Just One Night


Those days where he used to laugh and smile everyday, those days where he was always surrounded by his friends, those days where he wished would never end. The memories came back to him as he realized the person inside. It's his best friend, Kenchin.

He's in front of him.

Mikey felt dizzy right now, he thought he might faint. The nausea that he had earlier came back to him. This is too much. He wanted to leave so bad.

"Help me, Kenchin." Mikey quietly whispered.

As if hearing his name being called, Draken looked out from the window and their gazes locked with each other.


Mikey accidentally met Draken after 12 years of no contact.

A/N: OK, I've finally managed to finish it.This event take place during Bonten Arc.  With this, I think I've done most versions of Mikey. This one take longer to write because I'm trying so hard to understand both of them in this timeline and I don't know if I actually did a good job at it. However, I'm actually happy with it so I hope you guys enjoy it too.


He twists and turns on the bed, trying to find a better position for him to sleep in but no matter how hard he tries, he can't seem to find the will to close his eyes and drift to sleep. The sleeping drugs he always used were run out, and the new ones that Sanzu gave to him made him nauseous and awake more than anything else. He probably took more than the necessary amount, who knows? He never bothered to count.

The bed he's lying on was too big for him alone. A king sized bed befitting a crime lord. It's cold. It's lonely. He was tired. He felt sick. It's in the middle of the night and while most people should've already entered dreamland, he's left alone in the wake of consciousness.

At one point, he had enough. He rose up from his bed and almost stumbled from the nausea slowly overtaking his system. He steadied himself and walked to the bathroom. Standing in front of the mirror, he studied his face. Dark eyebags, pale face, chapped lips. His white hair contributes to his already ghostly features. Horrible. He looked at himself in disgust and almost gagged.

It seems the pills don't sit well in his body. He turned on the tap and splashed water on his face, calming himself before leaving.

He left his room. Sanzu, who was on guard duty immediately noticed his presence. "Where are you going, Boss?"

No idea. At least not here, not to that lonely room, not to that cold bed. Anywhere else but here. He finally answered. "A walk."

Sanzu raised an eyebrow at his answer but he nodded. "Very well." He had already started walking towards the storage room to prepare some necessities, such as a gun and a knife. You never know when the enemies are gonna be lurking when they're outside.

"I'm going alone. Don't follow me." Mikey's voice stayed firm and Sanzu stopped in his tracks, questioning his decision. A rash decision if he would say so himself. After all, Mikey was the most wanted criminal in Japan. Sure, he could protect himself just fine but he'd never go anywhere without someone accompanying him, until now. Seeing that Sanzu doesn't even offer a reply, Mikey looks him dead in the eye before continuing his steps outside. "I'll be back soon."

Sanzu quickly pulls himself together and chases the disappearing figure. Still holding a fully loaded gun, he quickly handed it over. "Then at least bring a gun with you, Boss."

Mikey spared a glance at the weapon but he didn't put any effort to take it. "No need. I can handle myself."

"But Boss.."

"Sanzu, are you defying me? Do you really want me to kill you?" Mikey glared at him and the man flinched. He lowered the gun and bow. "No. Have a safe journey."

Mikey closed the door behind him and was greeted with the cold night wind as soon as he stepped outside of their hideout, his body trembled but he moved forward. He had no destinations in mind, he just kept walking and walking, occasionally bumping into a few thugs trying to mug him, which ultimately proves to be fruitless since he didn't even bring a single cent with him and the thugs were almost beaten to death if not for Mikey stopping himself in time.

The newfound adrenaline from beating those thugs gave him some heat, which he was truly grateful for. The night's getting colder and yet he didn't stop nor wished to turn back to their hideout. After all, it was no different. He'll end up alone and cold in that lonely room.

It's midnight and most shops had already closed their curtains for the day. Mikey walked past the rows of closing shutters, paying no mind to the stares he received from a few concerned passers bys still lurking in the night.

