Jail Times

The cops led me out the doors and to a waiting radio car. Crap, this isn't good, Connor won't know what's happened to me! My mind kept playing scenes in my head about what'd he do if I didn't come home tonight as the officers stuffed me into the hard backseat behind cold, black steel bars. I couldn't help but get some shivers sent down the length of my spine as I thought of all the dangerous criminals that had sat in this seat before me to be delivered to the station for holding and questioning.

They threw me into a holding cell alone so I could sit there in loneliness and suffer from lack of human contact. I sat there twiddling my thumbs, going mad, as the guards yelled various insults at me.

After thirty minutes of sitting here doing nothing, the doors suddenly were flung open and another girl was pushed into the cell with me. She stumbled in and straightened herself up, looked at me with her shocked, dark brown eyes, her dark brown hair pulled up in a ponytail swished around as she looked around at the holding cell.

"Um, hi?" She laughed as she took a seat on the bench across from me.

I smiled back at her. "Uh, hi!"

"I'm Susan." She extended her hand towards me in greeting.

Shaking it, I replied. "That's a really cool name! I'm Calliegh, but you can call me Cal."

"Nice name."

"Thanks." I chuckled.

"So, uh, why are you here?" Susan asked.

"Oh, I'm in for 'assault'" I replied, air quoting assault.

"That's hard core, man!"

"Yeah, really I was just trying to get my revenge on this guy, he uh... Well, it's a long story."

"No! You can tell me... Wait. Are you... that Calliegh?" Susan hesitated, squinting as if to get a better look at me. It was weird, I was sitting about three feet away from her, but people are weird sometimes.

"Yeah, I am. Calliegh Martin story?" I sighed and rolled my eyes, I was starting to get tired of hearing all about my own life.

"Totally! You were all over the news! The only thing no one knows about is who those guys that saved you were. Many people have come forward claiming they saved you, but no one's story has checked out."

Laughing, I thought about how no one would probably ever figure out who it really was. Well, unless they made the connection through Twitter from that picture of me, but that was really unlikely. "No one will ever figure it out." I laughed and shook my head.


"Yeah, no one will ever know."

"Will you tell me?"

"No, I've agreed with the guys who saved me not to talk about them saving me."

"Awe, that's no fun!"

"No, I see where they're coming from on the subject."

"Okay, I guess I have to respect y'all's decision."

"Yes, Susan. Yes, you do." I laughed.

"Don't be such a smart-aleck." She scrunched her nose and forehead in response.

"So, where do you go to school?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Well, I actually just moved here, I'm going to go to the high school in the next town over, it's about an hour, maybe, from here."

"What?! No way!"


"We'll go to the same school!"

"No way! What grade?"


"Me too!"

"I have a feeling we're going to be best friends." I smiled.

"Oh yeah." She agreed.

"So, uh what kind of music do you like?" I asked a critical question, we couldn't be friends if she didn't respect my choice in music.

"Well, its not that easy..." She laughed.

"Whatever, what bands?"

"Well, My Chemical Romance is one that I really like, I also like Foster the People and-"

"WE'RE DEFINITELY GOING TO BE BEST FRIENDS." I cut her off as soon as Foster the People came out of her mouth.

"You're a fan too?" She asked excitedly.

"Yes! I really like My Chemical Romance too! You don't know how happy I am to have found you, it's so hard to find people in this town that like that same music as us!"

It looked like she was about to reply when we heard something at the door. "Calliegh Martin." A guard barked as he opened the barred doors. "The Lieutenant wants to see you."

"Oh snap! Going straight to the Lieutenant I see." Susan laughed as I stood up.

"Be quiet!"

"Good luck!"

"Thanks, I'll probably need it!"

The guard, who I later discovered was Officer Wolowitz, led me down long, winding hallways until we finally reached the interrogation rooms. He led me into one, sat me down, and left, shutting the door behind him. Two other people came in after about five minutes of me sitting there, leaning back in my chair, day dreaming about hanging out with the guys again. I knew I shouldn't do anything suspicious or stupid because they were watching me on some closed circuit security cameras mounted around the room.

"Calliegh, isn't it?" One of the officers said when they finally walked into the room and took a seat across from me at the table.

"Yes, sir, but you can call me Cal if you want."

"That sounds good, well, I'm Officer Sadlowski, and this is Lieutenant Marshall. We'd like to know what happened from your point of view."

"Well, I was shopping for my shoes for Homecoming and I saw him."

"Who's him?" Marshall asked.

"Ben, Ben Nunne."

