chapter twenty-four!

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NIKLAUS pushed Grace into the door as he shut it, placing an arm on either side of her. She looked into his eyes with her narrowed, seductive blue ones, her breath hitching for a moment.

Nik smirked and brought his lips to her neck, smooth at first, then more rough and with passion. Grace's arms went around his neck, then traveling down to his chest. A moan escaped her lips, to which she could feel Nik smiling and furthering it to his pleasure. And her own, as well.

Grace pushed him away a bit, taking him by surprise so Grace turned with vampiric speed and took advantage, her tongue finding its way into Niklaus' mouth.

He used one hand and took Grace's hair with a slow pull and the other hand around her neck. She tore away at once, fiddling with the collar of Nik's shirt. He helped her by tearing it off himself, then smoothly finding the zipper of her dress and undoing it with no hesitation.

Grace tugged at his belt, then Nik drew her in firmly, picking the girl up and flashing over to his bed, laying her gently as he towered over her. Kissing her collarbone fervently, he took her arms and traced over them just enough to make her shudder, pinning them above her head.

Niklaus planted kisses across her chest, to where Grace could not take it anymore and found herself on top.

With a smirk, she leaned down and, just barely grazing his ear, said, "We can take turns."

For that moment, she belonged to him, and he to her.

'     '     '     '

FINGERTIPS softly traced circles around her back.

It was the first thing Grace woke up to, and she did not half mind it.

Her eyes adjusted to the rather harsh sunlight that shone in through the expansive windows. After a moment of taking everything in, Grace rolled over to her other side.

And for a second, she did not see Niklaus Mikaelson, the monstrous hybrid who had killed his own mother and daggered his siblings- an all around psychopath.

No. She saw him in a new light. Niklaus Mikaelson, the man she was in love with.

In an instant, his face lit up with a smile that was like no other. How had he fallen so hopelessly in love with this woman? She deserved everything and more.

And Niklaus was just looking for the perfect way to tell her that. Before it was too late.

Grace found herself nuzzling her head into his chest, and him wrapping his arms around her bare body.

"What are we supposed to say, now?" Grace asked, intertwining his hand and her own.

Nik gave a small laugh, but had no honest answer.

"Good morning. How are you? Fine, how are you? I'm splendid. Oh and by the way, last night was amazi-" "Nik..."

She could not help but to laugh a bit herself, and then the two laid there a bit longer.

"You know I hate to say this, but we've got to get up."

Niklaus caressed her back for a moment, then let out a sigh and nodded.

"Yes, well... I guess it couldn't hurt."

Grace slipped out of the sheets, stretching as she stood. He watched her move, every beautiful curve of her body as it was caught in the sunlight.

She tiptoed into the bathroom, which Nik found rather adorable, until he himself got dressed and headed downstairs whilst Grace showered.

At once, she got out and wrapped herself in a towel, flashing herself to the guest room she stayed in the past few nights.

She dressed herself in a light grey wool sweater and distressed jeans, with a pair of black booties and pulled her hair out of its bun from the night before, leaving her black locks in waves.

There was still a rush in her from last night, something that made her giddy and... feeling things.

If only it could last forever.

With a sigh, Grace found herself wandering downstairs.

Usually after hookups she would be leaving the house, but today that was not the case. And to her... it was not really a hookup. It was more than that.

In the ballroom, Grace could sense a frustrated Rebekah cleaning up. It was Grace's little gift to her. After all, the house was not hers.

She made her way to the kitchen at once, but did not find Niklaus. Instead, she ran into Elijah. A smile formed on her lips and Grace gave a small nod.

"Good morning to you. Sleep well?" he asked, sipping from the cup of coffee in his hands.

Grace narrowed her eyes with a sly smile. He definitely knew.

"Wonderfully, thank you. If you don't mind, I'll just fix myself a cup of coffee," she said, walking past him while the two shared a look.

Elijah remained silent for a moment, then said, "Nik has something for you. In the dining room."

Grace furrowed her eyebrows, puzzled, but she slowly walked out of the kitchen and to the dining room that was currently being remodeled.

At the table, she saw Nik sitting, a plate of food in front of him. And there was another plate next to him, yet the seat was vacant.

Grace tried to come off as nonchalant, but she was practically beaming, as was Niklaus.

She drew in a breath, then made her way around to sit. Nik stood and pulled out the chair for her, to which Grace protested.

"Nik-" "I won't hear it. Please, take your seat."

She was having flashbacks to a certain time that was very familiar to this; 1956.

New York City, New York - 1956

"WHAT'LL you have for breakfast, love? I'm not a master chef but I'm sure I could whip up some-" "Erm, Niklaus. You don't have to do that. I assure you, I'll be on my way soon."

Nik raised an eyebrow and stopped walking, crossing his arms as he looked down at Grace.

She felt slightly intimidated. Well, very intimidated. A fearful feeling shot through her chest.

"Who says you'll be leaving soon? I've got all the time in the world. Quite literally. And so do you. Besides, as long as you're with me, you're protected."

Grace looked at Nik with a hard expression, clenching her jaw as they had a mini staredown.

Finally, she caved.

With a sigh, she responded, "How good are your pancakes?"

Mystic Falls, present day

AS Grace looked down at the meal that had been prepared for her, a warm smile grew on her face.

She looked over to Nik, butterflies swelling in her stomach.

"Pancakes, huh?"

Niklaus scooted his chair in, grabbing a fork and knife.

"Personally, I think they've improved. But I'll let you be the judge of that."

Grace was smiling like an idiot, but took the syrup and then tore off a piece, giving it a taste.

She tilted her head, rather impressed as she chewed.

"Wow... the flavor. It is- immaculate," she said, giving a chef's kiss to which Niklaus laughed.

"Pleased to hear it, love. Now, eat up. There's a full moon tonight."

Grace's smile trailed away after a moment, wondering what the hell that meant.

Then, when the realization hit, her eyes went wide and she nearly choked.