He just randomly turns in every corner he comes across without looking where he's going. He just dragged himself to wherever his feet were taking him until he came across a familiar shopping street. Just like the previous stores he walked past, this one was no exception. All their shutters were closed. Mikey walked past the stores, feeling nostalgic all of a sudden as he was walking along the shops. He recognized this place but he never knew why. He didn't remember ever going to this street back when he's still a middle schooler, the only memories he still retains of his younger years, although it's now a blurry mess in his head.

He walked past a shop, a candy shop. The store itself was old but he recalled that he used to love visiting it. They sold some traditional sweets that he likes and he always pestered Shinichiro to buy some after he's done with his bike shop.


Mikey looks around the shopping district. He remembered. This shopping district is where his brother's shop was. He used to visit him a lot after school's over with Baji, sometimes with Kenchin or Emma.

Mikey stumbled upon another shop, a bookstore. He used to read the comics with Baji if he's bored waiting for Shinichiro. There's even a convenience store nearby where he used to help Shinichiro with small errands, though he used to complain about it.

Mikey smiled sadly at the memories. Upon his brother's passing, he never visited this place anymore. He tends to avoid it because all those precious memories he had associated with this place were now replaced with memories of police sirens and two of his friends being cuffed. He hates to remember it.

Mikey continued walking and stopped in front of a brightly lit store. Mikey remembered it as his brother's shop. SS Motors. He used to like seeing his brother get to work, seeing the smile on his brother's face as he tinkered a used motorcycle. He loved seeing his brother's broad back as he assembled the components of a bike, he laughed every time his brother got covered in oil when he messed up something, he missed chatting with him, spending time with him. He missed him so badly.

Now, someone else has taken over the shop after years it's been abandoned. It is still a bike shop though, Mikey noted.

Despite the brightly lit shop, the sign on the front door showed it's close. He looked inside from the window. There's bikes, new and old, arranged neatly on every side of the store. A CB250T bike was showcased at the front of the store, just like how his brother used to showcase his. A man was in the middle of the store. His back was facing him but Mikey could see he was fixing an old bike. He looks so focused, reminding Mikey how he used to stare at his brother while he was working, occasionally throwing some comments along the way.

The man was adjusting his position to get a better angle of the bike. For a second, Mikey caught a glimpse of a familiar tattoo at the side of the man's head.


Memories he'd long tried to forget suddenly came back to him. Those days where he used to laugh and smile everyday, those days where he was always surrounded by his friends, those days where he wished would never end. The memories came back to him as he realized the person inside. It's his best friend, his vice commander, his most loyal subordinate, the person he misses the most. Kenchin.

He's in front of him.

Mikey took a step back, his heart skipping a beat. He looked up at the signboard above the store. D&D Motors. Then he looked back again at the man in front of him, this time his face was in full view. He was wiping his hand with a towel and Mikey was certain it was him. His hair was black and long, though he just tied it up instead of braiding it. His dragon tattoo was clear now and his face is still as gentle as ever, as if nothing about him has changed.

Mikey felt dizzy right now, he thought he might faint. The nausea that he had earlier came back to him. Mikey struggled to keep himself upright and he could feel the acid climbing his throat, prompting him to want to throw up. This is too much. He wanted to leave so bad.

"Help me, Kenchin." Mikey quietly whispered.

As if hearing his name being called, Draken looked out from the window and their gazes locked with each other. Both eyes widened as they stood still for a few seconds. It's as if time had stopped itself at that moment. Draken looked at him in shock and he seemed to immediately recognize him despite his change of appearance from how they last saw each other.

That moment, Mikey decided it was enough. He needs to get out of here, fast. He can't stay here. He doesn't want to stay here. He took another step back and walked away. His hand was covering his mouth as he tried to keep the headache and nausea in check, he couldn't let himself fall right now.

Mikey could hear Draken hastily open the front door and Mikey tried to speed up but his head was ringing and his body shaking. The moment Draken catches up to him, Mikey already falls to the ground, unconscious.


Few hours earlier..

