Chapter 12 - He's awake

The chestnut-haired young boy grunted. His senses slowly waking up to the white room, with chlorine cleaned walls and hand sanitizer. His head felt as though it had started imploding on itself, that concussion seemed to be lasting a while longer, despite his enhanced healing.

Chlorine burned his nostrils and his vision came into view. The ceiling had white panels, with beeping and blinking. He awoke.

The Iron avenger slowly woke. His mind seems somewhat at ease. The guilt given to him by his actions had not yet dawned on him. The upgrades of the suit were far from his mind. Instead, the only demons he was experiencing was the feeling of hungry that seemed to be burying in his stomach, with that and the fatigue.  limbs subconsciously agreed to get up. Groggy was his vision, a faint scent of coffee hung in the air and with that smell he followed it, his other senses seemed to be dorment. Almost like a comic, he flew through the air, his nose was his only source of direction. Finally finding himself, he looked up past the generic white stocky cup filled with the precious brown liquid, to see a smiling pepper.

Why was she smiling, Tony thought?
What should she be smiling about?

And with those impending thoughts, last night's event filled in. Like a Sherlock homes novel, when he reveals all the evidence leading to one suspects. She looked back at him, slightly sad, the emotions of guilt he must have been feeling must have shown in his face. Endulging in his coffee, his eyes sparked slightly at the use of caffeine. His face was also slightly hidden in the size of the mug.

" Tony he is fine," Tony felt distrust at this statement, "In fact he is up and recovering," Tony almost spit out his coffee but he would do that to this precious liquid that gave him the energy of the day.

Pepper must have seen the look of Tony's face. She simply pushed the plate forward at him.

" Eat," She demanded, not bothering with a speech or anything, knowing he was half-asleep. #


Peter pulled his body up. Back flat against the pillows, cushioning his weight. Ignoring his mind and emotions, he took a second to admire the room. Less cosy and unique than his home. The wallpaper was clean; A light chest-nut flavour peeled on. Simplistic furniture, a simple bedside drawer, arm-chair and white-board. 

In bold letters he read," Peter B Parker,". His name. Underneath, there was joined lines conscribing letters combined to be words. Doctor's writing. Guess Mr Stark kept me longer than anticipated. Did I miss school? He mused to himself. Why did he feel so light-headed and floaty? He must have slept through the day and...

Peter's legs divided out the bed. He snatched his jacket surveying for his mobile device in desperation. Where? Where was it? Swiftly he moved onto the bedside table. There was 3 distinct drawers. All of them empty, crap Peter thought. He didn't want to march up to Mr Stark or Miss Potts, but what if May had been calling him, he has been away for 2 days. Not a word. She wouldn't know of his slumber. 

She may think that he had been involving himself in... drugs or... bad teenager things. She wouldn't think that... But what if she did? He didn't tell her things, and what if she is sat at home worrying, oh dang. 

Pepper Potts paced into the hospital room, leaving a very drowsy Tony Stark. She found a young Peter on the floor, sat in thought. His duvet sprawled and creased, It sat airy on the bed being clearly thrown. His jacket at his feet and the drawers pulled out of the bedside. His hands clutched his head, stray hairs seeping through his fingers 

" Peter?" She said piercing the silence of the room, He turned his head abruptly, his legs bringing him to her neck height.

" Oh Miss potts, I'm sorry for the mess. I didn't mean to be a bad guest, I was just looking for my phone. How long have I been here for? Does my aunt know I am here?" Peter knew pepper as Tony had introduced them a while back, he just didn't know anyone else as he hardly spends any time at the tower.

" You're not being a bad guest and you have just been here a day, Tony wanted to wait until your concussion to disappeared and i think it did. You seemed like you needed the sleep anyway and don't worry I told your aunt about you staying late for your intern-ship. I even showed a picture of you sleeping," She smiled," She thought you looked cute,"

A scarlet red sprang onto Parker's face.

" Aww don't worry, I only showed it to her," Peter's mind was slightly eased, as pepper gave a warm smile," How are you feeling anyway? Ready for some breakfast?"

Peter sat for a moment in thought about this predicament, if he were to go get breakfast would he run into some other avengers, those people he idolised. What would they say? What would he say? They'd want to know how he - a teenager - is important enough to be lounging in the tower? He couldn't lie to them, he wouldn't lie to them, so what-

" Most of the Avengers are out if that's what you're thinking," Pepper said a hint of amusement in her smile, as she looked at his crinkled features.

" Oh, right... yeah okay breakfast sounds good, and I'm feeling better. My concussion feels a lot better," Peter said, he still felt floaty and a bit out of it but he trusted Mrs Potts and rather get out of here sooner than later, Mr stark had probably told her of him being Spiderman and all. 

He moved his weight with his feet as he readjusted the bed sheet to neaten it all out, returning it to a state as if he wasn't there at all. Satisfied, he headed off following Mrs Potts.


The unholistic man eye's brightened up at the sight of what some would call his student. His food, half-eaten. His hair shaggy and creased clothes sat idle, messily around his uncared body.

"Peter!" He beamed, guilt still residing in his mind," How are you, grab a plate," He said strangely friendly. Peter picked up on this, slightly uncomfortable and at unease by Mr stark's oddly friendly exterior. He knew something was off.

" Hi Mr Stark, I'm good," His voice seemed somewhat slurred and his movements slow. Peter just started to realise how slow his senses were, Only now a minute or two after arriving has he noticed the scent of coffee in the air. Mrs Potts filled the plate full and handed it to peter as he sat down at the counter-top kitchen. 

" Are you sure you are feeling alright, kid?" Mr Stark said, worry laced his voice.

" Yeah, Mr stark just a bit tired," Peter replied," So did you get anything on that guy I was following and when will you allow me to actually go back to school," Peter said with a tint of annoyance as despite the doctor's orders, Mr stark insisted Peter stay another night.

" I will let you go today... After another check-up, you seem a bit out of it," To demonstrate this, Peter's vision hazed a bit as he tired to focus on Mr. Stark speaking, Mrs Potts had left to her usual duties. 

" Okay, but if the doctor says I can leave, then please let me do so, I don't want to worry my friends at school," Peter wines slightly.

" Okay, fine. And there is no easy way to say this, but Clint Barton wants to meet you," At this Peter's eyes gleamed," I haven't told anyone your identity, including Clint, but if it is alright with you he wants to get to know you a bit," Mr stark said nonchalantly, waiting for Peter's reply. 

" Yeah that's amazing, he is so cool. When can I meet him?" Peter said his eyes almost jumping out from excitement.

" Slow down, you can meet him after you are better" Tony said, a hint of annoyance as he didn't like being twisted into a less than adequate situation. Especially by Clint Barton of all people, many people tried to force actions upon Tony - Nick Fury, Pepper Potts, Happy - but when Peter's involved he'd rather not risk it. For the kids sake.

At this Peter smiled, he continued to gobble up his plate of breakfast. Forgetting his manners at the chance of meeting one of his idols, well more of his idols.


The less than wise Demi-Gods had search in the early morning of the day to find a map. Preferably a touristy map, having found one. They had who knows how many mortal enemies and it was just a matter of time before any immortal ones came after them. Unfortunately Percy still wasn't in fighting shape. Sure he had handled loss before, but only from the demigod world. In the normal mortal world, loss seemed like a big feat and Percy wouldn't properly realise what had happened for a while.

However at this moment him and Nico were travelling out of New York City, hopefully into less technological places but modern day society makes places like this and hard to find. They were lucky that nothing had happened. It was sorta strange, maybe some divinty was assisting them. Percy didn't have time to think about that, he just needed to get somewhere safe so he could properly mourn.
