Queen (prince!TH)

Author: sourholland
Warnings: none

One thing that neither you, nor Tom wished to do was rule as his late father did. It was quite literally the opposite of what you wanted to do. Hidden away in Buckingham Palace like a madman, refusing to address his people.

Nearly ready to pop, you sat beside Tom in the open carriage with Alexander between the both of you. With a second child nearly here and a two year old, things seemed to be increasingly more difficult to manage. However, it was important that you were able to have control over some things. Rides through Hyde Park were one of those things.

"Mama, look," he murmured to you, tugging on the fabric of the dress you wore.

"I see, darling."

"Pull off here," Tom told the driver, who brought the horses to a complete stop.

It was rare that children of the royal family were brought out in such public settings, especially as frequently as Alexander was. Dominic kept his boys locked in the palace, something that Tom wished to discard like many of the traditions his father had created.

Stepping down onto the ground, the man bowed as Tom reached in and pulled Alexander down. Then with an outstretched hand, he helped you come down as well. Taking the boy in his arms, he held him on his hip and approached the large clusters of people.

"Your Majesty," a woman curtsied. "You look absolutely radiant, congratulations on the blessing of a new baby."

"Thank you," you told her gratefully.

Walking up behind Tom, you heard him speaking almost casually to one of the on goers. His cheeks were pink, talking with his hand that wasn't cradling his son's back. Everyone looked at him awestruck, unable to process how surreal it was to be speaking to royalty like they would anyone else.

"To be frank, it's Y/N who steals the show. Absolutely beautiful, I can't compare. She might just be my Queen as well as yours," he chuckled adoringly.

A few of the young women doted in front of him, looking over at each other and practically swooning at the compliments he was throwing at you. They all agreed, saying something about how they loved your daytime dress and the way Alexander looked so like him.

Nothing about what he was saying went along with what royal protocol explained, but he didn't care. Since meeting you, he'd grown accustomed to breaking a few rules. If he'd be chastised for praising you before his subjects, so be it. At least they'd never truly question the love he felt for you.