"Draken, why did you buy those sweets if you didn't intend to eat it?" Inupi questions the man while looking at a few packets of taiyaki on the work table beside the cashier. Draken just went back from the convenience store and it seems like he intended to stay late again. Inupi rummaged through the plastic bag to find the drinks he requested.

"I'll eat it later." Draken replied. "You could take some if you like."

Inupi raised an eyebrow. He knew Draken wouldn't eat it. He's usually the receiving end of those taiyakis and even if he's not, Draken wouldn't let it go to waste and just give out to some customers or the nearby shop owners. Inupi just shakes his head in response. He pulled out his drink and took a sip. "No thanks. I'm gonna eat dinner outside. You're staying?"

"Yeah. There's a bike I wanna fix up before leaving."

"You're working too hard right now, Draken. You should take some time off work. I can manage this place alone just fine." Inupi voiced his concerns but it all fell on deaf ears.

Draken would, but he loves to keep himself busy so that he won't start overthinking. Like what is the person up to right now? What is he thinking? Is he eating right? Draken saw the recent news. The criminal syndicate that's been terrorising Tokyo. Bonten. He knew who the leader was. He was upset by it. He's frustrated with himself because he can't do anything about it without risking the lives of the people around him.

He just smiled sadly as he looked at Inupi. "I'll think about it."

Inupi watched as Draken went to the back room. He knew what he was thinking, for he too has a person he wanted to save but couldn't because of his own weakness. Funny how both people they're trying to reach were in the same group, unreachable to normal people like them.

Inupi let out a sigh before staring back at the bundle of taiyakis on the table. It won't hurt taking one. He finished cleaning the front store and turning the close sign. Draken came back with a toolbox and ready to start working on the bike he had in mind.

"Thanks Inupi."

Inupi shakes his head. "Don't mention it. It's just my job." He put away the cleaning supplies and changed his clothes. He took a packet of taiyaki on his way out. "See you tomorrow." Inupi waved at Draken who was sitting in front of a used bike, rummaging through the contents of his toolbox.

"Yeah. See you." Draken immediately got back to work as soon as the doors closed. The shop was quiet and empty aside from all the motorcycles surrounding him. All the shops around him were closed for the day and he was alone.

Well, he was used to being alone actually. After Mikey disappeared, he never really thought of what he wanted to do. He always thought he'll always be in Toman, always beside Mikey.

When Toman disbanded and Mikey's gone, he thought he had nothing left. That's when Inupi approached him and they started a bike shop together, on the very same space the late Shinichiro used to have his shop.

Running a bike shop was never easy, especially to a former delinquent like him, but he managed. After years, it became part of his life. Draken chuckled a little, he now understands why Shinichiro loves to spend time here alone. It's calming in a way you're only focusing on the bike in front of you and nothing else.

Draken was busy repairing and cleaning a few components that he didn't notice when the clock struck midnight. He looked back at the bike in front of him. "Almost finished." He just had to tinker a little bit on the side. He slightly moved to get a better angle. He tightened a few loose screws around and was done. He stood up as he looked at his work and smiled in satisfaction. "Let's have a test run tomorrow." He mumbled.

He reached out for a towel nearby to wipe his hands from the oil he accidentally spilled. That's when his eyes caught sight of a figure outside the store. His clothes were black but his hair was pure white. His dark black eyes widened as their eyes locked on each other. It's almost like a ghost was staring at him.

Most people would probably freak out but Draken stood still. That face, that eyes. There's almost no doubt, he recognized it. Albeit he looked more skinny than the last time he remembered and a bit older. It's him. The person he tried so hard to reach out. He's in front of him.


Draken moved forward but Mikey took a step back and hurriedly walked away. His eyes were panicking.


No! No!

Don't leave me again!

Come back, Mikey!

Draken sprinted out of the store and ran, hoping he could catch up to him. Finally, finally he managed to see him. After 12 long years, he finally sees him in the flesh. He doesn't want to let go. Not again. Not anymore. Please, Mikey!

The moment Draken finally grabs ahold of his hand, Mikey falls to the ground, unconscious. Draken was in panic as he used his other hand to support Mikey's body. He frantically leaned his ears on Mikey's face, checking for any sign of breathing and sighing in relief when he did.