"What's so bad about him?"

"Please tell me you know the story of me..."

"What's your last name?" Sadlowski furrowed his brow and leaned forward, propping his elbows on the table.

"Martin, Calliegh Martin."

"So you're the Martin girl..."

"Yup, that's me."

"I don't know what to say."

"Well then don't say anything, I've already gotten too many sympathy comments, and I'm getting sick and tired of them."

"Is that why you attacked that poor young man?"

"Do you not know who Ben Nunne is?" I asked in utter disbelief and shock.

"Yes, of course I do. He's the nice young man you attacked in that store."

"With all due respect, sir, but you're wrong. He's not the nice, innocent boy you think he is, his features throw you off to thinking that he's a little angel. But, he's not, he's a liar. He's the one that kidnapped me out of my hospital room and took me to that warehouse."

"I thought he was in jail..." Marshall gasped.

"So did I, I think he escaped."

"No, I didn't know he escaped, I thought the guards let him waltz right out of the gates without taking a second look at him." Sadlowski's voice was dripping with venomous sarcasm.

"Well, you've got him in custody, right?" I asked them hopefully. They looked at each other nervously, trying not to freak out. "Wait, you don't have him in custody, do you? Oh, please tell me you do..."

"I cannot do that, Miss, because I'd be lying to you." Marshall looked down at his shoes as Sadlowski couldn't look me in the eye.

I dropped back, limp in my seat. This couldn't be happening, Ben cannot be on the streets, he hasn't even had his trial yet! But now he's walking out there as a free man. I clenched my fists and scrunched my brow together as I thought of him just able to walk the streets without any worry.

"Don't worry, Miss. We'll get him." Marshall sat forward and laid his hands down on the table. "Now, we want to keep you in custody until we can make sure that it'll be okay for you to go home."

"That's okay, thanks."

"Anytime." Sadlowski smiled and they both got up and left the room, leaving me to sit there and twiddle my thumbs as I waited for anything to happen.

About ten minutes later, the door opened and and officer came in to take me back to my holding cell.
"Hey, Susan." I smiled as I walked in the room.

"Oh, hey, Cal!"

"Looks like I'm staying here!"

"Cool! That means we can talk here!"

We sat down and talked with each other until another officer came in about thirty minutes later and took us outside.

"Um, Sir?"


"Um, why am I out here?" I asked as the prison transport bus came into view.

"Uh, you're going to jail...duh."

"But, I'm not really going to jail!" I cried out, latching onto his sleeve, desperately trying to convince him that I wasn't going to prison, that I didn't belong there, but he completely ignored me. He kept saying that he had heard this too many times and I was just trying to get out of doing my time.

I solemnly let myself get led onto the prison bus and sat down, behind Susan. It took us a good two hours to get down to the prison, why it took so long beats me, but it was the worst two hours of my life because I was just sitting there. We couldn't talk or anything so I was left to my own devices to come up with a way to pass the time. I never came up with anything, by the way.

When we finally reached the gated structure, Susan and I were led towards the booking building where we were finger printed and told to change into our prison uniforms. We changed without protest and were then led to our cells, which were right next to each other. After getting settled in, Susan and I spent the day talking through the bars that separated our cells.

"So, uh, Susan?" I started.

"Yeah?" She replied, leaning back against the chain that held her bunk up.

"I never asked you, what are you in for?"

"Stealing, I was at a friend's house and I supposedly took one of her little statues from her room. But that never happened, she had set me up. I've never even seen that statue before and when the police came over and searched my room, they found it in my bag. She had put it there, so she could frame me and get some money off of me."

"Wow, remind me to stay away from her!" I laughed. "But, sorry, that sucks."

"Yeah, it does, but I'm okay, just really scared of these girls here."

"Me too, they aren't like anyone I've ever met." I looked around at the girls on their cells. It was terrifying because they kept yelling threats to me and Susan, and I took them seriously, I'm not sure about Susan though. Some of these people were in for murder, that's terrifying to me, so why wouldn't I take them seriously?

"Alright, Ladies. It's time for rec!" I guard yelled as she came down the cell walkway. She walked over to a locked control panel and slid one of her keys into the slot and unlocked it. She pressed a few buttons and pulled a switch, then all the doors to the cells began to slowly open, releasing us into our cell block.

Terrified, I looked over at Susan, who looked back at me, just as scared. I mouthed, "What are we gonna do?" at her and she shrugged in response. I sat down on my bed, I didn't want to get up and face these women. I heard Susan do the same.

