuckles he had previously been tying his best to clean.

'Oi, you clumsy bitch! Look what you've done.' Haider rages sourly, gritting his teeth at the sight before forcefully elbowing Eli in an act of vengeance.

The green eyed boy hisses softly in response to Haider's hit but shockingly for once doesn't bother to take it any further.

Eli and I then watch in silence as Haider releases a loud sigh of irritation, once again reaching back into the now nearly empty box of tissues. He's just plucked a tissue when we all soon find ourselves turning our heads at the sound of a door opening. Unsurprisingly, of course, it's Mason who seems to have now finished his call. His eyes instantly find mine and I can only guess he's going to ask me if I'm also finished up here.

'Hey, Willow. I'm going to quickly get my stuff, I should only be a few minutes. So be ready for me when I come back, yeah?' Mason announces in a hurry from around the door and I instantly note his abrupt tone and the actually quite rude way his eyes refuse to acknowledge Haider or Eli.

I don't have a further second to ponder why he doesn't bother to say a hi to the boys, making it obvious to everyone here that he isn't their biggest fan when he suddenly leaves just as fast as he had made his appearance. He doesn't even bother to stick around long enough to give me a chance to reply, disappearing around the door again before I can even tell him that I'd rather just go along with him now.

'Whose that?' Eli grunts after a second of extended silence, still staring ominously at the door Mason had previously been occupying.

'My friend, Mason.' I quietly but curtly declare with a shrug, inwardly scoffing at how he's now talking to me again despite having practically told me to get lost just a moment ago.

His gaze remains on the door for a little longer as if he's trying to process my answer before he slowly turns his head towards mine. I'm quick to turn my own elsewhere, still upset and angry at him for his earlier remark but I don't miss the hateful look he throws me or the bitter chuckle that exits his mouth at my response.

Ignoring him completely, I shuffle awkwardly in my place for a moment before deciding to just say bye to Haider now and to go meet Mason at his locker instead of waiting for him here. Shifting my attention to the tan boy, I watch in pity as he struggles to contain the bleeding on his hand. The poor quality, thin tissue paper the principle has given them doesn't seem to quite be doing the job with Haider dabbing fruitlessly again and again at his cuts with no luck. It's only while watching him that I suddenly realise I have something on me that he would probably find useful right about now.

At my lightbulb moment, I instantly get to work taking off my bagpack and dumping it on the floor before leaning down to unzip it. Shuffling through it's contents in search of the plasters I always make sure to keep on me, I internally facepalm myself for having a useless memory and for not having been able to recall I had this on me all along.

'What are you doing?'

'One second.' I hum distractedly at Haider's question, well aware of both boys' probing stares on me as I continue searching through my bag. 'They're in here somewhere.'

'Aha!' I express victoriously a second later when I finally find them, rising back to my full height now with a smile on my face and clutching a few multicoloured plasters in my right hand.

'I usually always keep some in my bag just in case. Plus, Piper is always getting paper cuts
from copying down Asha's homework so fast.' I explain with a shrug, briefly thinking back on the several times Piper has managed to cut herself from from her hurried, clumsy, pre-class scribbling in the last term alone.

'Sorry for only remembering about them now, I have the worst memory.' I admit sheepishly with a smile as I scratch the back of my neck.

'Thanks Willow and don't be sorry, it's fine. As long as you give me the green plaster, I'm sweet.' Haider laughs appreciatively, dropping the cheap tissues in his hand with a tired sigh of relief as his eyes zone in on the lime green bandage in my hand.

'Here, you're probably going to need a couple to cover your knuckles anyway.' I point out with a giggle, leaning forward to place them in his awaiting palm. 'They probably won't help that much and you still obviously need to get cleaned up properly later on but I guess it's better than nothing for now, right?'

'100%.' Haider agrees, straight away getting to work and peeling away the first plaster to place it attentively on one of the cuts running along his left knuckle. 'Those tissues Newton gave us are absolute shit, I swear they probably ain't even one ply.'

As Haider continues attending to his hand, I can't help but become hyper aware of a silent Eli by his side. Looking at him from the corner of my eye, I see he's gone back to his wordless brooding, head leaning back against the wall and vacant eyes staring straight up at the ceiling.

Internally sighing at the image of him when I spot the blood also smeared all over his knuckles, I roll my eyes to myself. Biting my lip in thought, I wonder whether I should offer him a couple of plasters or two. He obviously saw and heard me giving Haider them and it is the polite thing to do but at the same time, does he really deserve my generosity right now? Probably not but just because he likes being an arse to people doesn't mean I should start acting as cold and as unhelpful as him, right?