He is lighter than he remembered, Draken noted. Now that he had a closer look, Mikey's body was just flesh and bones.Dark eye bags hanging from his eyes, suggesting he never had a proper sleep for the longest time. His hair was shorter compared to his younger self.

Draken's lips parted into a smile. It's him. It is him. He looks different but it's still him.

He slowly carried Mikey back towards the shop and laid him down on a sofa in the back room. He walked towards the counter, taking a can of drink he bought earlier from the plastic bag, silently pondering to himself.

What should he do now? He never really thought he would ever see Mikey again. At least, not this sudden. Now that he's here, Draken is now lost. It's been twelve years with no contact. He didn't know Mikey like he used to. Did he still love taiyaki and dorayaki? Did he still order a kid's meal for lunch? Did he always sleep whenever he got the chance to?

The last point doesn't seem to be the case and Draken already doubts what he could do. After all, both of them were no longer the children they used to be. And Mikey... is a criminal.

Draken took another glance at Mikey. He's not dreaming. He is here.

Draken approached the unconscious man. Despite the obvious sign of exhaustion, it looks to him that Mikey was currently in deep sleep. A small smile formed as he looked at him. "At least your sleeping face never changes, Mikey." He remembered how he always stares at it, well, forced to since Mikey always sleeps. However, right now, it kinda gives him a sense of security and reassurance that not everything he knows about Mikey is gone. He wants to trust it.

Draken packs all the taiyakis inside the bag. He cleaned up his previous workplace, removing oil stains, putting away the tools and doing some minor cleanup.

Once he's done, he approached Mikey again. This time, he slowly lifted him and leaned him against his back, just like how he used to everytime Mikey slept in a restaurant.

He chuckled a little as he remembered. How nostalgic.

Draken turned off the lights and locked the doors before heading out. The plastic bag was in his hand while he supported Mikey's body.

His apartment was not that far, but it did take a bit of a walk. Usually, he would just ride his Zephyr but today, he thought it would be a good change of pace to try and walk instead.

Mikey stirred behind him, slowly waking up.

"Are you awake, Mikey?"

Mikey was silent for a while, letting his mind drift off as he tried to piece together his memories. His eyes strayed to the man in front of him.


Draken was delighted. "Been a while since I heard that name."

It is him. Draken reminded himself. "Do you remember? Back when we're kids, I used to carry you on my back. You were quite a hassle back then." But that was one of the things he missed the most.

"Put me down, Kenchin." Mikey tries to push him and struggle for him to let go but Draken's grip on him tightens more as a result. "Put me down." At one point, Mikey was forced to give up when the man still refused to let go.

"I won't." Draken gritted his teeth. "You know how many years I've tried to reach you? How many times have I tried to find you? You think I would let go after I finally found you?"

Mikey stared at his back, unable to read the latter's expression. His mind is still fuzzy with a mild headache but he knows one thing.

Kenchin still hasn't given up on him. Even after 12 years.

"Why? You have a nice bike shop. You have a new place. You have new people with you. Why do you care so much for me?"

"Because I'm your friend. I made a promise with you, right? I'll always be with you... through thick and thin."

Mikey was silent but he leaned his head on Draken's shoulder.

Why do you still hold to that childish promise?

We're not the same as we used to.

I'm not the person I used to be.

I don't know you anymore.

You don't know me.

But... a thought crossed Mikey's mind in that moment of silence.

Is it okay?

Is it okay to just forget all about it?

Forget that he's part of a dangerous organization?

Forget that he's a wanted criminal?

Just being the plain old Mikey... for just one night?

Is it okay?

Mikey finally let himself be carried, leaning his head against Draken's back. He lets himself drown in his scent. He missed it. His broad back feels comforting, just like he remembered. "Suit yourself."

