A/n: Well, here's chapter one, it's short but enjoy

Reading order:

1)Shadow Rose


There was nothing.

Nothing but complete darkness.

Allison had no idea where she was or if she was transitioning into a vampire or dying. If she was in the process of turning into a vampire, it was bleak, she had expected to go down memory lane The trip down memory lane was suppose to help her clear up some foggy bits. She remembers her, Bella and Seth with the Romanians, Bella's betrayal, Seth hurt...

She suddenly felt a sharp pan in her head. Ow. She instantly put her right hand on her forehead where she felt the pain. I thought I was suppose to remember things. She dropped her hand from her forehead.

"Remember what, exactly?" A sudden male voice came out of nowhere, causing her to jump. She turned around to only see a bright blue light. She went to open her mouth to respond but the light interrupted. "I can hear you through your mind."

Invading my thoughts?

"No. It's how humans communicate here. Your voice won't work."

Oh. Allison looked around. Where is 'here' anyway?

"The Empty."

Allison blinked. The Empty?

"Yes," the light said as it moved closer to her.

Allison stared at the light, wishing that this thing would explain where she was in detail. If she was in limbo, she wanted out; she didn't want to be stuck in this 'Empty' any longer than she had to.When one transitions into a vampire, they see their life and their loved ones in their mind before their heart stops beating, she had been told of this but the one thing she never heard was what if they don't. What if they don't see anything? Allison sure as hell didn't see her life nor did she see any memories of the ones she loves.

There was nothing.

What did she remember exactly?

Not a whole lot.

The last thing she remembered seeing was Seth hurt. Her brother... She looked down at her feet, she wondered if he was still alive or if he was dead.

"You're sad," the light said. Allison looked at it. "You'll be with your loved ones soon." Allison let out a sad sigh. "Humans don't stay in the Empty very long."

Allison bit her lip. I'm transitioning. At least, I think I am.

The light was silent for a second before asking, "Transitioning into what?"

A vampire. Her memories were slowly coming to. Slowly, being the key word and blurry.She remained silent as she tried to get a better understanding of what had happened. Aro, her mate, had bit her. She couldn't remember why he did.

"Vampire?" the light asked slowly. The light was now literally an inch away from her face, Allison had to close her eyes, it was too bright to have directly in front of her. All of a sudden, Allison felt electricity run through her body, she snapped her eyes open to see the light touching her head. It wasn't painful, it just made her freeze up tensly. "Impossible." The light said moving away from her. Allison felt the tensity in her body disappear, she felt relieved, but she frowned at the light's word. "You can't be here. You shouldn't be."

I know I didn't get an invite, Allison said sarcastically. However-

The light interrupted her. "You don't understand. You shouldn't be here at all." Allison stared at the light, not understanding what it was trying to say. "What's your name?"

Allison blinked. Allison Charlotte Cullen. She was about to ask the light if it had a name but instead she asked, What do you mean that I shouldn't be here?

The light flickered, she wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing. All of a sudden the light changed shape, Allison watched in amazement. The light changed into a figure of a man, Allison's eyes went big, she was in complete shock of what, more like who was in front of her now.

"Your soul jumped universe," the man said.

Allison opened then closed her mouth, trying to find the words she wanted to say. Her soul jumped universe, is that even possible? There was only one universe, right? What the man said next, made her want to fall to her knees,

"My name is Castiel," he said. "I'm an angel."