The guard walked past and hit her baton against my cell wall. "Everyone out, no exceptions." She spat as she moved on.

I glanced over at Susan and we both got up. We walked outside our cell and followed the mass of women as they made their way outside. "Susan, we need to stick together."

"You, got that right." She whispered back.

We walked over and found some tables to sit at. She and I sat and talked for most of the time outside, until a couple of women walked over towards us. "Um, hi?" I asked nervously.

"Whatchu in for?" She asked, towering over Susan and I.

She looked like she could easily beat up the both of us, so I politely replied, "Assault, you?"


"Doesn't surprise me..." Susan whispered under her breath. I quickly elbowed her in the ribs and smiled up at the terrifying lady as Susan let out a little groan.

"What'd she just say about me?" She snarled, taking a step forward.

"Oh, nothing, she was just coughing." Held up my hands to try and signal a truce.

"Nah, I know she talkin' shit about me. Now whatchu say?"

"I'm serious, it was nothing, I just coughed." Susan replied confidently.

"Do you guys think I'm stupid? I can see that you're talkin' about me!" The lady roared in anger.

"No, not at all, Miss! I just-" I stood up when I started speaking, hoping to draw her attention away from Susan, but she just shoved past me, cutting me off, and grabbed the top of Susan's shirt, pulling her roughly to her feet.

"You talk shit and you get the shit beaten out of you." She snarled as she threw Susan to the ground.
She tried to get up, but the lady was upon her. She pinned Susan down and started punching her. I winced and jumped in to try and pull the woman off my friend.

"Hey, break it up!" Several guards yelled as they ran over and pulled me away from the other two. They threw the lady off of Susan and held her back, handcuffing her and then they gently pulled the bloody Susan up off the ground.

"Take her to the infirmary." One guard said as two others took Susan in their arms and carried her away. Then the one that spoke turned to me again and asked several questions about the fight. I answered them and they took the woman away to a different part of the prison.

I asked to be taken to Susan, lying that she was my sister. They took me through the prison to the infirmary. I quietly walked in and peeked my head around the corner of Susan's curtain, she looked worse underneath the florescent lights than she did out in the sunlight.

"Susan... I'm so sorry..." I whimpered as I kneeled down by her bed.

She slowly turned her head towards me like she was in a lot of pain and smiled at me, it wasn't much but it was still a smile. "It's okay, Cal. I'll be alright." Her voice sounded strained, like she was struggling to speak, she started coughing as soon as she finished.

"Hey, don't speak again, you need to rest. I'm right here."

She smiled a strained smile and turned her head back toward the front and slowly closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She winced and opened her eyes again, I could hear her chest pop as she breathed. I got my legs out from underneath me and sat on my butt on the floor and leaned my head against the bed frame and thought to myself.

Why didn't I stand up for her? I'm such a bad person! I couldn't even save Susan from getting hurt! Why can't I help anyone? I feel like I've hurt the guys already, I mean... Why haven't they tried to talk to me since, it's because I hurt them... Right? No, maybe I'm just over thinking this stuff, maybe there's a perfectly good reason behind them suddenly leaving and not trying to talk to me again.

Ugh, I need them right now.

No, I need Connor to get me out of here quickly, I'm going crazy.


Where is Cal? She was only going to the Mall for a few hours this morning, she should be home by now... I'll give her until sundown, then I'm calling 911. I frantically thought to myself a few hours ago. Now I was starting to freak out because the sun had already gone down and Cal still wasn't home, I had taken Jess and Jakob to their friends' houses and they were staying there, not knowing about Cal.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore, so I picked up the house phone and dialed 911. "Hello?" I frantically called as soon as I heard the sound of the static change.

"Sir, calm down."

"Sorry, I'm sorry."

"It's alright. What's your emergency?"

"I'd like to file a missing persons report."

"Yes, how long has it been since you saw or spoke to this person?"

"Since this morning."

"Sir, are you sure that they aren't just late getting home?"

"Yes! Cal was supposed to be home by lunch and she would text me if there was a change in plans, I know something's happened to her."

"Okay, what's the name?"

"Calliegh Martin. C-A-L-L-I-E-G-H M-A-R-T-I-N." I spelled Cal's name for the police receiver lady.

"Oh, her name's popping up in our data base, has she ever been arrested?"

"No, her name's in there because she was the kidnapping victim a few weeks ago."

"Ah, yes. I knew her name sounded familiar. But that's not why her name's in here."

"That's not possible, she's never been arrested."

"Well, it says here that she has."