Mikey could feel Draken's grip around him becoming more relaxed now. They continued walking along the dark streets. The night was still cold but unlike Mikey's previous walk, with Kenchin holding him close, it just felt warm. The nausea and headache he had seemed to slowly subside and Mikey almost felt like he could peacefully sleep right now.

"We're here." Draken stopped in front of an apartment building. Mikey looked at it in awe. So this is where he lives after all these years. It's just a one bedroom apartment, complete with a small kitchen and a bathroom. Draken unlocked the door and dragged both of them inside.

He finally puts Mikey down, believing he won't try to run away this time. "Are you hungry?"

The clock already signifies that it's already 1 a.m but he could have cooked up something.

Mikey denied at first, feeling the awkwardness between them, a gap of some sort that he couldn't quite discern.

However, a small growling noise came from Mikey, causing Draken to look at him and he cheekily smiled. "Looks like someone else is more honest."

Mikey cupped his face with his hands. "Ughh"

"Just sit back, I'll make something for you. In the meantime... here." Draken handed him the plastic bag. "Do you still like it?"

Mikey took it out of his hand and a few packs of taiyakis accidentally fell out of it. He stared at it but opened one pack and started eating it.

He still likes it, Draken mused.

He went to the kitchen, checking the fridge for ingredients. Ever since he moved out from the brothel, he started learning how to cook. He can't always rely on bought meals alone and while he never had experience being in the kitchen like Mitsuya, he can say that his cooking was quite decent. Though none have ever tried it aside from him.

He could make fried rice with this, so he took out the ingredients and put it on the kitchen counter. Mikey walked up to him, another taiyaki was hanging in his mouth. "Can I... help?"

Draken blinked once, then twice. It's the first time Mikey offers help for something this trivial. Still, Draken shook his head. "No need. Just continue eating that taiyaki." Mikey nodded sleepily. At a glance, Draken could see Mikey's old self coming back and he's kinda relieved seeing it.

As he was busy rummaging his cabinets for extra plates, he noticed a small box hidden inside. Draken was a bit puzzled. He didn't really remember the content of the box. It's surface was quite dusty so he wiped and opened it. He almost laughed upon looking at the content, gaining the attention of the sleepy Mikey. It seems like he's already munching his third taiyaki. "Kenchin?"

Draken closed the box and resumed his cooking. "It's nothing. I'll finish up soon. If you have nothing better to do, just pour us some water. I think I do have some juice in the fridge."

Mikey let out a long hmmm but he did move and approached the fridge. Draken gave him two glasses. Mikey accepted it and went to the dining table.

Once Draken finished, he put the fried rice on two plates. He took a piece out of the content of the box and put it on Mikey's plate. Satisfied with his work, he moved out of the kitchen.

Draken put Mikey's plate in front of him.

Mikey stared at it in surprise. On top of his rice was a small flag with a tiny Toman logo on it.

"Bet you never had one of these for a long time." Draken smiled. Mikey's eyes glowed for the first time. For once, a small smile formed on his face as he picked up the flag and twirled it with his fingers. "Thank you, Kenchin."

Although not as chaotic and exaggerated of a reaction that he used to, he took the small genuine act he posed. Draken grinned. "You're welcome."

"Here." Mikey pushed a glass of orange juice towards him.


Mikey took the first bite and Draken anxiously waited for his reply.

Sensing his concern, Mikey nodded in approval. "It's good." And that word alone made Draken's day. After all, this is the first time he ever served his homemade food to someone. Not to mention, his first had to be the least expected person.

Mikey silently eats and Draken can't help staring at Mikey's figure. He's far too thin to be healthy and his dark eyebags speak for itself how exhausted he looks. There's a lot of questions Draken wanted to ask. A lot he wanted to know but when he finally faced him, Draken's mind went blank and only one question came to mind. "Have you been well?"

Mikey doesn't seem to be bothered by the questions as he continues eating. However, he kept his answers vague. "As you can see."

Draken sighed. He wanted to push further. He wants to confront him, ask him but he thought he should wait a little more, he doesn't want him to lose appetite when he's already that thin.

