CHAPTER III: Silent Words

The room became silent all of a sudden as Henry made his choice

Henry stared at the wall, thinking about what he should do, but he didn't want to take any chances, after all, it's not like you can have a do over...

Can you...?

After a few minutes, Henry had made his choice and had reached a conclusion, but before he did it, he made sure nobody was around so they didn't see him, since Henry wanted to be alone .

"I'm gonna stay silent and keep it a secret to myself" Henry thought to himself shockingly as he left the room to check on his friends, Ellie and Charles. Charles had recently joined the Toppat Clan since he was tired of the Toppats ambushing them, so he just joined them to stop his misery.

After all, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Charles had been a really good pilot at the Airship. The Toppats recently had to hide in the Airship to trade and sell some illegal weapons at a shady business that they recently built before launch.

Ellie on the other hand, was a master at multiple crimes, she always was the top elite member to get a successful heist, even as The Triple Threat, they were always the best at the job.

"Time to fake a smile" Henry exclaimored to himself as he started heading to Ellie and Charles to talk to them about his issue.


"Where's that vent?" The slippery Toppat said to himself as he started running from the Toppats to the vent where he can go inside and find Henry to warn him about his demise...

"FIND THE BOY RIGHT NOW" The Shady Toppat shouted as he continued to run throughout the hallways in order to find Ian.

Running for his life and his reputation, he continued to keep dashing and dashing in hopes to find the secret air vent so he could escape and tell the chief. Unfortunately though, Magic Phantom had already secured the room in case there was a spy hearing into his conversation, but...

"AHA! There it is" Ian told himself as he was starting to lose his breath.

After he lifted the vent and entered, a massive ZAP electrocuted him and his gear, causing an explosion in the vent. Luckily, he might still be alive since there wasn't a massive bomb strike.

"Looks like the idiot spy fell into one of your booby traps" said The Shady Toppat as he continued to run towards the vent.

"I'm sorry Ian, but I can't have you telling anyone about anything. That will have to wait a bit longer..." whispered Magic Phantom, picking up his grayish and damaged body and taking it to a dark room in the Airship.