"What..." I trailed off, confused. Cal had never been arrested before.

"It says here that she is currently in prison."

"What? For what?"

"It looks like assault."

"Oh gosh. Where is she? How can get her out? I'm sure it's all a big misunderstanding. Is the arresting officer there, maybe the questioning officer?"

"Yes, Lieutenant Marshall is right here."

"May I speak with him?"

"Yes, of course."

The phone was handed over to Marshall. "Hello?"

"Are you Lieutenant Marshall?"

"Yes I am, who am I speaking to?"

"Connor Martin, Calliegh Martin's eldest brother."

"Ah yes, the Martins. Are you ready to come pick your littler sister up?"

"Wait, you mean she hasn't been arrested?"

"No! We wouldn't arrest her! Well, we did, but that was before we knew what happened. We were just keeping her in a holding cell until it was safe for her to go or you could pick her up, which ever came first."

"Then why does it say in the computer that she's been arrested?"

"It shouldn't, we never put her through booking."

"Well, it does."

"That's not right."

"Has anyone even seen my sister?" I asked, realizing that something might've gone wrong.

"Um, I'm not sure that anyone's gone back to see her since this morning."

"Well, can you please go check on her?"

"Yes I can, please hold."

I heard the phone get set down and then music began playing, that junky holding music that no one ever likes. I waited for a good ten minutes before Marshall picked up the line again.

"She's not there." He said in a very small voice.

"WHAT?" I roared into the receiver. "HOW COULD YOU LET SOMETHING HAPPEN TO HER?"

"Calm down, we're looking for her right n- What?" It sounded like someone had gotten his attention on his end of the phone line. "Oh, really? I guess I need to go have a talk with him then. Sorry, Connor, I've gotten some new news and I've located your sister." Marshall said, turning his attention back to me.

"Oh, really? Where is she?"

"Prison." His small voice had come back.

"WHAT?" I roared once more.

"One of my officers had thought she was an actual felon and put her on the transport bus and they took her over there and booked her."

"How... I'm coming to get her, don't you dare do anything."

"Don't forget who you're talking to. I can still arrest you for threatening an officer."

"You wouldn't..."

"I would, now I'm gonna let it slide this time because I can understand how mad you are at me, but you need to respect authority."

'Mad' didn't even begin to describe how I felt about him. I had so many sarcastic comebacks lined up to use, but I bit my tongue because I didn't want any trouble. So instead, I quietly agreed and hung up. I walked out to the car and realized that it was too late for me to go and get her. So I walked back in and decided to get Cal in the morning.


I woke up with a very bad crick in my neck. Stretching, I sat up from my position and panicked a little. Then I remembered that I was in the infirmary of the prison with Susan. I leaned back against the bed frame and thought about my life as people came into the infirmary, asking for me.

Puzzled, I stood up and shuffled over to the curtain and pulled it back slightly to eavesdrop.

"Where is she?"

"She's not here."

"Yes, she is, she's not in her cell and her friend's here, so she must be too."

"Fine, she's in the room with the girl." The nurse motioned with her head towards the room I was in. I backed away from the curtain and sat down beside the bed again as the curtains were thrown back.

"Hello." One said as they both picked me up by each arm and stood me up.

"What's all this for?" I asked.

"Your brother's here to get you out." The other one replied.

Geez, it's about time you get here, Connor! I thought to myself as I followed the guards down many hallways that were a confusing mass of cinder block walls and drab grey paint.

We finally got to the central portion of booking, where I got my clothes back and I changed. I was then led out to meet Connor so he could take me home.

"Wait, Connor, could we bail someone else out?"

"Yeah, I guess, if the bail isn't too high."

I bounded up to the receptionist lady and asked for Susan Blair. I got her file and found out the bail was low, so we paid, lying that we were cousins. We got her out and took her to a correct hospital to get checked out. She thankfully had nothing major, just some bruises and a black eye.

"Why'd you bail me out?" She asked as the doctors left the room, leaving just the three of us in there.

"I wanted to do something nice for you, you should really just appreciate it." I smiled back at her.

"Okay, I will." She laughed.

We talked for another hour before she called her parents to come up there and Connor and I left to go back home and be with Jakob and Jess. We got home and I changed clothes, not wanting to be in these anymore, they smelt like prison. It over powered the scent of Cubbie that was left on the shirt, I was sad that I wouldn't be able to smell him again if I ever wore it.

After taking a shower and pulling on shorts and tank top, I fell onto my couch and drifted off into a deep sleep.