Mikey was never an observer, but he knew when something was concerning his friend and he had no doubt it's because of him. It's been a long time since they've seen each other but as Mikey once claimed to be all knowing of him, he knew something was up and he could see how he was holding himself back for his sake.

Finally, Mikey asks. "How's everyone?"

Draken was silent for a while. He doesn't expect Mikey to utter any question. However, deep inside he was kinda glad that Mikey still cares for their friends. "Everyone's fine. They all have their own careers now. Mitsuya's an established fashion designer."

"Sounds a lot like him." Mikey mused.

"Hakkai's a famous model too with Yuzuha as his manager. Chifuyu and Kazutora now run a pet shop. Everyone's busy now so we never had time to meet like before."

"So it seems." Mikey softly smiled. It feels like his sacrifice was worth it, seeing his friends all achieve their dreams, having good careers. It's the best future, right?

"Hey, Mikey. Next week's gonna be Pah-chin's wedding. You should come too. All the guys will be there. Takemitchy too."

Mikey paused. "What good if someone like me were to come?"

"Don't you wanna see them again?"

"I don't want to ruin someone's happy day." Especially after everything he'd done.

But everyone will be glad to see you. That's something Draken can be sure about. "But-"

"Enough of that, Kenchin! I won't go." Mikey snapped. He doesn't want to ruin it, their happiness. Everything he sacrifices for, he doesn't want to destroy the happiness that they've built.

Draken was so taken aback by his outburst that he had to stop himself for a while. He drank his orange juice.

Ahh, it hurts. Even the juice felt bitter than usual. He heaved deep breaths. He'll try again.

"Then, are you going to the shrine?"

Mikey raised an eyebrow. "The shrine?"

"Don't you remember? You're the one who proposed the idea of a time machine and that we're gonna open it in the next 12 years. That is now. Takemitchy hasn't come back yet but still, we promised each other to come back and open it."

Will you go with me? A silent request from him.

"Ahh..." He forgot about it. It's been 12 painful years, Mikey had forgotten the whole premise. "I won't go." He already made the decision long ago.

"Mikey..." Draken sighed. He knew he would reject the idea too. Then, there's only one thing left he needed to know. "Then, let me ask you... did Takemitchy say anything to you?"

Mikey was silent and Draken thought he hit a bullseye.

"12 years ago, that night after our fight with Tenjiku, you must have asked Takemitchy, 'what happened?' Hina-chan said before, he was desperate to save us. And whatever it was he told you, you disband Toman because of it. What did he tell you?"

Kenchin gets killed again and again. I once killed all our members, Toman became a menace to society. Our members killed and were killed left and right. Everything goes wrong every single time. Could Mikey say that to him? After he finally achieved a future where Kenchin is breathing and their friends are happy, how could he say all the horrific things Takemitchy said to him? "None of your business." Is the only answer he could come up with.

Draken was dismayed. He knew he was naive back in the day. He didn't notice the burden his leader carried this past twelve years. Whatever it was Takemitchy told him, he knew it was not pleasant. Mikey abruptly disbanded Toman without consulting him, or any of the other members for that matter.

Draken doesn't want to be that naive 15 year old anymore. After years, he finally realizes how big the burden is on Mikey's shoulders. He wants to lift that burden, or at the very least, want him to share some of it. However, Draken knew Mikey. He's someone who hides his feelings, his burdens and puts up a strong persona in front of them. That's how Draken got fooled by it. He finally knew now how much it took a toll on him and he felt guilty for never noticing his struggles.

Is it too late to start over?

"Mikey...can you stop this?"

Mikey looks puzzled. "Stop what?"

"Stop everything that you do now. Do you really want to live like this? You're gonna destroy yourself at this rate. Is this what you want?"

Mikey glared at him."Kenchin... this is a path I choose for myself. You don't have the right to say anything."

Draken felt his anger rising. He knew Mikey was stubborn but why can't he listen to him? "Then are you happy!? Can you really say it to my face that you're content with this way of living!? That you're okay with a bounty on your head!?"

