Chapter 3: A quick Recap

"Time to go boys," Trina led them out and got in her car before driving and leading them toward the garage. They both had plenty of questions.

When she got out of the car she was bombarded with questions from both Brian and Rome.

"What the Hell Trine?" Rome screamed at her.

"Trine? Trina, what the hell are you doing with Verone?" Brian responded.

"Wow wow wow slow down brother, you two buster." She said with a sigh as she pulled off her heels. "Let's go somewhere private to discuss this." She led them into the boat house. She threw herself on the bed with a sigh. "You know I've missed you bro!"

"What are you doing with Verone, marrying him?" Rome asked with a sigh.

"Monica doesn't know, but I've been undercover a hell of a lot longer than she has, I've been stationed here to gather crap on Verone for some time, The Feds recruited me when they found out about my connection with you and I struck a deal where when this case was closed I could get two pardons, for anyone. They thought I wanted dad out of prison too but hell that man can rot for all I care, so I did it to clear you. But as time went by Carter decided I was wife material and I had to accept it to stay on the case, so here I am. He thinks my obsession with Tej's place is some weird little hobby." She explained.

"What the hell, you working with the cops now?" he asked.

"You can't be talking, once I found out about you two, I approached the Agent and found out they wanted more people in first Monica now you too."

"Now, Verone... you sure he ain't sleeping with Monica?"

"No, he's got his hands full with me." She said with a smirk. Rome made a disgusted face and verbally grimaced. Brian remained silent the entire time desperately trying not to look at Trina.

"Now I've got to go before he starts getting any ideas." She threw her shoes on and strutted out adding an extra sway in her stride.