In a haste, I bend down to grab a couple more bandages from my bag before closing it and hauling it back onto my back. I hurriedly take the step needed to stand directly in front of Eli in a way that means he can't possibly ignore me. Slowly but surely, he finally lowers his head to meet my gaze, lifeless eyes staring into my own before he tilts his head and cocks his eyebrows in response to my own nervous but determined gaze.

'J-Just because you're having a bad day doesn't mean you should take it out on the people around you.' I mumble in a quiet but frenzied rush, swallowing when he continues to look  aloofly at me for a long moment before a new spark of amusement starts to bloom in his eyes at my unlikely outburst.

I don't say a further word to him, not giving him a chance to respond before I practically throw the plasters in his lap. Chirping a quick goodbye to Haider, I don't even bother glancing back at Eli before I readjust the straps of my bagpack and run off.


When I had arrived home from school earlier, I had been surprised to find not only my Mother home early for once, but also her boyfriend, Eric too. As usual, I had been expecting her to be working till evening and so had been anticipating an empty house. My Mum had soon explained though that she had managed to get all her work done early and that it had been a quiet day at the office so she had excused herself the rest of the day off. I guess that's one of the benefits of working as a chief operating officer.

I'm currently on my way back from the store. Mum, Eric and I are going for a meal out later but my Mum needed me to grab a couple of bits for her from the corner shop first.

Presently, I'm strolling down the sidewalk on the way back to my house, aimlessly swinging  the plastic bag in my hand back and fourth as I walk. I'm fantasising about what I might order for dessert later, not really paying attention to my surroundings- that is until a sudden shout pierces through the air.


Scrunching my brows at the sound of the high pitched and feminine voice yelling my name, I stop in my tracks and turn around to spot a wild Maxine running towards me.

'Hey, I knew it was you. What's up?' She chatters excitedly, a little out of breath from her frantic sprinting when she finally comes to a halt in front of me.

'Hi, Maxine. I'm good, I'm just on my way back from the shops.' I smile, gesturing to the bag in my hand before reaching forward to give her a quick hug. 'How about you, how have you been?'

'I'm great, I'm actually on my way to meet some friends at the bowling alley. Do you know it, the one around the corner?' She enthusiastically responds, answering my next question of what she's doing around this part of town considering her house is in the complete opposite direction to mine.

'Know it? I've practically lived there all my life, considering its just around the corner from my place.' I laugh fondly at the mention of the bowling alley not even a 5 minute walk away from my house, momentarily reflecting on the many, many afternoons I've spent in there with friends and family.

'Oh, yeah, course.' Maxine chuckles with a shake of her head. 'Stupid me, I completely forgot about that. And I've been to your house before too, it's the one with the green door on the corner down that way, right?'

'Yeah!' I exclaim with wide eyes, nodding my head as she gestures towards the direction of my house. 'I'm surprised you remember, you've only been around mine once, haven't you?'

As far as I can remember, Maxine has only been to my house once in the months that I've known Mason. Mason had invited me to go to mini golf with the two a while back and when I had made a passing comment while there about the trampoline in my back garden, she was adamant that she needed to visit at least once. And so she had the day after, Mason had bought her around for the afternoon and it was honestly the most fun I had had in ages at the time. Maxine is entertaining to be around, she's sassy and hilarious and I love being around her. When I'm with her, I almost get to feel like a big sister which is something I've never had the joy of experiencing due to my only child familial situation.

'Yup. But Faye, one of my friends from school, she lives quite close to here so I'm always going past when I go to visit her.' Maxine explains.

'Really?' I ask, cocking my head at her. 'Well you should knock one day and come visit if you ever feel like it.'

'Really?' She questions in surprise with big eyes, almost bouncing in excitement.

'Yeah, you know I'd gladly let you in.' I grin back. 'Anyway I know you're on your way to meet up with your friends so I'll let you go now.'

'Eh, I'm sure I can spare a few more minutes.' She states casually with a shrug, making me release a laugh when she shows no move of going on her way.

'Okay, well, how's school going?'

'Urgh, rubbish as usual. But what's new there, am I right?' She muses in a bland manner, shoulders slightly slumping at the mention of school.

'Can't say I don't disagree with you.' I admit with a sigh, blowing out a puff of air at the thought of the Geography assignment currently sitting on my bed that I still need to complete for tomorrow. 'Mason was saying something the other day about a school project you're working on at the moment, History was it? How's that going?'

'Oh, yeah. I'm doing a presentation on women's rights during the Victorian era. It's not that bad to be honest, it's actually kind of interesting.' She reveals with a sheepish smile, as if almost embarrassed to admit she finds something school related even the least bit interesting.

Before I can further question her about her presentation though, an unexpected and mischievous look passes through her eyes and I already can tell what she's going to say next.