Mikey was silent, his face down. He knew Kenchin would see through it even if he lied. He would prefer not to face him for he knew Kenchin would look too deep into his eyes to find the answer.

His outburst caused tension on the table. Draken slumped his back on the chair. He's tired.

"Mikey, can we... start over?"

Mikey looked at him. His dark eyes filled with nothing but pure emptiness as far as Draken could see. He's lost himself in the darkness, and Draken is determined to pull him out.

"How? I'm a criminal. I did a lot of bad stuff. I kill people. You think I can just start anew just because I wanted to?"

"Then let's run away! Someplace no one will know you. And I'll be with you through that." It's just a spontaneous plan he came up with in the heat of the conversation, but damn he'll go through with it if it means Mikey will come back to him.

"Eh?" Mikey's eyes widened and he felt his heart race. "Why would you do that? Why would you throw your life away for me?"

"Because I need you." Draken confessed. "Ever since Emma's gone, I'm just... lost. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. You, Emma and Toman are my everything... but Toman disbanded and Emma's..."

"So is that it? Am I just a replacement for Emma?" Mikey raised an eyebrow and just a bit, he felt upset about it.

"When did I ever say that? Mikey... I've dreamt about her a lot these past 12 years. You know what she said to me? 'Please help Mikey' and I too want to help you. Why can't you understand that?"

"Because I can't see the point of you doing it. You have a good life ahead. You're not gonna be happy with me. I'm just gonna give you more pain." So please stop it.

"Mikey.." Draken mouthed. His eyes soften. "It's painful enough seeing you suffer alone. Please, Mikey." He's begging at this point, which he probably never did in his life. But for the sake of his friend, he's willing to lower his head.

"I..." Mikey was unable to utter a word. His friend was so determined to take him.

Mikey cursed himself. He knew this would happen and yet, he let himself be swayed by his words and let himself be dragged into his apartment. His breath hitched. It's suffocating. He knew he shouldn't leave his room from the very beginning. He already endured 12 years of solitude so what's the difference now?

He knew he needed to stop this. He can't risk his life, his best friend's life again. He doesn't want him to die and he'd rather live in darkness if it means Kenchin was safe. To keep everyone safe. Isn't that what he vowed to do?


Mikey's silence caused Draken to be frustrated. Even begging was not enough. He can almost feel the energy drained in his body. What else could he do? What else could he say?

"Mikey...what is it you want...? What do you really want to do?" Draken can hear his voice shaking as he tries to hold himself from crying.

Again, Mikey remains silent and Draken knows this conversation is over. He had nothing left to say.

"Let's just sleep for now." Draken finally makes the final call. "Would you come with me?"

Mikey looked him in the eye, seemingly hesitated but he softly nodded, finally giving in. Draken let out a small smile. At least he's willing to stay.

He'll try again tomorrow.

It's already two in the morning and he has to open the store for tomorrow. He took their plates and walked to the sink. His head hurts and he feels really tired. All those outbursts he had now drained to exhaustion. He needed to take a rest.

Once he'd finished cleaning up, he looked tiredly at Mikey who was still silently sitting on the chair. "We'll talk about this again later. For now, you need sleep."

Mikey followed him to the bedroom.

Draken climbed up the bed first, leaving some space for Mikey to squeeze in. Mikey stood and stared. Draken held out his hand.

Mikey was hesitant for a second but reluctantly took it.

Draken's bed was just a single sized bed. It's cramped and a bit uncomfortable for two men but somehow compared to Mikey's lonely king sized bed, this small bed emits warmth. Draken's familiar scent overflows Mikey's senses and it comforts him. Draken pulled him closer and Mikey felt weird and fuzzy. He feels safe in his arms unlike his bed where guns hidden underneath his pillows were necessary to eliminate intruders daring to kill him. Mikey feels normal for once and he almost doesn't want to let go of it.

Kenchin's already asleep, Mikey noted from his steady breathing. As he expected. Although it took far longer than he thought.

Just a little bit.

He wants this contentment.

Just for one night.

Was he allowed to?

