naruto joins team 7 agien

                                                Naruto pov

                            It's been about a few weeks and a couple days sence I joined the t.i department. It was yester day me and sasuke well you know had sex and know me and granny Tsunda are going to the councel. Ibiki said he did not want to come and kurama is waiting to be summoned. Then we walked in the room with the civilian councel and team 7 I sighed. " naruto go ahead Sumon you know who" Tsunda said and I nodded and " you ready kurama" I said to him " born ready kit let's do this" kurama said. I nodded and then cut my fingers in realty. " summoning justsu" I said and then a little kurama poped up. He yowned and everyone gasped and called for ibiki. " arest the demon we should have not let you of with just a scar on your eye" donzo said and me and kurama smirked. " thanks for admitting what you did donzo but you left out one money flauw in your plan" I said and he scowled at me. " oh yeah and what's that" he said and kurama smirked even bigger. " Tsunda is naruto real biological grandma say hello to naruto uzumaki namakiza" kurama said and I smirked even bigger. " that's right my father the fourth hokage was killed because you wanted power and you teamed up with madara uchiha and you are the real reason behind the uchiha masicar you needed a scape goat and you knew itachi was loyal and so he would do anything for this village so you blamed it on him leaving his only brother to hate him" I said and everyone looked at me and Tsunda and ibiki went closer and kurama jumped on my shoulder. " to bad you have no proff it's your word agienst mine and who are they going to believe" donzo said and I laughed and kurama went in his human form and laughed with me. " oh on the contrary donzo I have proff you see you used my best friend itachi as a scape goat and I knew he would not do somthing like that you slipped up on some things donzo you left you figure prints on the blade even through tranfomation justsu you have the same stance donzo" I said and kurama stepped forward. " it's funny didn't think I would remember the face that was with madara uchiha the night you used me" kurama said

I felt my self getting weak and kurama held me up. He told me to hold on a little more. " it's over donzo you are no longer part of the civilian councel" granny said and I was huffing. " what are you waiting for ibiki arest all three of them" donzo said and kakashi steped up. " look I might have made some mistakes but I am not going to let you aresst one of my students" kakashi said and I huffed. " thanks kakashi sen-sai but I already planed this ahead isn't that right ibiki" I said and he nodded and smiled at me. " yes donzo you are underaresst for treason and betryal and I will let the hokage dicied your fait" he said and granny smiled. " let this be a lesson to all councel member if I so hear a ounce of a order with out my permission I will hunt you down and give you to ibiki and then after he is done banshee you" she said and I smiled. Then kurama poffed back in my body and I know I felt my body going down.

                                            Sakura pov

                            I watched as naruto body went down and I cought her. She may be a pain in the ass sometimes but I still love her like a sister.  Yes I hide my gayness behind the '' crush''I have on sasuke. " sakura can you bring naruto to my office so she can get some rest" Tsunda said and I looked at her. " hai lady Tsunda" I said. I picked naruto up and watched her whitish pink hair fall. I thought me her and sasuke were best friends. But I guess me blaming naruto for sasuke leaving was not fair to her and I know it is not her fault. I have to keep my fangirl act up. I don't want people to find out that o acutlly have a crush on my rival ino. I know sai has a crush on me but I even told him my secert but in public he acts like he likes me because I asked him to.  I did not know how bad the villager were on naruto and to find out one of the councel members put the scar on her eyes it breaks my heart I thought of her as faimly I just never acted like it and maybe I should've and this time I will.

Then I heard the door open and I look and see sai. " what's up sai" I said and he looked down. " I think I should have treated naruto better and I want to say sorry" he said and I smiled. " I do to deep down in my heart I thought of her as my sister but I never acted like it and maybe I should have let my fangirl mask down in frount of her when I knew I could trust her and maybe she would have not hated me God why am I so stupid" I said and he laughed.  " sakura it's not all your fault it is all of ours hell even the villager but maybe we can make it right yeah" he said and I smiled. " that sounds good" I said and smiled.

                                             Naruto pov

                             I could hear sakura and sai talk and to find out she though of me as a sister and she likes ino kinda shocked me but also made me happy. " hey kit maybe you should let them make amends and they are your best chance at finding sasuke" kurama said " your right" I said I know they are my best chance and maybe in time I will trust them agien. I don't know if kakashi sen-sai will forgive either thought. " okay I come back truth is I kinda missed you guys but I won't forgive you so easly" I said truthfully. I do miss then sakura aloud ranting on kakashi sen-sai for being late or sai kinda acting like sasuke in the emotionless part. Then I heard the door open and ibiki and kakashi sen-sai cams in. " um ibiki sen-sai um I was thinking of joining team 7 agien is that okay" I said and he pulled me in a huge.  " of course naruto and I will still let you live with us and we can train when your team dosent't have missions okay" I smiled and huged him. " I would love that so much" I said and he chuckled and he let go and I hugged kakashi sen-sai and he huged me back.

" I missed you so much naruto" kakashi sen-sai said and we huged and he kissed my head and I giggled. " you know what kurama I don't think it is going to be that bad" I said " your right kit I just have a bad feeling I have sence ibiki came in the picture keep you guard up with him" kuruama said I know he is right cause I have the sense with him to its just a wired feeling. " I will kurama and I love you to big brother" I said he laughed and went to sleep. I giggled on my head and I am glad kurama is not in his cage anymore and I don't blame him for my past I blame the village but here I am still defending it. I like my friends I think it will change a little and little means a lot to me. I ran up and gave sakura and sai a huge. They huged back and said kissed me and I gasped but it was not bad I mean he is no sasuke but he can make my heart thump fast. " I like naruto will you date me" he asked and I smiled " I would be honnered sai and I think I like you to" I said and he kissed me agien.