'Talking about Mason, how are you and my imbecile of a brother doing?' She smirks, leaning closer to me as if that will somehow help persuade me into letting her know the latest gossip surrounding her brother's and mine's relationship.

'What? I don't know what you're on about.' I say innocently, quirking a brow at her as if confused in an effort to brush off her nosiness.

'Sureeee.' She sings knowingly while dragging out the E in her one word response and making me snigger.

'You know, at home he's either always talking about you or talking to you.' She suddenly announces in a genuine tone and I'd be lying if I said her admission doesn't have the butterflies in my stomach going absolutely crazy.

'Really?' I can't help but shyly beam despite fully aware of the way she's now watching me closely as if to gauge my reaction. 'He talks to you about me?'

'Oh please, Willow. Like sometimes, yeah but more so to his friends on the phone. C'mon, why would he talk about his girlfriend to his little sister? Although I mean, seriously speaking, I am more emotionally mature than him but of course, he'd never admit that.' She drawls with an exaggerated sigh and a hand on her hip.

'Hmm, that is true.' I point out, nodding and agreeing with her words until I catch onto the way she had referred to me. 'And I'm not his girlfriend.'

'Yeah, and Rosé from Blackpink isn't like the prettiest girl ever.' She snickers teasingly, using her fondness of the girl group like the fan girl she is to throw my words back into my face.

'You and your Rosé obsession.' I jokingly tut with a smile, watching the way the younger girl's eyes light up at the mention of her favourite singer. 'And besides, you're acting like Mason and I are in each other's pockets 24/7.'

'You may as well be.' She instantly retorts, pursing her lips at me. 'What was with that hour long phone call last night then?'

My joking demeanour drops at her words, my face becoming one of puzzlement at her probing question. I stop to think for a second, just to make sure I'm right in believing there was no phone call between Mason and I last night. I only become more confused when I recall the quite busy evening I had had yesterday in which I hadn't had the time to give Mason a ring. Yes, Mason and I often call each other in the evening, often on long FaceTime calls but I definitely hadn't rang him last night.

'I don't know what you're talking about.' I nonchalantly protest, shrugging my shoulders at her sassily spoken query.

'Really, Willow. Again with the lies?' She's quick to accuse, releasing a boisterous laugh at my seemingly naive reaction.

'I'm being serious, I didn't call Mason last night.' I reiterate, calmly denying her claims once again.

'Yes you did.' She insists determinedly, losing her joking attitude and pouting her lips when she sees me continue to reject her accusation. 'I could hear him speaking you to you from his bedroom. And I know what I heard, you wouldn't believe the amount of times I had to bang on the wall to get him to quieten down.'

'No I didn't. Look, Maxine, it was probably just one of his friends. Why are you so adamant it was me anyway?' I suggest with a light laugh, not understanding why she she is so confident it was me Mason had talked to last night in addition to why she's trying her damn hardest to get me to admit it.

'But- But...' She falters, any hint of amusement about her as well as that usual ever present smile of hers seeming to abruptly leave her face at my question.

'But what?' I press softly as I take a step closer to the shorter girl, my eyebrows furrowing in slight concern at the drastic change in her attitude as if she has suddenly realised something shocking and dim.

'Nothing. Just, nothing. But are you absolutely sure it wasn't you?' She's quick to brush off my worry over her reaction with a small but clearly forced smile, now anxiously biting her lip in wait of my answer.

'Yes. I didn't call Mason last night.' I repeat with a small laugh in an effort to relieve some of the tension in the air. 'Look, Maxine, are you-'

'Oh, you know what, you're probably right.' She suddenly declares with a short laugh, avoiding my curious gaze as she hurriedly runs her fingers through her hair. 'Thinking back now, it probably was just Carter or one of his other friends. Actually in fact, I'm pretty sure I did hear him say Carter's name at one point.'

I nod my head at the mention of one of Mason's close friends at school, not at all surprised at this revelation since I know for a fact that Carter and Mason are the types who can talk shit about absolutely nothing for the longest time when they get together. I'm about to relay this information to Maxine but she doesn't even give me a chance to open my mouth before she's continuing again.

'Anyway, I have to get going now, Willow.' She says in a rush, giving me a farewell smile that isn't nearly as big as the ones that usually grace her lips.

'But I thought you said-' I begin, about to remind her of her earlier words about how she had at least a few more minutes to spare before she needed to get going.

'It was nice to see you, bye!' She spits out, once again cutting me off before giving me a small wave of her fingers and turning to swiftly run away as if almost scared I might go after her.

'Well, bye then.' I confusedly mutter in a daze, now speaking to myself in the empty street as I continue staring after her for a long moment before the small girl eventually disappears from my view altogether.