Mikey turns his body to face his former friend. He lets himself bask in his warmth, the same warmth he misses throughout his 12 years in darkness. He touches his face, his neck, his hair. Draken didn't even flinch, he was deeply sleeping.

"I'm sorry Kenchin. Good night."


Draken woke up to the sound of his phone ringing throughout his house. His head hurt and he felt like throwing up. It feels like a hangover but he doesn't remember drinking any alcohol the night before.

That's when he remembered Mikey. He looked around but the latter was nowhere in his room. "Mikey!"

Draken immediately rose up from his bed and went to the living room. There's no sign of him. He walked to the bathroom, the kitchen and even his balcony but there was no sign of his presence. His phone was still ringing. Draken ran towards it.

He was slightly disappointed that the call was from Inupi but he picked it up nonetheless. "Inupi. What's wrong?"

Inupi seemed taken aback by Draken's nonchalant behaviour. His voice was distressed. "What's wrong?? Draken, it's already 12 in the afternoon. Where are you? I've been calling you for hours. You finally answered and asked me what's wrong?"

Draken wide eyed as he glanced at the clock. It is already 12 pm. What? He's been asleep for that long? He gets that he was exhausted last night but he should've heard his alarms. Unless..


"Sorry Inupi. I don't feel well today. Could you take care of the shop for me?"

Inupi sighed on the other line. "This is why I asked you to take a rest. It's okay though. Just inform me early so I won't be worried sick for you."

Draken softly smiled. "Yeah, sorry about that."

"Just rest for today." With that, Inupi ended the call, leaving Draken alone in the living room, pondering to himself.

A thought popped into his mind. Did Mikey drug him? When?

His head hurts. He walked to the kitchen for some water. As he stared at the water, something clicked in him.

Ahh, the orange juice. He asked Mikey to pour for both of them. Is that it? He rummaged through his dustbin and sure enough, there's a bottle of unknown pills thrown into it.

So that means Mikey's already gone...

Back to that awful place.

"Damnit Mikey."

He failed. How naive of him.

Will he ever see him again? Probably not anymore.


7.00 a.m.

"Boss, you're back. Where have you been?" Sanzu frantically looked everywhere for him after he was gone for far too long. He sighed in relief knowing he's not hurt anywhere.

He knew he should just push him to take the gun. Yet at the same time, he doesn't want to defy his boss.

"That's none of your business." Mikey walked towards his room, ignoring the young man. "I'm tired, don't let anyone come into my room."


Mikey was about to open the door to his room when he remembered. "Sanzu."

"Yes, Boss."

"Give me another sleeping pill."

Sanzu blinked. He remembered that he just gave him a bottle only a few days ago and it should last at least a month. "What happens to the ones I gave you before?"

"Threw it. Makes me sick."

The pink-haired man bowed. "I understand. I'll prepare it as soon as possible."

Mikey closed the door behind him before plopping himself on the bed. Kenchin was still asleep when he left but his alarms were blasting at 6.00 a.m.

Mikey lightly chuckled. Always the early bird, huh.

He reached for his pocket and took out the small flag from yesterday. He twirled it in his fingers as he stared at the little Toman logo on it. He breathed out a sigh.

"What is it I want, huh?" Mikey recalled the question his friend asked him. Truth be told, the answer was simple enough.

If he could be selfish, if he could say it out loud, then there's only one thing he wants.

He wants to go back to that time, where he spends all his days with his Toman members and friends. Laughing, chatting, and playing. Just spending time together was enough.

That's the only thing he wants.

But that's impossible now.

We can never be like the kids we used to be.

We can never start over.

So just let me be.


Mikey crumpled the flag and threw it into the dustbin, leaving behind all his attachments he had the night before.

A/N: It won't do without the angst right? Tbh, I initially want Mikey to actually take the gun from Sanzu but no, because I can bet he be pulling the trigger on him. It's a bit ooc (I think) since Mikey's dark impulse didn't act up. I just want to give Mikey a lil bit of comfort from his best friend so I want him to be himself for a while.
